Mucocele (Pyocele) of the Frontal Sinus

Mucocele (pyocele) of the frontal sinus is a cyst-like expansion of the paranasal sinuses caused by the closure of the outlet. Most often, the cause is injury or tumor, less often - a high-lying curvature of the nasal septum. The contents accumulating in the sinus lead to thinning and stretching of the bone walls; it is usually mucous, less often purulent.

Symptoms and course

Initially, the disease is asymptomatic. In some cases, there is a progressive headache, localized mainly in the forehead.

When the frontal sinus is affected, the eyeball moves downward and outward, with a mucocele of the ethmoid sinus - forward and outward, and when the sphenoid sinus is affected - forward.

Then lacrimation, optic disc atrophy, and sometimes corneal ulceration appear. The skin over the tumor is not changed. On palpation, a parchment crunch is noted.


For diagnosis, diaphanoscopy and radiography of the paranasal sinuses are used.


The main method of treatment for mucocele of the frontal sinus is surgical. The sinus is opened and drained, restoring the patency of the natural anastomosis.