Tibetan rejuvenating facial massage

The choice of facial massage techniques to preserve the beauty and youth of the skin is great. To perform the procedures independently, an effective, easy-to-implement method is selected. Tibetan facial massage is often used by cosmetologists and amateurs. The procedures do not take much time and require minimal skills. A beginner can learn how to perform the impact. The main thing is to study in detail all the nuances of the technique.

Indications for use

Tibetan massage is useful for a wide range of consumers. Medium intensity massage. Surface processing affects certain points located in the work area. This helps improve overall well-being and skin quality.


Using the technique is useful for those who want to achieve success in restoring various body systems. To do this, the location of biologically active points is first studied, comparing the picture with the problems that need to be solved.

The Tibetan technique is considered to have rejuvenating effects. The procedures help relieve swelling, improve skin color, and smooth out wrinkles. Most users of the technique are interested in precisely this effect. Although the relationship between beauty and health is an undoubted plus of any Chinese facial massage. Moreover, the normal state of the body is an excellent basis for the formation of external data.

Efficiency of procedures

Tibetan massage is often called a restorative, preventive technique. The procedures help speed up metabolic processes in muscle tissue, skin, improve blood circulation, lymph movement, and achieve muscle tone and integument. This is reflected:

  1. increased firmness and elasticity;
  2. eliminating swelling, dark circles;
  3. improving the color of the integument;
  4. minimizing wrinkles.

Attention! Massage using Tibetan technology helps in the fight against various diseases as an additional effect. Before performing the treatment as a therapeutic measure, it is recommended to coordinate the technique with your doctor.

Execution Rules


The basic principles of work when performing Tibetan massage are called:

  1. lack of lubricants to move along the skin (for cosmetic applications, the use of low-fat oil is allowed);
  2. moving fingers in pulse mode (in unison with the heartbeat);
  3. working with your hands in different directions (along the massage lines up, along the lymph flow down);
  4. an individual approach to the choice of methods of influence and intensity of treatment.

Before exposure, you need to carefully study the location of acupuncture points, determine the need to study areas. Biologically active centers are affected by pressure (pressure for 30 seconds). The basic lines are worked out by advancing with the fingers.

The impact is considered energetic. To get an effective result, it is important to “clear” your thoughts and relax. The ideal option is a state close to meditation.

Preparing for the session

The session begins in the afternoon. Preferably 2-3 hours after a light meal. Sessions on an overly full stomach are excluded.

Before the procedure, it is advisable to spend 10–15 minutes of physical activity (warm-up). The room is pre-ventilated. Take a position away from heating devices. The ideal position is lying down, but it is advisable to spend the initial sessions sitting in front of a mirror. It is permissible to carry out the influence even in bed.

Before the session, the skin is cleansed. It is recommended to use mild detergents. After cleansing, if you want to achieve a cosmetic effect, apply a moderate amount of oil (olive, almond, apricot) to dry, normal skin.

Instructions for implementation

The session begins with a warm-up. Lightly stroke the cleansed skin. Promotion starts from the neck. Impacts along massage lines are directed upward. Therapeutic massage is carried out without the use of lubricants. Direct skin contact is required. The work takes place with covers and energy flows. The cosmetic option allows the use of oil to enhance the beneficial effect on the skin.

The prepared, heated covers begin to be massaged. Perform actions:

  1. Lightly stroking and tapping the décolleté and neck area.
  2. Move from the center of the chin to the temples, outlining the contour of the oval.
  3. They work on the mouth area, making massaging movements from the center to the edges.
  4. Pass from the wings of the nose to the temples with vigorous tapping.
  5. They slide their fingers along the nose, starting from the bridge of the nose and moving down, working on the back and wings.
  6. The eyelids are massaged extremely carefully, moving around the circle of the eye socket from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner, and back.
  7. Make rotational movements with your palms on the ears.
  8. They pass along the lines of the eyebrows to the temples, increasing pressure, and work on the forehead from the center to the periphery.

The lines end with acupuncture treatment. Select points that are useful for solving existing problems. The session ends with light tapping and stroking. The procedure takes 20–60 minutes (depending on the degree of immersion in the technique).


