Finely wrinkled type of facial aging

In 1974, Professor Inna Ivanovna Kolgunenko, in her book “Fundamentals of Gerontocosmetology,” identified five types of facial aging:

About the finely wrinkled morphotype says Elizaveta Alekseevna Gintovt, dermatologist-cosmetologist from Saint-Petersburg :

Fine wrinkled type aging is typical for asthenics, but also occurs in people with normal physique. Such patients most often do not tend to be overweight and have a more or less constant weight. The morphotype does not depend on the structural features of the facial skeleton.

Numerous wrinkles are the main age-related feature of this morphotype. People with the finely wrinkled type of aging have dry, thin, dehydrated skin and a noticeable deficiency of subcutaneous fat. Pigment spots often appear.

The advantage of the finely wrinkled type of aging is that the oval of the face deforms slightly with age.

Fine-wrinkled type of aging in Julia Roberts, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sigourney Weaver, Jodie Foster.

WITHEar skin ages faster than oily skin, but there are many effective procedures for working with the finely wrinkled morphotype.

Botulinum therapy works great for facial wrinkles.

I take a responsible approach to choosing a drug, with an individual approach. I always correlate the patient’s age with dosages and administration technique.

To correct superficial wrinkles, it is necessary to use soft, light fillers: I like Belotero Soft, Filorga preparations.

In addition, with the finely wrinkled type of aging, working with the skin is mandatory - systematic moisturizing must be carried out using biorevitalization. The face will become more well-groomed, the color will be more vibrant, small wrinkles will be smoothed out.

Preparations with regulatory peptides (Mezovarton and Mesoxanthin) can also be recommended, especially if biorevitalization does not provide a sufficient response.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

The skin of the neck of older women suffers due to a small amount of subcutaneous fat. Platysma bands appear, which are often found, for example, in ballerinas. By relaxing the platysma muscles with the help of botulinum therapy, the oval of the face becomes smoother and clearer, and the neck is smoother (only Dysport and Xeomin are currently allowed for neck correction). With the correct dilution and administration technique, Radiesse gives fairly good results; I have been actively using it lately. Mesotherapy does not have a very pronounced effect, but in any case, the quality of the skin improves.

The chin area can be corrected using ablative laser resurfacing or radiofrequency ablation. Due to tissue damage, true lifting and tissue contraction occurs. This area is perfectly tightened in patients with fine-wrinkle type of aging.

With the help of contouring, you can perfectly correct the lower and middle third of the face with HA-based preparations (I prefer to use JuvidermVoluma).

Don’t forget about the area around the earlobes, which we also correct with fillers.

In the perioral area, with the fine-wrinkled type of aging, radial or purse-string wrinkles are formed. An integrated approach is needed here. First we do delicate laser resurfacing. If wrinkles are very pronounced, then ablative (CO2). After rehabilitation, we relax the facial muscles using botulinum toxins and finally correct them with soft fillers. You can achieve very good, noticeable results even in this difficult area.

Hardware procedures always helpful. Fraxel for dry and sensitive skin once a season followed by moisturizing is a good skin care procedure for finely wrinkled morphotypes.

Thermolifting Titan also gives excellent results when working with loose, parchment skin.

We remove pigmentation using lasers: to combat single lentigo spots we use an alexandrite laser, and for melasma or post-inflammatory pigmentation we use a thulium laser.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

PFor patients with fine-wrinkle aging, it is recommended to always use photoprotectors, since thin skin is prone to pigmentation.

It is better to choose soft peelings: with glycolic, lactic, and mandelic acid. Ultrasonic peelings will also give results.

A set of procedures is selected for a specific patient, as is home care, the main goal of which is to moisturize the skin and restore its barrier properties. Therefore, cream compositions must contain lipids, ceramides, and unsaturated fatty acids.

Anti-aging products in winter should be nourishing in the morning and moisturizing at night. In other seasons, on the contrary - moisturizing creams in the morning and nourishing creams in the evening.

However, home care is not a panacea. As you age, it is better to turn to a cosmetologist and use hardware techniques that allow active substances to better penetrate the skin.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

All living things grow, develop and, unfortunately, age. This applies not only to animals or plants - humans are equally subject to this irreversible process. The first signs of aging that nature “bestows” on the skin on the face: wrinkles, ptosis, loss of volume, rosacea, sagging and dullness of the dermis. Each person develops according to his own type and fades in accordance with his inherent type of aging.

