Bernstein Symptom

Bernstein's symptom, or "Bernstein's agnosia"

Bernstein's symptom refers to disturbances in perception and memory in patients with organic brain damage. The essence of this condition is that even after accurately sending a signal to the body, the patient cannot correctly perceive, understand or remember it. Discovered it

What is Berstein's sign?

Bershtein's symptom is a phenomenon of psychological defense in which a person refuses to make a conscious decision about how to act in a situation where there is a threat to his interests. As a result of this refusal, a change in behavior and mental state occurs, which is characterized by a feeling of helplessness, fatigue and depression.

This symptom was first described in 1908 by German psychologist Alfred Berstein. The psychological defense of the syndrome consists of a person’s refusal to take responsibility for his actions and failure to understand the complex consequences of his decisions.

Burstein's symptoms are widespread in modern society, especially among people in stressful situations. For example, many people who have to defend their interests in a conflict may exhibit Bershtein symptoms: they become compliant and inadequately assess the situation. Such changes in behavior signal that a person is not able to cope with a particular situation.

From the point of view of behavioral theory, Bershtein's symptoms are manifestations

Bernstein's symptom is a pathognomonic syndrome of focal neurological symptoms that occurs in a specific brain area and affects the nerves to this area. This syndrome is characterized by a specific set of symptoms.

The Bernstein symptom was described by Alexander Nikolaevich Bernsteim (1858-1939), a domestic psychiatrist in 1897. Bernstein explained the symptom by the presence of a spinal cord lesion. Other researchers have interpreted this symptom in different ways - as a peripheral disorder due to a lumbosacral hernia, as a neurological complication after a stroke or meningitis. But the work of a Russian scientist became decisive for understanding the syndrome.

As a result, asymmetry of the limbs occurs, mainly that which is located “in the leg part” of the body. A person suffers from paresthesia in the foot. They may be associated with the normal hustle and bustle of the area, or they may seem very inconvenient. This is followed by other symptoms: limited mobility in the leg,