Badyaga as a facial peeling reviews

Bodyaga peeling finally got rid of age spots, so I'm writing my real REVIEWS! Find out how to use bodyagi powder to get a radiant and youthful color! Bodyaga is a powder made from a dried freshwater sponge. When removing pigmentation, its irritating property is used. The powder has virtually no odor and no special skills are required to prepare a peeling or bodyagi mask.

1. Bodyaga peeling. My real reviews

I would like to say right away that peeling with bodyaga helped me take the first real step towards getting rid of hyperpigmentation (chloasma) on the cheekbones and forehead.

Before using this powder, I went through a difficult, but definitely useful path to mastering cosmetics and procedures to remove pigmentation and even out complexion.

I used various whitening creams, serums, masks, medications and vitamins, mesotherapy, photorejuvenation.

Unfortunately, in the process of searching for the ideal whitening product, my chloasma took on an unsightly appearance and was no longer easy to lighten using the usual common methods.

For example, mesotherapy significantly lightened my chloasma. The photorejuvenation procedure, after which the hyperpigmentation should have left me forever, did not produce any results.

But getting rid of pigmentation has become vital.

If in winter this horror could be masked with foundation, then in summer a thick layer of foundation brought discomfort. Using sunscreen prevented new spots from appearing, but existing ones became darker and very noticeable.

And then one day on the Internet I came across a wonderful video. In it, the charming girl Alexandra told her reviews about how she got rid of pigmentation with the help of body peeling. Looking ahead, I will say that it was this peeling that helped me get rid of hyperpigmentation forever!

2.Real reviews about bodyaga peeling

2.1.Description and reviews of bodyaga peeling, skin reactions

I did this peeling 4 times, starting in mid-October and the last one in early February.

ATTENTION! Do not perform peelings, including bodyagi, in spring and summer! Active sun can cause new spots to appear!

The first procedure was quite painful. My skin reacted very violently.

Before the bodyaga peeling, I did not take antihistamines (allergy medications) and therefore in the morning my face was swollen, which greatly frightened my family members.

It felt like a million needles were shot into my face and it was quite painful. I did the peeling in the evening and sleeping on the pillow was unpleasant, even painful.

A day after this procedure, the swelling subsided, but all this manifested itself in the form of bruises of different shades. What a spectacle! At work I had to warn the employees that these were the consequences of the peeling, and not a showdown with my husband.

When peeling with bodyaga, do not rub your face too much, this way you will avoid severe damage!

2.2.My reviews on how to avoid the consequences of bodyaga peeling

To avoid unpleasant consequences, carefully read my reviews and recommendations:

Take an antihistamine before peeling, such as Diazolin. It will prevent swelling or significantly reduce swelling.

if you work, spend it on Friday evening, then there is a chance to go to work on Monday with a little peeling, and not with bruises.

When peeling, do not rub the skin too much. It’s better to do it one more time (but not earlier than in a month!), but without undesirable consequences.

Be sure to follow your feelings! If the process is unpleasant for you, for example, your skin gets very hot, then don’t hesitate to wash off the mixture!

After the procedure itself, apply a soothing mask to your face, and for a week after use a protective cream or gel, then you can use your usual skin care product.

After two days, the skin tightens, and after another day peeling begins. The peeling will last two to three days, but after that the skin will be very fresh and tightened.

After the first peeling, more than half of the pigment spots on my forehead and partly on my cheekbones, where the pigmentation was the oldest, disappeared.

For more information about how to carry out the procedure for removing pigmentation with bodyaga and my reviews about it, read Badyaga for age spots on the face (part 2).

Girls, who did chemical peeling with bodyaga with hydrogen peroxide? I read a lot of good reviews, which actually helps. Has anyone had any negative consequences? experts

Find out the opinion of an expert on your topic

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Artemyeva

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

My sister did a LASER peeling..Oo. SHOCK.

I did it a long time ago and liked it, the skin became more even, the spots from the effects of acne were removed..