In this article we will look at the types of skin aging. Based on the type of aging, you can determine which rejuvenation methods are best suited to turn back the clock, getting rid of unwanted signs of aging.

Fine wrinkled type of aging

It is thin people who are susceptible to this type of aging. Their skin is excessively dry, thin and possibly blotchy; During the aging process, it becomes covered with fine wrinkles. The skin loses moisture and becomes thinner every year. Supportive with age the collagen network on the skin loses its elasticity and the “irreversible” process of wrinkles begins.

Facial muscles lose tone, become sluggish and flabby. The face changes its shape, wrinkles and shrinks, like the skin of a baked apple. This process is associated with a significant decrease in the thickness of the fat layer under the skin.


The main signs of fine-wrinkle type of aging:

  1. sagging eyelid skin;
  2. "crow's feet" in the corners of the eyes;
  3. “corrugations” form on the chin and cheeks;
  4. dryness, dehydration, roughness of the skin;
  5. a significant decrease in volume - the skeleton becomes more pronounced;
  6. skin vulnerability.


The skin of this type of aging is exposed to strong environmental influences and is constantly damaged: irritation, redness, and dryness appear at the slightest breeze or frost. On the path of aging, finely wrinkled skin types are characterized by signs of rosacea and markers of photoaging. True, this type is almost not subject to ptosis due to weak subcutaneous fat. Thus, a clear oval is preserved without deformation changes in facial features.

Women who are characterized by this type of skin aging notice the first signs of skin aging after 30 years - this is the starting point when it is necessary to use all available methods to maintain the appearance of the skin. Let's consider rejuvenation methods for finely wrinkled type of aging.

Rejuvenation methods for fine wrinkled aging

After a thorough examination of your facial skin and determining your aging type as fine-wrinkle, there is a chance to prevent some of the possible effects of aging through anti-aging methods such as cosmetic procedures and professional products.

As for cosmetics, moisturizing cosmetics, protective creams against wind and frost are best; sun protection products and nourishing masks are mandatory. Of great importance for maintaining youth and firmness of finely wrinkled skin are high-quality cosmetics for protection against ultraviolet radiation, since in this case the skin is constantly exposed to photoaging.

In addition to cosmetic products, it is worth paying attention to sufficient air humidification in the home and workplace to prevent the air and, accordingly, the skin from drying out.

Every year it will become more and more difficult to keep this type of skin youthful and beautiful, so you need to contact a cosmetologist as early as possible to begin therapy using professional cosmetic procedures.

What can be achieved through procedures:

  1. restore water balance in the skin;
  2. stimulate microcirculation;
  3. activate the production of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid.

Procedures are also needed to combat wrinkles, restore the tone of facial muscles, and restore the volume and fullness of the face. Suitable techniques may include:

You can also turn to surgical methods to eliminate the signs of aging. Lipofilling is suitable - the introduction of human fatty tissue under the skin. This practice is designed to restore facial volume and give the skin radiance and smoothness:

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The human body is endowed with amazing abilities: it changes, adapts to different conditions, and becomes stronger due to physical activity. But all these qualities cannot prevent the inevitable changes that time brings. A whole complex of processes begins to slow down, which is reflected in appearance. The correct functioning of the endocrine system and psychological state have an influence. Some significant factors are genetics, previous or chronic diseases.

The listed markers affect appearance; signs of aging originate deep inside. The elasticity of the ligaments decreases, muscles lose tone, and other anatomical layers change. But it’s easier to deal with a problem that is easy to identify. To do this, you need to distinguish between types of facial aging and provide proper care in order to try to prevent negative consequences.

1. Types

Types and types - two criteria, similar in meaning, still have differences: types of skin aging are responsible for the causes of destructive changes in the epidermis. The second term refers to the external characteristics that tissue acquires during deformation. If you accurately determine the types of facial skin aging, you will be able to withstand time and preserve youth for several more years. How to determine your type of facial aging, detect the main signs and how to deal with it?

The condition of the skin and appearance is affected not only by age, but also by lifestyle and environment. From here two types of changes arise.


A biological process that is natural: the epidermis changes with age. Programmed individually, but external factors are taken into account.

