Pregnancy Immunologically Incompatible

The occurrence of immunological incompatibility during pregnancy can be caused by many factors. Most of them are associated with the inability of the woman’s immune system to produce antibodies against the man’s antigens, which can lead to the development of an immune conflict. There are several methods for diagnosing immunological incompatibility during pregnancy. One such method is a blood compatibility test between spouses. If the analysis reveals a high degree of incompatibility, then doctors should take measures to prevent miscarriage and other complications. One way to resolve this problem is to prescribe anticoagulants, which will help prevent the formation of blood clots. It may also be necessary to carry out an artificial termination of pregnancy after diagnostics and consultation with specialists. If it becomes necessary to determine the allergen, the doctor conducts a blood serum test, compares the results of the mother-fetus test and recommends treatment.

In general, immunological incompatibility during pregnancy is not a rare occurrence, but knowledge of diagnostic and treatment methods can reduce the risk of complications and save the life of the mother and child.

Pregnancy immunological incompatibility is a rare and serious condition that can lead to serious complications for mother and baby. It occurs when the fetus's immune system responds to antigens from the mother, which can cause a variety of reactions, including threatened miscarriage, premature labor, stillbirth, and other complications.

Causes of pregnancy are immunologically inappropriate: This may be due to certain medical conditions in the mother, such as the presence of antibodies against fetal cells, infection in the mother, or disturbances in the mother's immune system due to medical procedures such as plasmapheresis. It is important to note that the development of pregnancy with immunological non-identity in humans is most common after medical procedures: plasmapheresis and the use of radioactive protein dihydrin for the treatment of malignant diseases. During pregnancy, immunological disorders can manifest themselves in varying degrees, from minor symptoms to life-threatening complications. The most common manifestations of immune mismatch pregnancy include symptoms such as general weakness, nausea, headache, abdominal pain and palpitations, and sometimes the body temperature may increase. In some cases, a woman experiences bloody discharge from the genital tract. If these symptoms persist or intensify as pregnancy progresses, it is necessary to consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and choose the correct management tactics for the patient. Diagnosis of immune-incompatible pregnancy is carried out by determining antibodies, their content and the presence of additional examinations.

Pregnancy immunological incompatibility is a set of complications during pregnancy caused by the immunological reaction of the body of the woman and the fetus, and is a complication of pregnancy.

Syndrome of intrauterine isolated fetal isoimmunization is usually idiopathic in nature, that is, it has no obvious cause. Risk factors for this condition are maternal antibodies to the Rh factor, which interact with the membrane proteins of the fetal red blood cells. As a result, maternal Rh factor is produced and its activation occurs in the blood serum of a pregnant woman, which can subsequently cause embolization of the umbilical vessels of the fetus with its damage and other intrauterine