Consolidation of results

You will be able to achieve results quickly using the Tibetan method. After 2–3 procedures, a slight cosmetic effect is visible. Improvement in well-being with the treatment option occurs after 5–6 sessions. A course of 10–20 procedures is necessary to achieve global goals - significant smoothing of wrinkles, global assistance in the treatment of diseases.

Massage can be performed regularly: 1–3 sessions per week. You can achieve the best results by adhering to an active lifestyle, organizing a healthy diet in conjunction with procedures.

Advice. A special set of exercises performed alternately with massage will help enhance the cosmetic effect. Gymnastics strengthens muscles and gives healthy results.

Session cost

Tibetan massage can be mastered at home to obtain a cosmetic effect. It is recommended that the treatment option be performed by an experienced specialist. If serious regulation of energy flows is necessary, it is also better to use the services of a specialist. The cost of anti-aging equipment in the salon is 2–4 thousand rubles. The energy, medicinal option will cost more - 3-6 thousand rubles.

Precautionary measures


The cosmetic version of massage does not harm the body. You just need to follow the instructions exactly. Therapeutic, energetic effects require special knowledge. It is allowed to conduct such sessions on your own after instructions from an experienced master. Wrong actions can cause harm rather than benefit.

They refuse to perform Tibetan massage in the following cases:

  1. open wounds, skin inflammations (cuts, sunburn, acne, herpes, boils);
  2. inflammatory, viral diseases;
  3. problems with facial nerves;
  4. increased intracranial pressure;
  5. oncology.

It is not recommended to conduct sessions for pregnant women, with increased temperature or blood pressure. It is also advisable to wait out severe physical exhaustion of the body.

Facial gymnastics

Performing gymnastics using Tibetan technology will help improve muscle tone, skin tone, eliminate wrinkles, and tighten the oval. Exercises will help improve vision, restore intraocular and intracranial pressure, eliminate migraines, fatigue, and energy imbalance. The combination of rejuvenation and healing is a clear plus of the technique.

The workout will take 10–15 minutes. Regular exercise will help you quickly achieve your goals. An integrated approach together with massage will help you achieve success in 10–20 sessions. After 3–5 procedures, significant improvements are noticeable. You can achieve a healing effect in 30–40 sessions.

Begin performing the complex by warming up your palms (rubbing your hands until you feel warm). Carry out stroking movements, as in a massage, to prepare the skin. They rotate their eyes, covering their face with their palms. After warming up, proceed to the main complex:

  1. Using three fingers (thumb, index, middle) grab the eyebrow in the middle. Move your hand up, down, right, left. The actions are typical of the process of drawing lines on paper.
  2. The pads of the thumbs move from the outer corner of the eye to the temple. The action is careful and should not stretch the skin.
  3. Palms moistened with warm water are placed on the cheeks. Make a movement from the cheekbones down to the chin.
  4. The palms are placed on the area of ​​the nose and mouth. The thumbs are placed on the “dimples” on the cheeks, the index fingers clasp the nose. In this position, they open their mouth wide, stick out their tongue, and put it back.
  5. After completing the previous exercise, the mouth is closed. They roll their tongue inside. The tip is tapped on the lower and upper lip without opening the mouth.
  6. The lips are folded into a tube, pulled forward, turned right, left, up, down. The lips return to their normal position and swallow the accumulated saliva. Wait until the next portion is formed and swallow.
  7. Place your palms together at chest level and rub them against each other. Warm fingers rhythmically tap the skin, moving from the chin to the mouth, cheekbones, and forehead.
  8. Use your fingers to comb your hair, going from the forehead to the back of the head.


Exercises are performed in series. The same type of action requires 8 repetitions. The change of exercises occurs strictly in the specified order. The maximum effect is noticeable with regular exercise. The best time for daily aerobics is around sunrise. Gymnastics is not recommended if you feel unwell (fever, inflammation, pressure surges).

The combination of Tibetan massage and gymnastics will have the greatest possible beneficial effect. Both options of influence can be alternated and combined. A set of procedures will help maintain health, youth, and energy balance for a long time.

Useful videos

We do facial massage in Tibetan style ourselves.

Tibetan facial massage is a set of procedures whose effects are aimed at rejuvenating the dermis and the body in general.

In cosmetology practice, such manipulation is used extremely often. The massage does not require significant effort, it will not take a lot of time, but the effect will be noticeable after just a few procedures.


At the moment, such manipulation is available to clients in beauty salons. Qualified specialists, combining oriental practices and cosmetological achievements, will help rejuvenate the body.

