
Benzene: a dangerous poison with negative effects on the body

Benzene is a toxic chemical that is used in various industries, including petroleum refining, chemicals and pharmaceuticals. This is a selective psychotropic substance that can cause narcotic effects. Benzene is also hematotoxic and hepatotoxic, meaning it can harm the blood and liver.

When inhaling benzene vapor, a person may experience alcohol-like agitation and clonic-tonic convulsions. In addition, paleness of the face, redness of the mucous membranes and dilated pupils may occur. Shortness of breath with irregular breathing patterns may also occur. Often there is a rapid, arrhythmic pulse and a decrease in blood pressure. Bleeding from the nose and gums, as well as skin hemorrhages and uterine bleeding may also occur.

If a person takes benzene orally, he may experience a burning sensation in the mouth, behind the sternum, in the epigastrium, as well as vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, headache, agitation followed by depression, coma, enlarged liver and jaundice (toxic hepatopathy).

If you are exposed to benzene, you must take immediate action. It is important to move away from the danger zone if you are in it. If benzene gets inside, you must immediately rinse the stomach through a tube and drink 200 ml of petroleum jelly. Next, it is necessary to carry out forced diuresis and replacement blood transfusion.

Administration of sodium thiosulfate (up to 200 ml of a 30% solution) intravenously, as well as administration of a 5% solution of thiamine, pyridoxine up to 6 ml and cyanocobalamin (up to 1000 mcg per day) intramuscularly can also help. It is also necessary to take cardiovascular drugs, such as ascorbic acid (10-20 ml of 5% solution) with intravenous glucose and oxygen inhalation. For bleeding, you can take Vikasol intramuscularly.

In conclusion, benzene is a poison that can cause serious harm to human health. When working with it, you must observe all precautions and take the necessary measures in the event of poisoning. If you are exposed to benzene and experience any symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. Remember that quick response and competent treatment can save your life and prevent the negative effects of benzene poisoning. You should also keep in mind that preventing benzene poisoning is the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones. Follow all safety precautions when working with this substance and do not allow it to accidentally enter the body. Take care of your health, and it will reciprocate!