Billiards in the Kitchen

Billiards in the kitchen

Play billiards right on the kitchen table! This is a great way to have fun with the whole family. It won't be surprising if older brothers and sisters, parents, and grandparents also want to take part in this exciting game.

First, make pockets - attach paper cups to the edges and corners of the table. The pockets should be level with the edge of the table or slightly lower.

For the cue, use a long spaghetti stick inserted inside a plastic drinking straw - it should slide back and forth freely.

Any small round objects from the kitchen - for example, peas or dragees - are perfect as billiard balls.

Practice a little, and then come up with the rules of the game together with your child - for example, determine the number of attempts to get the ball into the pocket. Children can play on their own or compete with you.

Billiards in the kitchen is a great way to have fun and usefully spend time with the whole family!