How to get rid of cellulite on legs reviews

I’ll say right away that with my height of 165 cm and weight 52 kg, I HAD quite pronounced cellulite! I did cupping massage for 2 months, every day for 20 minutes. BUT everything remained unchanged ((
So! Month. and he is no more! I alternated between a honey massage day and a cupping day (20-30 minutes a day). After the honey massage, I take a contrast shower with a scrub (mix ground coffee with shower gel). Twice a week I take a bath in essential oils (juniper, orange) . In addition to all this, I excluded sugar, sweets, flour, too much salt, coffee. I wouldn’t say that I’m eating healthy, but still. I drink a lot of green tea.
Well, it seems like everything)) Result: the butt is toned, elastic, without dimples! My pride! I wish everyone good luck. Your text, if it’s not a secret, how long did it take you to completely delete it??

Girls, I’m very glad that I reduced this infection!))))

I finally found a recipe for getting rid of cellulite! For the first time in my life I am leaving my review on the Internet, because... I think it can be useful to many. I am a lazy person by nature, but hardy. Those. I’m too lazy to stick to a daily diet and go to the pool and gym, and I don’t have time. But all kinds of burning creams, rubbing, kneading and massages with my husband’s strong hands, injecting ozone in huge portions... HORROR. It hurts, it’s a waste of money, but there’s no point!
I am not inclined to be overweight: I am 35 years old, weight 55 kg with a height of 165 cm, but my legs and hips were in terrible lumps, completely jelly. I walked around exclusively in trousers, now I’ve completely forgotten about them. I wear dresses and skirts and I’m happy, I’m a woman.
1. Vibrating massage belt (approx. 2,500 rubles) (it’s very pleasant in the evening, after a delicious dinner, to lie on the sofa, watch TV and alternately apply the belt to your calves, thighs, buttocks, even to your feet) for no more than 30 minutes in total.
2. Fucus - seaweed (approx. 80 rubles in the pharmacy 36.6) I drink 1/2 tsp once a day at lunch.
3. Laminaria - also seaweed - I sometimes drink in the evening as a cleanser.
Nothing bothers you, and algae is very beneficial for the whole body. You just need to learn how to drink them
And in order to lose weight, I know that the “Lose Weight in a Week” suitcases from Leovit are very helpful (my sister really lost weight)

There are many such topics here, excuse me for repeating myself, but let’s now talk not about how and how you can get rid of it, but about those who REALLY got rid of it! Are there any such things at all? Otherwise, in other topics they only write advice about cellulite, but I haven’t seen a single message from those who have completely gotten rid of it.

I got rid of cellulite! Now I will describe in detail how this is done.
Take a small amount of honey (natural, not crystallized) and apply it to the problem area (stomach, thighs, buttocks, etc.), having first measured the volume of this area in cm. Rub the honey evenly over the skin. Next, with smooth movements, you glue the palm of your hand to the skin and sharply peel it off. At first, the hand will easily “come off”, but when the honey is absorbed into the skin, it will become more and more painful (tolerable).
After some time, you will see that a white coating will appear on the surface of the skin - this is subcutaneous fat! It will become more and more, you will see how it will begin to remain on your hands and the honey will lose its effect. Wash everything off your skin. Take a meter and measure the circle. At least minus 3 cm! Everything took no more than 20 minutes.
The next day, repeat the procedure, but it is possible that after it the volume of the problem area will become larger, not smaller - this is a slight swelling, it will go away in a couple of days.
In short, do this for 5-6 days or 14-15 (every other day) and you will be satisfied with the result.
I wish you success and results!
This is really true. I’m tormented by vague doubts that this is how the fat comes out right away)

24. It was the case - I never took contraceptives, but there was always cellulite and my hair always fell out. So don't talk bullshit.

Cellulite is structural changes in subcutaneous fat tissue as a result of stagnation and degeneration of adipose tissue. Due to the structural features of a woman’s skin, cellulite primarily affects the fairer sex, forcing them to take decisive measures to combat the unsightly “orange peel.” How to get rid of cellulite - cosmetic procedures, gymnastics and properly organized nutrition will come to the rescue.

