Training Massage

Training massage: an important component of the sports process

Sports training requires athletes to be highly physically and psychologically prepared. In this process, training massage plays an important role, helping to avoid fatigue and muscle strain, and to maintain high fitness and preparedness of the body for subsequent training.

Training massage is an integral part of sports training and is carried out depending on the training method, type of sport, intensity of the training load and its volume. It helps to solve specific problems of training sessions, improve the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus, increase the range of motion and the ability to relax certain muscle groups. In addition, a training massage helps prepare the body for subsequent workouts.

A properly performed training massage allows you to achieve the desired effect and prevent injuries. The choice of massage technique depends on the duration and intensity of the load, the type of sport and the individual characteristics of the athlete. The massage can vary in strength, but is usually performed with medium strength.

The duration of a general training massage session is on average 40-60 minutes. Determining the intensity of the massage depends on the type of sport, the reactivity of the body being massaged, weight, the state of the muscular system, sports form, training load and other factors.

The method of performing training massage provides that the time of massage of actively working parts of the body and muscles should be longer than the time of massaging areas of the body that bear less load. For example, when massaging cyclists and speed skaters, more attention is paid to foot massage.

It is important to remember that the massage should be painless. This is especially important when massaging muscles that have undergone a large and unusual load, as well as when massaging after a long break from training. During the first massage sessions, you need to be careful.

A training massage is no less important than the training itself. It is impossible to achieve high sportsmanship without intense training loads and massage. Therefore, the training process must necessarily include these two components of sports training. However, before starting the training program, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and select an individual massage technique.

Taking all of the above into account, training massage is an integral part of the sports process and is important for achieving high results. It helps prepare the body for training, improve the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus, increase the range of motion and the ability to relax certain muscle groups. It is important to remember that the massage must be carried out methodically correctly, taking into account the individual characteristics of the athlete and the type of sport. In addition, the massage should be painless and supervised by a specialist. Including training massage in your overall training program will help you achieve better results and avoid injury.