According to customer reviews, Tibetan massage has a beneficial effect on their appearance and health, including:

  1. The complexion will improve, pallor and dark circles around the eyes will disappear;
  2. Wrinkles will become less deep, and their number will significantly decrease;
  3. Pain in the head will disappear;
  4. Swelling will decrease;
  5. The double chin will go away;
  6. Visual function will improve;
  7. The skin will become more elastic, cleansed - the rash, blackheads and networks of blood vessels will disappear.

Based on this, the effect will be positive. But Tibetan massage is a rather expensive procedure. In addition, not all salons provide this service to clients.

By adhering to certain simple instructions, it is possible to independently carry out a similar massage at home.


Like any other procedure, Tibetan massage has its own disadvantages. Its basis is the influence on certain points of the human body.

A massage therapist needs to have some knowledge and master a large number of nuances for the therapy to be effective. Contraindications include:

  1. physical exhaustion;
  2. skin burns;
  3. acne or boils on the skin that is subjected to massage;
  4. elevated temperatures;
  5. various types of open wounds;
  6. pregnancy;
  7. infectious pathological processes;
  8. inflammation of the nerves of the facial part;
  9. pressure inside the skull.

It is not necessary to consult a doctor to perform Tibetan massage in order to rejuvenate the body. It is possible to learn how to carry out the technique yourself.

Tibetan rejuvenating massage, due to its effect on certain points on the dermis, helps improve the condition and appearance of the skin, accelerate metabolism in skin cells, increase elasticity, and eliminate swelling.


They approach the implementation of manipulations extremely responsibly, taking into account all recommendations and nuances.

It is recommended to do the massage after lunch, 3 hours after eating. It is optimal for the lunch meal to be light and low in fat.

The main condition for effectiveness will be calm and moderation. The room must have appropriate temperature and humidity levels; it is possible to initially ventilate the room a little and turn on music.

Before the procedure begins, the skin must be cleansed. You can use ready-made foam for washing or prepare it yourself.

The selected product carefully removes cosmetic residues, dust, and various impurities from the face. Then you can start making massage oil.

Massage Oil

Essential oils are added to olive oil. It is optimal to use almond oil, jojoba, melon, and nut oil.

When the skin is dry, apricot or rose essential oil is suitable. For oily dermis, it is permissible to use black currant or cumin oil.

For manipulation, it is possible to use herbal mixture. Everyone selects individually, taking into account the expected action.

Typically, a Tibetan massage lasts up to half an hour. Its duration mostly varies depending on the condition. Basically 15 minutes is enough.

Beginning of the session: warming up

The manipulation begins with minor stroking, this will make it possible to warm up the skin and distribute the massage oil evenly.

They start mainly from the cervical region, and then move higher. After warming up, you need to move on to the procedure itself.

During the massage, the skin should not be pressed too hard, pressed on it with nails, or scratched.

Massage technology

Initially, it should be noted that massage daily is not recommended. The skin needs to be given time to adapt to physical stress and rest.

It is optimal to carry out manipulations 2-3 times within 7 days. In a situation where the skin peels and becomes too dry, you need to reduce the number of manipulations or their duration.

So, the basic laws of proper massage technique are the following:

  1. The face is massaged in a spiral, from the nose to the edge; one should not forget about synchronizing movements with the pulse.
  2. The upper eyelids are massaged with slight sliding movements from the bridge of the nose to the temple. And on the lower ones, movements are performed from the corners of the eyes to the cheekbones; they help smooth out small wrinkles. There is minimal pressure in the eyelid area.
  3. In the process of massaging the nose, fingers gently slide along the bridge of the nose and make movements towards the nostrils.
  4. The area near the mouth is massaged from the center to the edge.
  5. The procedure ends with gentle tapping on the skin and chest area.

Alternative techniques

There are a large number of manipulations today that are alternative or similar methods to the procedure in question.

Rejuvenating facial massage can be performed using certain types of Tibetan practices, which are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the client’s body.

Guasha massage

This is also a method to rejuvenate the skin using special tools to reduce the number of wrinkles on the face. For this manipulation at home you need:

  1. ceramic spoon or spatula, which have a smooth, streamlined surface (chips are not allowed);
  2. essential oil, which is most often suitable for a specific skin type;
  3. large mirror.

