Insomnia in patients with fever and others

As for the oil of the soporific poppy, which is sucked into the nose with the oil of lettuce seed, and the oil of water lily and pumpkin, as well as sticking to the temple some known substances that cause numbness, sitting leaning over a moisturizing steam, sniffing water lily, mandrake, shahis-faram, sprinkled with water from afar, and moisturizing pourings, then this whole thing is known to you; if there are no obstacles, then they also give you a drink from the sleeping pills poppy or medicine from it to lick.

Then they put a lot of lamps in front of the patient, raise their voice when talking, tie his limbs with slightly painful bandages with knots that can be quickly undone, and force him to pretend to be asleep and close his eyes, and when he slightly dozes off, they turn off the lamps, restrain his voices and undo the knots , because the patient will fall asleep after this. When the feverish person feels relief and the attack or exacerbation of the fever calms down, then they constantly wash his face with water in which black sleeping pills poppy and a little mandrake and its root were boiled. If there is juice with the properties of bavrac, then the water in which thyme, sweet clover, medicinal chamomile or sleeping pills poppy was boiled is beneficial; They wash their face with it or sit bending over its steam.

It occurs from the outpouring of bile into the stomach. If this happens at the beginning of an attack, then give a little apple wine with shikanjubin to drink.