Well, give me the recipe,

Mix badyagi powder with hydrogen peroxide until it becomes approximately liquid sour cream, apply to the skin for 20-30 minutes. After this, the skin will peel off a lot; under no circumstances should you peel off the crusts yourself; scars may remain. In general, before this procedure, it is necessary to prepare the skin and do light peelings with fruit acids. The rehabilitation period after peeling is also important. Try to collect as much information as possible before deciding on such a procedure.

I know that such peeling is recommended to be done after epilation of legs and bikini (within 5 days after the procedure), in order to avoid the appearance of ingrown hairs. I can withstand only 1 procedure, then for several days my legs ache, the remains of the sponge (badyagi) dig into the skin. and one helps (me personally). But it's on your feet! And the face. the skin is delicate. Is it really possible? Some kind of deeply folk peeling method, I wonder how cosmetologists look at it.

On the contrary, this mask made my acne appear even more, so be careful.

Related topics

I can recommend a peeling method that is gentler on the face. Buy calcium chloride at the pharmacy. Apply with a cotton pad to cleansed facial skin and let dry. And so 4-6 times (as long as you can stand it). Some people's faces start to itch, some people's faces "burn", some people tolerate it normally. Apply the final layer and let it dry. Now take the simplest baby soap (exactly like this!), without any additives, lather your fingers and massage what rolls off your face. Continue until it rolls. All. Wash your face and apply some nourishing or soothing mask to your face. The result will please you!

I know that such peeling is recommended to be done after epilation of legs and bikini (within 5 days after the procedure), in order to avoid the appearance of ingrown hairs. I can withstand only 1 procedure, then for several days my legs ache, the remains of the sponge (badyagi) dig into the skin. and one helps (me personally). But it's on your feet! And the face. the skin is delicate. Is it really possible? Some kind of deeply folk peeling method, I wonder how cosmetologists look at it.

chemical peeling))))
one name))))))))))
buy yourself a normal acidic one and don’t worry about it

In a bikini? Damn, if there’s an injection there, you’ll have to walk around in a hurry.
Why within 5 days? At this time nothing is sprouting there yet.

And the thing that pricks - yes. unpleasant)) but what to do?! Ingrown hairs are unpleasant in their own way)))

Madame HorsespongeIn a bikini? Damn, if there’s an injection there, you’ll have to walk around in a hurry.
Why within 5 days? At this time, nothing is sprouting there yet. Within 5 days, these are the recommendations of my sugaring master. The essence of this procedure is to exfoliate the top layer of skin so that weak (after hair removal) hairs can grow freely without getting stuck in the skin or growing into it.

I know that such peeling is recommended to be done after epilation of legs and bikini (within 5 days after the procedure), in order to avoid the appearance of ingrown hairs. I can withstand only 1 procedure, then for several days my legs ache, the remains of the sponge (badyagi) dig into the skin. and one helps (me personally). But it's on your feet! And the face. the skin is delicate. Is it really possible? Some kind of deeply folk peeling method, I wonder how cosmetologists look at it.

I've done this kind of peeling before, the effect is so-so. I even forgot about it, I just make it from bodyagi powder sometimes, but my skin is oily and kind of thick on my face, nothing takes it. it peels off a little and that’s it, well, in general, I like the effect of bodyagi, since I have a lot of red scars, they become lighter, but not for long

Girl, I'll tell you how to do it right:
You buy badyagu powder and badyagu gel at the pharmacy (hydrogen peroxide is harmful to the skin), especially since it is more convenient to do it with the gel. Mix the gel with the powder to make a thick porridge and begin to lightly rub it into your face in a circular motion, rubbing should take 2-3 minutes, no more is needed. Then leave it all on your face for 15 minutes, then wash it off. Do not apply any creams to the skin after this until it peels off; it begins to peel off after about 3-4 days. If your skin is oily, you can wipe your skin with salicylic alcohol every night for better peeling effect.