What causes cellulite?

Women's skin has a thinner and more elastic structure, which allows it to stretch during pregnancy. This useful physical property can actually turn into a pathological process. Under the influence of provoking factors, tissue metabolism is disrupted, fat deposits accumulate, fluid stagnation and disruption of the structure of fat cells are observed. As a result, connective tissue rapidly grows, forming those same tubercles and depressions that are called cellulite or lipodystrophy.

There are several factors that can trigger the occurrence and progression of cellulite:

  1. Age-related changes. Over time, collagen fibers, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin, lose their elasticity and cease to act as a framework, thereby allowing connective and fatty tissues to grow.
  2. Heredity. A genetic predisposition to pathology leads to the fact that even a young girl can find signs of cellulite on her body. Or vice versa, an older woman can boast of elastic and beautiful forms.
  3. Poor nutrition. Fatty, spicy, salty foods, lack of fluid in the body or its excess inevitably lead to an imbalance in metabolic processes.
  4. Hormonal changes. Disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland, ovaries and adrenal glands negatively affect metabolism and the condition of subcutaneous tissue.
  5. Sedentary lifestyle. The lack of optimal physical activity contributes to stagnation in tissues and prevents effective energy exchange.

Negative factors also include nicotine addiction, permanent stress conditions, circulatory disorders, pregnancy and childbirth.

Cellulite can be caused by improperly selected shoes and clothing: high heels, shapewear, corsets and tight jeans.

Cellulite: how to get rid of the “orange peel”

Getting rid of cellulite is not an easy task, but it can be done. To combat pathology, it is necessary to use the entire range of techniques and approaches offered by modern medicine and cosmetology. Cellulite is best treated in its early stages. To eliminate symptoms, a course of massage, fitness and getting rid of bad habits will be enough. To combat advanced forms of lipodystrophy, you will have to use the entire arsenal of proven techniques.

Diet food

Healthy nutrition is the key to good health and normal functioning of all organs and systems. Correcting your diet will not help you completely get rid of cellulite, but it will make it less pronounced and prevent the progression of the pathological process. Eating healthy foods will normalize metabolism and remove excess fluid, toxins and waste.

The nutritional system should be changed gradually - sharp and strict restrictions will lead to a stressful state and aggravate the problem.

A healthy anti-cellulite diet is based on the following principles:

  1. Refusal of spicy, salty, fatty, smoked foods, baked goods, sweets, fast food, sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol.
  2. Increased consumption of vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products.
  3. Emphasis on products with a large amount of fiber and dietary fiber - baked goods made from wholemeal flour, bran and cereals.
  4. Maintaining water balance - the volume of purified water drunk per day should be from 1.5 to 2 liters. The drinking diet can be enriched with rosehip decoction, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, and warm green tea.
  5. Steamed, stewed or boiled dishes are preferable.
  6. Compliance with the rules of separate nutrition - there should be a gap of about 2 hours between the consumption of proteins and carbohydrates.

The feeling of hunger can be satisfied with the help of drinks - tea or plain water will help “deceive” the stomach and easily wait for the next meal. Suitable snacks include dry cookies, bread, natural yogurt, vegetables and fruits.


Therapeutic wraps will help get rid of cellulite on the legs, abdomen and buttocks. The procedure will help warm up, soften subcutaneous fat tissue and activate fat burning processes. Wraps can be performed twice a week, and in advanced cases it is possible to use the technique every other day.

The healing effect of the wraps is based on the “greenhouse effect”: the skin in problem areas is treated with a special anti-cellulite composition and wrapped in cling film. The high temperature under the film accelerates metabolic processes: blood circulation, the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands are enhanced, fatty deposits are broken down and removed.

Wraps are carried out with ready-made cosmetics or mixtures prepared at home:

  1. White or blue clay mixed with cold boiled water and essential oils;
  2. Natural honey melted in a water bath;
  3. Dried seaweed, steamed in hot water;
  4. Grated ginger mixed with warmed milk;
  5. Mustard powder diluted with water and liquid honey.