Exercises in this technique are carried out as follows:

  1. the device makes 10 movements from the central part of the forehead towards the temples in turn;
  2. then 10 movements are made from the bridge of the nose to the hairline in the forehead;
  3. 15 movements from the central part of the chin along the cheeks towards each temple in turn;
  4. 5 or 7 movements from the chin towards the cervical region.

In addition, there are certain exercises that can significantly reduce the formation of crow's feet:

  1. moving the spatula along the hairline towards the nose;
  2. slight movements of the instrumentation towards the upper eyelid along the eyebrow line;
  3. gentle movements towards the lower eyelid, from the inner corner of the eye and towards the temples;
  4. moving the spatula from the lips in turn to each of the temples.

Before manipulation, it is imperative to remove all cosmetics, cleanse the skin with lotion, dry with a towel, and only then apply the selected oil to the skin.

The standard consequence after the manipulation will be slight redness of the dermis of the face and cervical region.

There should be no traces of pressure from the tools. The main goal of this type of massage will be to relax the facial muscles.

Exercises eliminate tension and spasms in muscles and eliminate wrinkles in the shortest possible time. Guasha allows you to:

  1. remove tension;
  2. improve blood circulation;
  3. enhance the absorption of beneficial elements by the skin;
  4. increase the tone of the dermis.

Shiatsu massage

Another type of such procedure will be Shiatsu massage. Such manipulation helps to significantly reduce scars and wrinkles. They are carried out using essential oils in this way:

  1. The oil is applied from the nose to the edge of the face with gentle pressure;
  2. the temples and area near the eyelids are massaged with 2 fingers;
  3. the cheekbones are massaged with stroking movements of 2 fingers, moving down to the chin;
  4. The cervical spine and chin are massaged with 4 fingers at once.

The manipulation is carried out every day in order to achieve optimal results. This type of massage has a specific algorithm:

  1. finding points on the temples where unpleasant sensations appear during the process of pressing and massaging the line from it to the nasal wings;
  2. with the eyelids closed, lightly press on the inner corners 3-4 times;
  3. massage of the cervical region with the inside of the palm;
  4. forehead procedures are done through intense compression from the middle to the temple;
  5. local pressure is applied along the contour of the lips from the center to the edge;
  6. the end of the manipulation involves the use of cream.

During the massage, emphasis is placed on the following points:

  1. points on the side of the nose;
  2. lines on the side of the throat;
  3. inner corners of eyelids;
  4. outer corners of the eyebrows.

The above points are considered paired and are worked out evenly. They are found mainly intuitively.

Tibetan massage has a positive effect on the body from the inside and outside.

The rejuvenating effect of this method is becoming increasingly popular. Everyone can choose the most effective way of performing a massage.

Useful video

With age, changes in the deep layers of the epidermis become noticeable to others, so people who care about their appearance try to find the most effective ways to rejuvenate their skin.

Most of all, women's attention is focused on the skin of the face and décolleté, as in these places it is very delicate and easily susceptible to age-related changes. Moreover, women tend to wear clothes with an open neckline, so it is difficult for others not to pay attention to the external signs of old age.

Makeup can hide uneven tone and slightly correct proportions, but it cannot hide wrinkles and sagging. The best makeup is radiant health, tightened and smooth skin, which can be achieved with facial massage.

There are many varieties of techniques of Tibetan monks, but we are going to look at Tibetan acupressure facial massage for rejuvenation.

Features of the procedure

Tibetan facial massage has proven its effectiveness for several millennia.

Looking at one of the representatives of Tibetan monks, you will never be able to tell his real age, because in old age these people look 15-20 years younger. The rejuvenation effect is achieved through an active lifestyle, clean nutrition and air, as well as manual techniques for the whole body and, of course, the face.


It is important to understand that in modern ordinary-level beauty salons you will not be able to find a truly correct implementation of this procedure. Most likely, you will be offered a regular facial acupuncture massage with a relaxing effect.

What is special about Tibetan massage? During the session, complete relaxation of the body is achieved, accompanied by ethnic music, incense, dim light, and special flavored massage oils.

The technology of the procedure itself makes it possible not only to hide age-related changes in the skin, but also to improve the functioning of all body systems through proper targeted treatment.