Why is it chemical? it’s ordinary, I even made it in the summer. and then I carried out anti-parasitic cleansing and am still on a diet and no peelings are needed. the skin itself became healthy and fresh. Lots of juices, fresh fruits and vegetables and less meat (1-3 times a week)

Why is it chemical? it’s ordinary, I even made it in the summer. and then I carried out anti-parasitic cleansing and am still on a diet and no peelings are needed. the skin itself became healthy and fresh. Lots of juices, fresh fruits and vegetables and less meat (1-3 times a week)

Why is it chemical? it’s ordinary, I even made it in the summer. and then I carried out anti-parasitic cleansing and am still on a diet and no peelings are needed. the skin itself became healthy and fresh. Lots of juices, fresh fruits and vegetables and less meat (1-3 times a week)

Tell us about anti-parasitic cleaning, very interesting

Tell us about anti-parasitic cleaning, very interesting

My problem with my face was solved by CORA peeling with fruit acids 2 times a week, and creams with acids, the last one was from La Roche Pose Effaclar DUO, there was also a Super Aqua serum from Guerlain, just don’t be afraid, at first, after about 5-7 days, all sorts of things will come in *** from pores, such as inflammation - this is a reaction to acids, then everything will go away by itself. It is advisable to cleanse the body of waste and toxins before the procedures, so that various inflammatory pimples do not appear against the background of the treated skin. Sorbents, for example, polysorb, are suitable for this. Gives a noticeable cleansing result. I can also recommend anti-inflammatory ABR peeling from Holy Land, once every 3 weeks, but it’s more expensive and the effect is not as fast.

I read about the tramp and I’m scared at the thought! My lower back hurt when I carried the baby in my arms a lot, and I was advised to use bodyagi pulp for my lower back. So then I had a bubble there like from a real burn and it didn’t heal for a long time. But what about all this on the face?

Girls, who did chemical peeling with bodyaga with hydrogen peroxide? I read a lot of good reviews, which actually helps. Has anyone had any negative consequences?

Bodyaga is not a bad thing. I’ve been practicing it for 15 years now. Red spots after pimples resolve especially well. I dilute it with peroxide and leave it until it dries, then wash it off. And so two or three times. I didn’t notice any growth of facial hair after that. But my skin is oily, porous and not very sensitive. For people with delicate skin, this procedure will be painful. Although there is nothing too painful there. Tingling and slight burning sensation when touched. It goes away the next day. Moreover, it should not be applied to damaged skin!! But fruit acids gave me crazy irritation! So choose what suits your body. And start with small areas, not the whole face at once. We are all different.

No matter how many skin treatments you do, if you trample on everything, wrinkles, pimples and ugly color will not go away. They will return. Care should be daily, not occasionally. In the morning - honey and salt, and then - a thin layer of homemade sour cream, in the evening - just cleanse yourself of makeup. And be sure to before each meal (and eat no more than three times a day) - 200-300 grams of freshly squeezed vegetable juice, plus a spoonful of sprouted wheat. That's all. Look at the results in a month. Be beautiful!

Girl, I'll tell you how to do it right:
You buy badyagu powder and badyagu gel at the pharmacy (hydrogen peroxide is harmful to the skin), especially since it is more convenient to do it with the gel. Mix the gel with the powder to make a thick porridge and begin to lightly rub it into your face in a circular motion, rubbing should take 2-3 minutes, no more is needed. Then leave it all on your face for 15 minutes, then wash it off. Do not apply any creams to the skin after this until it peels off; it begins to peel off after about 3-4 days. If your skin is oily, you can wipe your skin with salicylic alcohol every night for better peeling effect.

Girl, I'll tell you how to do it right:
You buy badyagu powder and badyagu gel at the pharmacy (hydrogen peroxide is harmful to the skin), especially since it is more convenient to do it with the gel. Mix the gel with the powder to make a thick porridge and begin to lightly rub it into your face in a circular motion, rubbing should take 2-3 minutes, no more is needed. Then leave it all on your face for 15 minutes, then wash it off. Do not apply any creams to the skin after this until it peels off; it begins to peel off after about 3-4 days. If your skin is oily, you can wipe your skin with salicylic alcohol every night for better peeling effect.

