The role and importance of warm-up in physical education

Due to the intensification of classes, the meaning of warm-up has also changed, which not only creates favorable conditions for conducting the main part of the training, but also is a component of the whole complex training influences. Therefore, the selection of exercises performed in the warm-up and methods for their implementation solves the problem of not only learning, but also the associated education of motor abilities and the ability to control various movements.

  1. Physical warm-up
  2. Goals and objectives of warm-up, its meaning
  3. Conducting a warm-up. Methodological features of using the exercises included in its composition.

Physical warm-up

The transition of the body from a state of motor rest to increased muscle activity causes a significant increase in metabolism and energy, a change in the activity of the central nervous system and the circulatory and respiratory organs. Due to the fact that human organs and systems have a certain inertia, they cannot quickly reach a high level of activity. Complex mechanisms of nervous and hormonal regulation do not provide these changes immediately. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually engage the body in work with the help of specially selected physical exercises.

Warm-up has a physiological and psychological effect on the body. With physiological effects, the activity of all body systems, including the cardiovascular and respiratory, is activated, the heart rate, stroke and minute volumes of the heart increase, breathing quickens, pulmonary ventilation and oxygen supply to working muscles increases. The psychological impact of warming up improves the emotional state of the trainees and prepares them for the upcoming training load.

In the scientific literature, the internal structure of the warm-up includes several mandatory sections: introductory, general and special preparatory. In addition to these sections, we suggest using a specially additional warm-up section.

This is justified by the fact that the main methodological method of using physical and technical training means in the educational and training process in physical education is complex training, which involves simultaneously solving a number of teaching, training and educational tasks. For example, the inclusion in one lesson of the development of one to three components of motor abilities and their various combinations. Such a structure of classes requires additional preparation when changing from one type of activity to another.

Most authors offer general requirements for each subsection of the warm-up.

The general preparatory subsection of the warm-up is aimed at increasing functionality and performance.

The task of the special preparatory subsection is to restore the coordination capabilities of students and their disposition to perform the exercises of the main part of the classes.

Analysis of practice shows that physical warm-up in most classes consists of the first two subsections, the third is rarely used, and the fourth, as a rule, is not carried out. The warm-up scheme used in practice does not take into account the functions of its fourth subsection, but is carried out as an independent part of the lesson without interconnection with the previous material, the objectives of the main part of the lesson, the conditions for its implementation, the contingent of students, etc.

By conducting a warm-up according to a template scheme without solving specific problems, educational and training load, the instructor takes a formal position and wastes time unproductively.

Best practice proves that warm-up is not an independent part of the lesson, but serves as an integral part of a single pedagogical process, acting in conjunction with both other parts of a one-time lesson and in a chain of multiple lessons.

Departure from the generally accepted warm-up scheme opens up a wide avenue for creative implementation, allows you to make efficient use of the time allotted for it and overcome methodological cliches.

Goals and objectives of warm-up, its meaning

The main task of the introductory section is to organize students.

General objectives of the general preparatory section: increasing body temperature; change in emotional state; education of the aerobic capabilities of the body; education of coordination abilities; increasing overall performance; general functional preparation of the body.

Particular objectives of the general preparatory section: education of individual components of motor abilities: reaction speed, speed of movement, strength endurance, explosive strength.

Objectives of the special preparatory subsection: preparing students to complete the first task of the main part of the lesson; technical improvement of individual phases and elements of sports cultivated in a particular educational institution.

The successful solution of the tasks facing the warm-up is facilitated by taking into account the abilities of the athletes and the conditions of the training.

Conducting a warm-up. Methodological features of using the exercises included in its composition.

When selecting exercises for warming up, it is necessary to take into account their sequence, volume and intensity, as well as rest intervals between them.

The sequence of exercises included in the warm-up is determined by physiological factors and logical connections between them. This is key and mandatory, since exercises of different types have different effects on the body. Due to the regularities of the consequences of functional manifestations of the body and psyche caused by any activity, the effectiveness of each exercise is to some extent predetermined by the functional consequences of previous exercises. This influence can be positive - facilitate the completion of the next task - or negative - make it difficult to complete the next task of the training session.

The volume of funds used is determined by the time allocated for the warm-up and its individual subsections. In general, about 35-40% of the total time is allocated to the introductory and general preparation sections. Thus, 3-4 minutes are allocated for the introductory warm-up subsection, 18-20 minutes for general preparatory work (includes running 10-12 minutes for female athletes and 12-15 minutes for athletes, a set of general developmental exercises or outdoor games 6-8 minutes) and 8- 10 minutes for special preparation.

When determining load intensity During warm-up, it is recommended to adhere to the following ratio:

  1. 1st zone (recovery, 114-132 beats/min) - 30%,
  2. 2nd (supporting, 138-150 beats/min) - 45%
  3. 3rd (developmental, 156-168 beats/min) - 25% of the total time allocated for warm-up.

As a result of the physical exercises used in warm-up energy consumption should be 200-250 kcal.

Rest Intervals between exercises are the same means as motor actions. Irrational periods of time between repeated performance of given exercises will not correspond to the tasks being solved, cause other energy costs and

processes associated with this in the body of those involved. Rest intervals can be: long - when the excitability of organs and tissues decreases (pulse rate up to 70-80 beats/min); medium - when recovery occurs (pulse rate - 90-100 beats/min); small - the pulse rate decreases to 110-120 beats/min; very small, during which the pulse rate decreases to 130-140 beats/min. The warm-up uses mainly active, passive and mixed types of rest.

At the same time, when building a warm-up it is also important rational selection and combination of exercises. Thus, warming up the body during the warm-up process is successfully carried out with the help of walking and running of varying intensity, sets of general developmental exercises (without objects, with objects and weights, on a gymnastic wall and bench), outdoor and sports games, and sets of rhythmic gymnastics exercises.

The first two combinations are the most effective. Due to the fact that running for 10-15 minutes affects the warming up of the body, the manifestation of volitional efforts (at an appropriate pace), and the improvement of the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, it is the best means for warming up. A set of 10-12 general developmental exercises, performed at different rates for 6-10 minutes, has a comprehensive and at the same time selective effect.

Games allow you to perform a variety of movements in a fun way, give you the opportunity to repeat individual learned techniques in new combinations, help you move on to learning new, more complex movements, and contribute to the overall development of students. Each game, consisting of various elements, acquires exceptional value for the development of coordination, speed of action, development of the necessary motor abilities, for strengthening and development of the musculoskeletal system. Using the game method in warming up allows you to increase the athletes’ interest in classes, making them emotional and quite intense.

Within each combination, there are a number of different exercise options, for example, long running can actually be replaced by jogging 4-5 times of 400-500 m, and in between running segments, perform general developmental exercises, alternate doing exercises in motion with exercises in place, combine exercises with the ball and general developmental exercises, etc.

When compiling sets of general developmental exercises, one should take into account the following requirements:

  1. plan sets and options for warm-up exercises for both short-term and longer periods;
  2. take into account the optimal change in combinations of exercises and their complexes in the warm-up;
  3. do not repeat the same warm-up twice or more times in a row;
  4. do not include in the warm-up more than two exercises associated with a complex coordination structure;
  5. select several exercises for each joint that allow you to work it at all possible angles and in different starting positions (lying, sitting, standing); follow the sequence of exercises from top to bottom (first for the arms and shoulder girdle, then for the torso, pelvic area and, finally, the lower extremities). In this case, you should move from working smaller muscle groups to larger ones.
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