The duration of the wrap is from 30 to 60 minutes. It is better to make the first procedure shorter, and in the future the exposure time can be gradually increased.

Wraps cannot be performed during “critical days”, with varicose veins and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

Exercise and walking

How to quickly get rid of cellulite - you can’t do without physical activity. If you have the opportunity to sign up for a sports club, gymnastics or fitness class, this would be a great solution. Attending classes according to a specific schedule mobilizes, motivates and does not allow you to relax.

Physical exercises can also be done at home - it is enough to spend 10-15 minutes a day on exercises. The simplest actions with a load are suitable for cellulite:

  1. 10 deep squats with straight arms in front of you;
  2. Squats on an invisible chair with the body held in a half-squat for 20-30 seconds;
  3. 10 alternating lunges in a standing position with weight transfer on the left and right legs;
  4. Swing your legs up while lying on your side - 10 swings on each side with maximum amplitude;
  5. 10 hip raises while lying on your back with your knees bent.

Regular walking is also effective in the fight against cellulite - 20-30 minutes of walking at an accelerated pace will be enough to keep muscles toned, improve lymphatic drainage and start losing excess weight. Particular attention should be paid to posture while walking: your back should be straight, your shoulders should be straightened, and your gaze should be directed forward and not at your feet. Running, jumping rope and swimming will help you get rid of cellulite.


The purpose of anti-cellulite massage is to warm up the tissues, improve blood circulation, and stimulate the functions of the sweat and sebaceous glands. It is better to carry out the procedure with a qualified specialist, but with some skill you can massage problem areas yourself.

The procedure begins with light stroking and vibration with a gradual transition to rubbing and light pinching. Movements can be kneading, squeezing, patting and rolling. Hands should move from bottom to top to the hips, and the entire session should take at least 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out until the desired aesthetic effect is achieved, and to consolidate the result, massage is carried out twice a week.

Vacuum cupping massage gives a good effect. Exposure of the skin to rarefied air stimulates metabolic processes, effectively breaks down the “orange peel” and improves the condition of the skin.

Honey massage is effective in the fight against cellulite - a powerful rejuvenating and tonic. Only natural melted honey is suitable for the session - 2-3 spoons per problem area. The muscles must first be prepared with a light massage, and then honey must be applied to the skin with tapping movements, as if gluing the product to the body. Each zone should be treated for about 7-10 minutes until the honey turns into a gray substance.

You can add a few drops of eucalyptus or orange essential oil to honey - this will enhance the anti-cellulite effect.

Baths and scrubs

Baths are the simplest and most accessible way that effectively smoothes out uneven skin, eliminates excess fat, relieves tension and restores strength.

Water procedures should be carried out no earlier than two hours after eating. It is forbidden to immerse the heart area in water, so the bath is taken in a sitting position.

What you can add to your home bath:

  1. 10 drops of any essential oil dissolved in cream;
  2. Medicinal infusions with rosemary, chamomile, lavender, sage, mint, linden blossom, oak bark;
  3. Sliced ​​lemons, brewed with boiling water (2-3 pieces per 0.5 liters of boiling water);
  4. A glass of liquid honey;
  5. Sea or table salt (400 g) and soda (200 g).

Cool water at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees has the maximum tonic effect.

A cleanser – coffee scrub – will help enhance the beneficial effects of anti-cellulite baths. Ground coffee grains stimulate the skin, cleanse it of dirt and dead cells, and increase blood circulation and metabolism in tissues. Coffee scrub should be applied to a steamed, slightly damp body. At the same time, you can do a light massage of problem areas. After 10 minutes, rinse off the coffee mixture and wipe the skin with a towel.

For one session you will need 3 tablespoons of ground coffee and sea salt. To make the mixture easier to apply, you can add a small amount of olive oil. After this procedure, the skin will not require nourishing and moisturizing cream.

Home remedies for cellulite also include medicated masks. Mix a large spoonful of ground pepper and chopped ginger root with a spoonful of olive oil. Apply to the skin and massage the area for 10-12 minutes. The course of treatment is 1 month - two sessions per week.