Is it possible to use the cream after 4 days? And how often can this procedure be repeated? Today I made this mask, I just left it on for 6 minutes, and I didn’t know that I couldn’t apply cream, when I found out, I immediately washed it off with warm water and a sponge, my face was pink and slightly tingling. I read that's how it should be. I’ll write about my feelings and effect in 4 days.

I made a mask from bodyaga (I needed to remove a black eye), I didn’t know the consequences of using it - now my whole face is red, and tomorrow I have to go to work. Can I use foundation and powder to disguise the redness and beauty of a bruise?

No, you cannot use any creams before the peeling process!

I made a mask of bodyagi with water for 15 minutes a long time ago, after that my face was red and stinging, after that the skin began to peel off and just flew off in pieces, and then it looked young, I have oily skin

I'll tell you about my experience with bodyaga.
This is how I do it: I place dry water with peroxide (it won’t start to hiss)
Then I apply this mixture to my face and rub in. after that I wait 10 minutes and wash it off.
The sensations are certainly not pleasant; the face is very tingling and red.
On Thursday the face is red and a little tense. You can apply powder (so as not to scare people))
on Friday also a tense face,
So, if you do this on Wednesday, then on the weekend the skin begins to peel off a lot, and on Sunday everything goes away. I have already done this procedure 8 times so far there are no complaints, the scars on my face have decreased. I really want to do this until I have smooth and clean skin; I need to do at least 20 more procedures. Because the scars are strong.
Girls, ask for advice. Great experience. I tried everything everything everything

Ekaterina, how often should this be done? I want to do 10 procedures, but I don’t know how much time should pass between them.

I do it every other week so that the skin can recover.

The last time I did it was on November 13th, the next week they didn’t want cigarettes, they even asked me to sell my passport in the store, I just burst out with happiness, I said that I look so young? Yes, the seller answered, but I’m 30 years old))))

I also want to try it, but it’s a little scary, but my mother did it. When I saw her on the first day, I was already scared, but then I saw her smooth cheeks became really younger, so I think it’s worth it!!

Girls, I found a proven method on how to lose weight, tested on myself and my friends! Ginger bath soda has recently appeared on our market. Everyone knows that in water people lose weight on their own, but here there is a special soda that increases this effect, and even ginger. Besides the fact that I lost weight, my skin also became tighter)
We bought everything here:

I also want to try it, but it’s a little scary, but my mother did it. When I saw her on the first day, I was already scared, but then I saw her smooth cheeks became really younger, so I think it’s worth it!!

Nastya, it’s okay, you can try it in an inconspicuous area
faces. Or maybe you are allergic to badyagu. Good luck

Oops, I wrote something wrong.
Ekaterina, Hello)
I was advised to mix bodyagi powder with white clay and 3% hydrogen peroxide, apply the paste to the face for 10 minutes EVERY EVENING. From freckles.
I read the comments and got worried. Should I work every day, but won’t be able to use cosmetics? And in general, do you happen to know whether this method is effective?

Lika, I didn’t hear. You know, judge for yourself if the badyaga with peroxide gives a crusting effect, and they advise you to do it every day with clay, which sounds alarming. And I know for sure that dimona juice helps with freckles, and parsley juice also helps. Read about it. So good luck to you. Use proven methods for getting rid of freckles.

Lika, I didn’t hear. You know, judge for yourself if the badyaga with peroxide gives a crusting effect, and they advise you to do it every day with clay, which sounds alarming. And I know for sure that dimona juice helps with freckles, and parsley juice also helps. Read about it. So good luck to you. Use proven methods for getting rid of freckles.

