Biliary dyskinesia

The bile ducts and bile play an important role in the digestive process, helping to absorb fats and move food through the intestines. However, if contractions of the gallbladder and its ducts are disrupted, as well as defects in the functioning of the sphincter of Oddi, problems arise with the excretion of bile, which leads to the disease biliary dyskinesia.

Biliary dyskinesia is a disease characterized by disruption of the normal flow of bile into the intestines. The causes of the development of the disease may be poor nutrition, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal disorders, menopause, worms, food allergies, nervous experiences and stress. The risk of the disease increases in women and people with unstable mental health over 40 years of age.

Violation of the normal flow of bile into the intestines leads to digestive disorders. If bile cannot flow freely into the intestines, pressure in the bile duct increases, which can cause pain in the right hypochondrium. Biliary dyskinesia consists of a series of exacerbations and improvements. After some time, an inflammatory process (cholecystitis, cholangitis) or gallstones may form in the gallbladder and ducts (cholelithiasis).

To diagnose biliary dyskinesia, it is necessary to conduct additional studies, such as a biochemical blood test, ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder, duodenal intubation and tests using special drugs. It is very important not to confuse biliary dyskinesia with other serious diseases that have similar symptoms!

To treat biliary dyskinesia, first of all, you need to switch to dietary nutrition: less fatty and spicy foods, eat little and often. No-spa can help relieve pain. Choleretic drugs and medicinal herbal preparations will not be superfluous. If all of the above does not help, the doctor may prescribe tubage - washing the bile ducts.

To prevent biliary dyskinesia, it is necessary to follow a diet and eat regularly, avoid excessive physical and mental stress, and promptly treat diseases of the digestive tract.

In conclusion, biliary dyskinesia is a serious disease that requires a comprehensive approach to treatment and diagnosis. At the first signs of the disease, such as pain in the right hypochondrium, you must consult a doctor and carry out all the necessary research. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition will help prevent the development of biliary dyskinesia.

Biliary dyskinesia is a violation of the motor activity of the gallbladder, which results in difficulty in the outflow of bile and the development of inflammatory processes in the liver. This disease occurs as a result of disturbances in the functioning of the motor muscles and is considered a common disorder in gastroenterology. Today, doctors can diagnose biliary dyskinesia in patients of all age groups. According to statistics, the disease can affect up to 30% of adults worldwide.

The main factors contributing to the development of the disease are: 1. Infectious diseases 2. Parasitic infestations 3. Diabetes mellitus 4. Chronic stress and depression 5. Heredity 6. Unbalanced diet 7. Regular long-term overload, physical trauma 8. Chronic cholecystitis 9. Taking medications drugs - antibacterials, antidepressants, cytostatics, diuretics 10. Obesity 11. Alcohol and smoking

Biliary dyskinesia is accompanied by frequent nausea

Biliary dyskinesia is a functional disorder manifested by a violation of the outflow of bile from the gallbladder and bile ducts. The causes may be both malnutrition and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment of biliary dyskinesia should be comprehensive, including diet, drug therapy, physiotherapy and spa treatment.