Gluteal Fissure

The gluteal groove is the depression between the gluteus maximus muscle and the skin at the bottom of the buttock. This is a fairly common area in women and men, especially after pregnancy or childbirth. In this article we will talk about the causes of dimples, how to correct them surgically and with safe home methods. In addition, we will also look at the most common myths associated with this type of hernia.

Causes of dimples between the buttocks

Gluteal dimples can appear for various reasons. Some of them may be hereditary, others are associated with stretched muscles and skin. These include the following factors:

- Obesity or overweight. When you gain weight, the volume of the muscles that lie behind the surface of the skin increases, but at the same time the skin stretches. This creates deep pits between the fat and bone. - Pregnancy and childbirth. Pimples can occur due to pulled muscles, tendons, and strains around the lower back area of ​​the abdomen. During childbirth, the baby puts pressure on the buttocks, which leads to the formation of scars on the skin between them. - Weakness of the pelvic floor muscles. If the pelvic floor muscles are too weak, it can weaken the retention of collagen under the dermis, which determines the appearance of the skin around the buttocks and creates the appearance of dimples. As you can see, the causes of pitting can be varied and personal to each individual. As for my friends, some of them had reasons related to diseases, heredity or other factors. However, despite this, we have noticed a general trend associated with the appearance of each of us.

Possible diseases associated with the appearance of gluteal pits

Often the appearance of pits is associated with more serious diseases, such as rectal cancer or anorectal carcinoma. Although the connection between these two factors has not yet been clearly established, there is evidence that some people may have one of these diseases and experience pain in the area between the buttocks and/or constipation.

It is known that in several cases the disease can cause a decrease in