I'll tell you my story. My skin is oily, prone to scars, and for about 15 years now acne has been popping up, especially before Women’s Day. I’ve never really worked on my face, I used foundation and powder. And then suddenly the cosmetologist was praised, and I saw the results in the girls. I came to her house and she did facial cleansing and peeling for me. So, about the peeling, I don’t know if she was lying, but she didn’t want to say what she was doing, but she charged 1200 rubles. She herself works for Cosmoteros cosmetics. I searched everything and couldn’t find such an effective peeling from this company, and then suddenly I read this recipe for badyaga and peroxide. And I decided to try it. So, in terms of sensation and smell, as well as the result, this is what she peeled me. Only there was a mandatory procedure: first, wash the kosmoteros, then she rubbed in the peeling for about 10 minutes the first time, and subsequent procedures for 15-20 minutes (rub in with gloves), so that the peeling did not dry out, wet your fingers a little with some water. I’ll tell you right away. the sensation is not unpleasant, as if glass wool is being rubbed into the skin, the face will be red, it will burn, it will hurt to touch. After peeling, I applied a soothing mask for 20 minutes and a rich cream at the end and told me not to wash it off for 24 hours. The skin should be well moisturized, After 24 hours the skin you need to dry it quickly. In my case, I used dectar soap in the morning and evening, and during the day, I recommend Cosmoteros cream and clay foundation, it masks amazingly and doesn’t spoil the skin (Christina Ros de Mer), it lasts for a year, it costs 2000, I used to have Loreal foundation for 500 rubles , was enough for a month. After this peeling, the pimples seem to be absorbed back and the spots are red, even the old ones disappear after them. The skin may hurt for two days, for 4 days it will be very itchy, the temperature may even rise, because this kind of peeling is bad for the skin a lot of stress. The skin becomes pink and smooth, a significant effect is visible after 3 procedures, in my case, you can do it once a week as the skin calms down. I also recommend Baziron AC.

Bodyaga peeling – an amazing home remedy

Bodyaga peeling is an excellent alternative to salon procedures. With its help you can achieve amazing results.

Naturally occurring bodyaga is a light green powder and has a characteristic odor of processed living organisms.

But many women already know that various skin blemishes on the face will disappear if they use bodyaga peeling at home. For centuries, the female half of humanity has been using the properties of the drug to exfoliate, cleanse, and renew the skin.

What results does bodyaga peeling promise?

By carrying out such events it is possible to achieve:

  1. disappearance/reduction of comedones, acne pimples, hormonal rashes on the face;
  2. removing puffiness and blue circles under the eyes;
  3. greater elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  4. acquisition of uniform skin color and visual rejuvenation;
  5. pale pigmentation and freckles;
  6. restoration of dermal tone.

There are often cases when, on the advice of specialists, bodyagu is used only by women with too oily facial skin. After all, the product created by nature helps normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and remove the unsightly oily sheen.

However, properly performed body peeling is a manipulation intended for all types of dermis. Yes, and it can be used at any age.

Even before carrying out home body peeling, it is useful to read the reviews of those who have gained experience in using such manipulation, and look at photos of experimenters before and after the cosmetic procedure.

The images will show how much the skin on the face has changed in the post-procedure period. Reviews from cosmetologists will also be valuable.

Doctors specializing in the field of cosmetology are well aware that before using a cleansing product, the epidermis has a tired, flabby and aged appearance. And as a result of peeling with bodyaga, an even tone appears on the face, pimples and unaesthetic blackheads are removed.

Regular cleansing procedures with bodyaga provide an opportunity to preserve the youth of a woman’s face.

Bodyaga peeling: advantages (4 advantages)

Bodyaga is sold in pharmacies and has a lot of advantages, which is why many girls use this product in regular skincare activities at home. The method is simple and affordable, and the result of such cleaning is always pleasing.

The main advantages of home body peeling include:

  1. natural composition of the product without chemical impurities;
  2. acceptability of using the procedure at home;
  3. low product price;
  4. performing care activities independently.

It is not surprising that the presence of such advantages in body peeling makes the procedure popular. And reviews about her from women are mostly positive.

Who should not do this peeling?

It is not recommended to plan a bodyaga peeling procedure for those who have the problems listed below.


  1. the vessels are located at a close distance from the skin surface;
  2. there is sensitivity to the component used;
  3. suppuration, wounds, acne in the acute stage are present on the skin;
  4. there is a predisposition to allergic manifestations.