This species is determined genetically, each cell is individually programmed. Around 25-30 years of age, the first signs appear; they are insignificant, but are a signal for prescribing a restoration procedure at home. Excessive dryness begins, elasticity and tone are lost. After 5-10 years, the tissues droop: the eyebrows may droop, the corners of the lips and cheeks also pull down (gravitational ptosis).

Premature aging (formerly)

The negative impact on health is reflected in appearance. This is a polluted atmosphere, lack of daily routine, even poor nutrition.

If a healthy lifestyle is not maintained, the signs of aging appear earlier. Exogenous (external) factors such as UV influences or bad habits destroy cells, but the influence can be stopped. With endogenous ones (in the cells themselves), everything is more complicated - organs and systems are susceptible to dysfunctional disorder, such factors usually do not depend on lifestyle.

2. Types of aging

Cosmetologists define 4 types of facial aging (plus a combined type, combining the characteristics of two groups). Anti-aging care is prescribed depending on the type of skin aging, then the fight will be aimed at specific problems, making it easier to achieve the desired result. What are they and how do they manifest themselves?

  1. Tired (loss of freshness, healthy color);
  2. Wrinkled (resembles the gradual drying out of tissues);
  3. Deformation (sagging due to a large fat layer);
  4. Muscular/muscular (developed facial muscles sharply lose their shape);
  5. Combined (combines several characteristics).

It’s difficult to classify yourself into one specific category, but once you know the types of facial aging and their characteristics, you can try. The corresponding features are noted on a piece of paper and the results are compared. You can determine your type of aging from a photo; sometimes you will need the help of a dermatologist. Taking a test for this determination and finding out where to go next is the first step to preserving youth and natural beauty.

3. Tired type of aging (pasty)

The symptoms that appear are not always associated with age-related changes; sometimes it seems that a tired face is just a sign of overwork. To some extent this is true, but regular lack of sleep, stress and excessive physical activity trigger an irreversible process that changes cells from the inside. A “tired face” is a signal of impending changes that you need to listen to. The tired type of facial aging appears at the age of 30-50, the exact picture depends on lifestyle and genetic characteristics. Women with a diamond-shaped or oval face are prone to its appearance; on a thin face the signs are more pronounced.

Pallor of the skin around the eyes is noticeable, there is no healthy blush on the cheeks, and slight ptosis appears. From the outside it seems that the woman is upset and did not get enough sleep. The nasolacrimal grooves are clearly visible, and the nasolabial folds increase. The way out is to adjust your daily routine and use additional funds. What do we have to do?


  1. Healthy sleep. Its deficiency provokes overwork, you need to reconsider your schedule, sleep at least 8 hours a day. If you go to bed at the same time every day, the effect will increase;
  2. Cosmetics. Products with vitamin C contain active substances that restore elasticity. Fruit acids in serums and creams stimulate cell regeneration;
  3. Massage. Manual massage relaxes stiff muscles, microcurrents and mesotherapy awaken all cells and trigger other mechanisms.

The face will acquire a healthy shade, smoothness and firmness of the skin will visually rejuvenate the woman.

4. Finely wrinkled type of aging (baked apple)

A feeling of skin tightness occurs in those with dry, thin skin, but over the years this symptom becomes harmful. This is how the finely wrinkled type of skin aging is defined: subcutaneous fat is poorly developed, tissues lose moisture and begin to “dry out.” The finely wrinkled type of aging is characterized by paleness and severe flaking. Wrinkles appear in the form of a uniform grid, covering all areas, especially the forehead and cheekbones. There is a noticeable decrease in turgor and elasticity, and porosity increases. But the contour retains natural combinations and is not deformed.

For the finely wrinkled type of aging, the main problem is loss of moisture; thin women are prone to this due to thin tissues without a fat layer. Dehydration is also caused by a lack of drinking regime and poor nutrition.


  1. To solve the problem, you will need regular moisturizing: cosmetic oils are rubbed into problem areas;
  2. The beauty clinic will benefit from procedures that activate blood circulation and metabolic processes;
  3. A few glasses of clean water a day, proper nutrition and quitting smoking will be important nuances. As a result, the water balance will be restored, the protective lipid barrier will be strengthened, and fine wrinkles will gradually smooth out.

There is an interesting article on our website about how to train yourself to drink more water.