Cosmetic anti-cellulite products are most popular among women and girls. They are easy to use, have a pleasant texture and delicate scent, and with regular use they provide a noticeable healing effect.

The action of anti-cellulite creams is aimed at removing excess fluid from the fat layer, which makes the “orange peel” less noticeable.

The application of anti-cellulite products must be combined with physical exercise - this will ensure effective burning of fat cells.

The composition of medicinal cosmetics most often includes seaweed, caffeine, ivy and horse chestnut extracts, and essential oils.

Cosmetics serve as an auxiliary and preventive method in the fight against cellulite. Advanced forms of lipodystrophy cannot be cured with gels and creams.

According to a study by the US Beauty Institute (2009), between the ages of 15 and 45, only one in ten women on the planet can sleep peacefully without deciding before the beach season what to do with cellulite. Unfortunately, I am not one of these lucky ones. And the upcoming beach season awakens conflicting feelings in me - I rejoice through tears and plan a strategy to combat cellulite
Know-it-all Yandex answers my questions with a mountain of links - she tried her best to structure them.

I propose to supplement this list with recommendations based on my own experience. If you have done at least one of the procedures, used at least one of the products - share and future fighters against cellulite will not forget us!

So, our arsenal of means to combat the plague of the 21st century - cellulite, collected with the help of Yandex:

1. Let's start with the simplest - aromatherapy, aroma lamps; baths with aromatic essential oils (including orange) against “orange peel”. For the same purposes, juniper and cypress oils are used. Non-traumatic, pleasant, but, alas, the least productive treatment; reliable statistics on the results could not be found.

2. Preparations applied externally to problem areas - anti-cellulite creams, serums, gels, scrubs. Every self-respecting cosmetic brand has anti-cellulite products. On average, a positive effect is achieved in 5 – 60 days. But science does not stand still. Among the latest cosmetic hits, the American serum Adonia Legton promises the first result 9 minutes (!) after use. As a rule, there are no contraindications for such cosmetics.

3.SPA treatments: contrast showers, sauna combined with peeling, aqua aerobics, Charcot or circular shower. Indicated for long-term use. The last of these are carried out only in special salons or fitness centers, and therefore are expensive. Only Charcot's shower has contraindications.

4.Body massage: manual, vacuum, cryo- and pneumomassage. All of the above is effective, especially when using additional creams and gels that help burn fat. These procedures help a lot, but only after an n-number of sessions conducted by top specialists in specially equipped rooms. And therefore they are not cheap. Only manual massage has no contraindications.

5. Wraps: thalassotherapy, for example, Algologie, Thal'ion (mud, clay wraps) or the use of kelp bandages, active iodine algae. Wraps are contraindicated for women with hypertension and cardiovascular diseases and have a very specific smell. The performance is high.

6.Reflexotherapy. Impact with a special tool on certain points on the body; Only a few specialists in our country have the ability to perform this procedure. For this reason, the effectiveness has been little studied.

7.Hardware methods of influence: pressotherapy, endermology, current myostimulation or Line Linfogei microcurrent lymphatic drainage. The course requires special equipment, and the procedures are quite painful. The contraindications are very extensive - that is, if you are planning to use these methods, make inquiries first.

8. Ultrasonic phonoresis and lipolysis, electrolipolysis (needle electrodes), dermotonia (vacuum lymphatic drainage on devices similar to Skintonic), ozone therapy on Vela Smooth equipment. Quite radical methods. Several sessions are required to achieve significant results. Prices, like other hardware methods, are quite high.

9. Mesotherapy (introduction of subcutaneously active cocktails that improve metabolism). You need to be aware that injections are injections, allergic reactions are possible. Seemingly safe, this procedure, however, ended fatally for the former “Miss Argentina” Solange Mariano, who dreamed of elastic and smooth buttocks.

10.Liposuction – removal of adipose tissue with or without anesthesia using SmartLipo laser technologies. The procedure requires a full medical examination, as there are contraindications. Painful rehabilitation period.