To ensure that cleansing your face with bodyaga does not cause negative effects, you should consult a cosmetologist. He will identify the individual properties of the patient’s skin and advise which methods to use to obtain the greatest effect.

#5 important rules

There are many recipes for home peeling with the pharmacy product itself and cosmetic compositions that include bodyaga. However, you should follow some rules before consumption.

  1. It is important to choose a recipe that is suitable for the skin type of the person who intends to do the procedure at home. Despite the fact that bodyaga is suitable for any skin on the face, additional components for the mask are added according to the individual predisposition of the skin.
  2. It is prohibited to mix ingredients of dubious origin. You should prefer a recipe with natural and safe substances.
  3. The safety of the product being prepared guarantees compliance with the dosages from the recipe. Violation of the recipe threatens burns, water imbalance, and allergic manifestations.
  4. Preliminary testing will allow you to prevent troubles from using the prepared peeling with bodyaga. Why is the inner area of ​​the elbow lubricated with a small volume of the mixture? After 10-15 minutes. the test will show how safe the composition is for those planning the procedure.
  5. Do not keep the composition on your face for a long time.

You cannot ignore the rules for peeling with bodyaga. This way you will be able to protect yourself from the negativity caused by the manipulation performed at home and get the desired effect.

The most popular recipe (7 steps)

Women use bodyaga peeling with hydrogen peroxide most often at home.

It’s easy to buy both components of the mask at the pharmacy and make a perfectly cleansing mix. But you need to adhere to a certain sequence.

  1. First, 2-3 teaspoons of powdered bodyaga are placed in a small vessel.
  2. Slowly and with constant stirring (to prevent the formation of lumps), hydrogen peroxide is added to the product from the pharmacy to obtain the thickness of loose sour cream.
  3. After preparing the peeling mixture, you need to wash your face. But not with soap, but with gel/mousse for washing.
  4. Then the clean skin is smeared with the prepared mixture not with your fingers, but with a wide brush - this is more convenient.
  5. Lubricating the face with bodyagu is carried out bypassing the delicate skin around the eyes and lips.
  6. The second layer of the mask is applied after the first layer has slightly dried.
  7. The period of time for keeping the peeling on the face is 15-20 minutes. Then everything is washed off with warm running water. There are cosmetologists who advise not to rinse these masks, but to roll them off the skin surface with your fingers. After which everything is lubricated with moisturizer. But it is better to use kefir from the store - the fermented milk product will remove the burning sensation from the epidermis. You should not lubricate your face with a greasy cream after peeling: it will prevent the skin from “breathing.”

A similar bodyagi mask in tandem with peroxide will cleanse your face and restore freshness and radiance to your appearance.

#5 other effective recipes based on bodyaga

For those who have already experienced the effectiveness of the “bodyaga + hydrogen peroxide” mask, cosmetologists advise switching to using a pharmaceutical product in combination with other components.

Here are some recipes:

  1. Bodyaga powder is mixed with the nourishing cream that a person uses. The mixture is smeared onto the skin surface of the face, left on it for 20 minutes, and then the mixture is washed off. This mask will not dry out the skin;
  2. An effective effect on the epidermis will be provided by a mixture of bodyagi with mineral water, formulated in the form of a homogeneous texture. Such peeling will both cleanse and saturate the skin with oxygen;
  3. bodyagi powder with cosmetic clay (in a ratio of 1:2) and warm water, converted to a creamy state, is applied in the usual way and rinsed after 20 minutes;
  4. age and aging skin surface will be helped by a composition of 1 tsp. gel with bodyaga with an equal volume of thin honey. The mask is left on the face for 10-20 minutes and removed with heated water;
  5. Bodyaga peeling, which is prepared from 1 tsp, has an enhanced effect. powder of a pharmaceutical product, diluted with warmed water to a creamy state, and gel-like bodyagi. Substances are taken 1 teaspoon. The mask remains on the facial skin for 10-20 minutes and is washed off with warm water.

Cosmetic products with bodyaga, formulated according to the proposed and other recipes, have cleansing and exfoliating properties.

Choosing the right peel is up to you, but consider your skin type.