Efficiency of the procedure

What will follow the Tibetan massage procedure? Reviews about it are very positive. Most clients are delighted with the effect produced by the massage.

In addition to general relaxation and increased vitality, as well as good mood, they note cosmetic effects:

  1. elimination of irregularities;
  2. elimination of bags and darkening under the eyes;
  3. skin tone, firmness and elasticity;
  4. elimination of acne, acne, rashes, warts, pimples;
  5. reduction of the double chin.


In addition to the cosmetic effect of rejuvenation, clients speak positively about the impact of Tibetan acupressure massage on their overall health.

This is explained by the fact that facial acupuncture is responsible for various organ systems of the human body. By exerting the correct influence on it with the fingertips in a certain rhythm and order, blood circulation and nutrition of these systems are restored.

Indications and contraindications

Tibetan facial massage should be used for rejuvenation with caution or completely refuse from use if available:

  1. chronic diseases;
  2. infectious lesions;
  3. bronchitis and asthma;
  4. increased body temperature;
  5. open wounds and other skin damage.

Indications to the procedure are:

  1. skin rashes (pimples, blackheads, acne and the like);
  2. age-related changes (decreased elasticity, wrinkles, enlarged pores, etc.);
  3. uneven complexion;
  4. headache and migraine;
  5. scars, stretch marks, scars;
  6. ptosis, shaved;
  7. swelling;
  8. swelling and darkening under the eyes;
  9. double chin;
  10. violation of skin pH (dryness, oiliness);
  11. stress and apathy.


Tibetan facial massage is performed on acupuncture points in a certain sequence. The pressure is applied to the point using rotational movements of the thumb or index finger.


The massage begins with identifying the areas to be massaged, then it is necessary to increase blood flow to these places by applying pressure and pausing for 30 seconds.

Next, at each acupuncture point, rotational movements are performed clockwise and counterclockwise (9 times in each direction) for three to four minutes.

Let's figure out what acupuncture points are, where they are located and what organs each of them is responsible for:

  1. Crown and crown - insomnia, neurosis, headache and migraine, VSD.
  2. Inner corners of the eyes - vision problems, runny nose, sinusitis, and other ENT diseases.
  3. The beginning of the eyebrows at the bridge of the nose - dizziness, pain in the forehead, hypotension or hypertension.
  4. The outer side of the eyebrows - vision, headaches.
  5. Bridge of the nose - insomnia, dizziness, vascular problems.
  6. Whiskey - neurosis, emotional turmoil, vision, migraine.
  7. The area of ​​the periosteum under the eyes (1 cm under the pupils) - problems with the stomach, ENT organs, nervous tics, neuritis, headache, speech and hearing impairment.
  8. Depressions under the cheekbones - ENT diseases, myositis of the neck muscles, goiter.
  9. Zygomatic-jaw bones - speech disorders, swelling, poor circulation of internal organs.
  10. Under the tip of the nose - emotional and mental disorders, swelling, nervous tics, fainting, shock.
  11. The center of the inner part of the chin is emotional tension, mental disorders, stress and shock.
  1. stroking and light tapping with fingertips from the bottom to the top of the neck;
  2. circular movements of the palms on the ears;
  3. tapping with your fingertips from the wings of the nose to the forehead, from the wings of the nose to the temples;
  4. from the middle of the chin to the temples, along the edge of the jaw;
  5. from the bridge of the nose to the temples along the growth of the eyebrows;
  6. from the outer to the inner edge of the upper eyelid, from the inner to the outer of the lower eyelid.

Visible changes will begin to please you after several sessions of Tibetan rejuvenating massage.


To enhance the effect of the procedure, you should use a massage product that matches your skin type. Tea tree oil is suitable for oily skin, avocado for dry skin, and jojoba for mature skin.


Before starting the session, you need to prepare the skin by cleansing it with peeling or scrub. There should be no cosmetics on the face.

You should refrain from eating three hours before the start of the session. The best time for a massage is after 16:00.

The therapeutic effect is most pronounced when performing the Tibetan procedure in winter. The frequency of use should not be more than once every three months.


Acupressure facial massage by Tibetan monks helps relax the muscles of the whole body, has a healing effect, fights age-related skin changes, improves blood circulation, relieves stress and internal tension.

You can perform this technique yourself at home by studying facial acupuncture and the video training for Tibetan facial massage presented above.