5. Deformation type of aging (bulldog cheeks)

Women who are faced with a change in the shape of their face are interested in several questions about the deformational type of aging: what type of skin is typical for aging, what causes it, and how it is eliminated. You need to understand it sequentially. Women with excess body fat face this problem; they usually tend to be overweight. This filling makes the tissue heavier, the muscles weaken, and the uneven distribution of the fat layer deforms certain areas. The second name is edematous or ptotic type of aging. “Bulldog cheeks” appear, the corners of the lips and eyes droop.


Changes that occur deformationally do not develop quickly, so when the first signs appear, you need to take action immediately. Sometimes the process is defined as a gravitational type of aging due to tissue drooping. A double chin or jowl is a signal that it’s time to start fighting.

  1. It is still possible to partially overcome the deformation type of skin aging, but first the root cause of the appearance of the aesthetic defect is eliminated. You will have to lose excess weight, change your eating habits;
  2. Sculptural or lymphatic drainage massage will tighten the epidermis, elasticity will return due to proper care;
  3. Plant extracts such as arnica and seaweed will be beneficial.

As a result, the vascular network will disappear from the face due to the restoration of blood circulation, the tone will be equalized, and the signs of rosacea will be eliminated. After losing weight, the skin will not sag so obviously, its volume will decrease.

6. Muscular type of aging

This process is faced by those who maintain muscle tone for a long time. They are well developed in the facial area and maintain youth longer than others. But the problem is that the tone suddenly drops, causing all zones to change. It is not difficult to identify people who will be affected by the muscular type of facial aging: they have an athletic build, a triangular or oval face. Most often, this is an Asian type of appearance, whose aging appears 5-10 years later than that of representatives of Slavic nationality. With age, facial features become sharp, deep wrinkles appear sharply on the forehead.

By the way, while studying your face, our website also recommends familiarizing yourself with the anatomy of the muscles of the face and neck.


Care should begin before obvious signs appear.

  1. Among the procedures in the salon, microdermabrasion sessions, various peelings are suitable, you can try laser rejuvenation;
  2. Creams are chosen with SPF filters, moisturizers are included in the care;
  3. Lifestyle also influences: walks in the fresh air, good sleep and a healthy diet saturate cells with the necessary microelements and preserve their original structure.

The more time you spend on your appearance, the less pronounced wrinkles become. The skin becomes smooth and clean.

7. Combined type of aging

Morphotypes of facial aging in women can sometimes intertwine with each other, resulting in a mixed type of aging. It is not always easy to determine this; you need to carefully monitor the body and catch its signals. Two combinations are possible:

  1. Deformation + tired face (everything is drawn down);
  2. Deformation + wrinkled type (structure changes and droops).

Usually one constructive type predominates over another, which is less pronounced.


The signs that are most clearly visible should be corrected first.

  1. In the first case, overwork is superimposed on the problem of excess weight; the muscles do not find the strength to support the tissues in the desired shape.
  2. The second case is typical for obese women with dry skin; in areas with an increased layer of fat, the tissues become deformed, but wrinkles appear in other areas.
  3. Combined care is required, the emphasis is on a pronounced type, follow the recommendations for eliminating it.

8. General recommendations

In fact, the types of aging and their characteristics are clear, the terms and main features are easy to understand. If you know what types of facial aging exist, you can prevent the appearance of some age-related changes and delay them.

  1. In any case, youth stands next to a healthy lifestyle, an established routine, and proper nutrition. Proper care helps to prolong it.

Cosmetics are selected according to age and goals. Visits to a cosmetologist lift your spirits, and the help of a specialist gives an amazing effect.

  1. Excessive ultraviolet radiation should be avoided in the summer: vitamin D is necessary for calcium metabolism, but its excess affects cell division and changes their speed. When tanning and after it, special products are applied. It is important to consider what skin the cream is intended for, then the protection will be maximum.
  2. Sport stimulates proper blood circulation, antioxidants are delivered to tissues in a timely manner, from which breakdown products containing free radicals are removed. At the same time, tissues are tightened in all parts of the body, and slimness is added to the bargain.

9. Conclusion

When maintaining beauty throughout your life, you should remember that old age is inevitable, although staying in a young body longer is always pleasant. Psychological attitude plays an important role: if a woman feels beautiful and does everything for this, others will perceive her that way. And the necessary procedures will enhance the effect in youth and allow you to look decent in old age. The sooner you understand in which direction to start moving, the better it will be to delay aging. Have you already determined your type?