
**Biondi-Eirlich** is the original author’s way of combating tobacco smoke. This technique has been tested for decades and has been successfully used to quit smoking. “Cigarette” depression (complex allergic reaction, spasm) makes the smoker simply forget about the cigarette. You will learn how this happens in this article.

**Heidenhain triad** is the basic principles in toxicology for determining lethal outcome, namely a set of “deadly” factors - body temperature, malnutrition and destruction of vital systems. In a hermetically sealed container, such a concentration of a given substance is created that this substance loses its ability to dissolve in water, i.e. it forms a solid crystalline mixture. The vapor concentration of a substance in the environment should not lead to death, that is, it should be a lethal minimum concentration or LMCS point. Crystals cause a reaction in a person in the form of distress, which leads to destructive processes in all systems of the body, from weakening the immune system to complete cessation of breathing. This can be done if the substance is presented in the form of a mixture. The main important condition for such a representation is that a given chemical element must be a mixture of various chemical elements. These substances are called additive or in any case hepatotoxic substances. An important condition for this mixture is also that it be non-volatile. There are many compounds available that have this property, such as clove oil and nitrogenous compounds. Such compounds have the ability to selectively affect various systems of the animal’s body and, in particular, the respiratory system, when certain ratios of the listed substances are achieved. Let's look at these substances.

This is nature's elixir of purity. It has proven itself very well in its short but eventful history. One of the most popular methods to help get rid of bad habits, especially smoking. This product was developed as a method of mass health improvement in countries with environmentally unfavorable environments. The ointment is produced according to a unique recipe, characterized by a minimal content of chemical compounds. Entire sciences that describe the properties of a unique plant have been lost. Ointments based on it best help people, regardless of the region from which they came. The properties of snake oil ointment are incomparable to anything - according to doctors, this ointment is the only way that really helps those who quit smoking and many other patients. The basis is a unique natural compound – snake oil, which increases the body’s resistance. At the same time, the fat components strengthen blood vessels, help relieve bronchospasm, and help reduce phlegm, bronchial asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system. The ointment also has antiviral and bactericidal properties. A unique combination of components completely mobilizes the immune system, eliminates the causes that support inflammation, helps normalize the functions of internal organs - regeneration and healing of wounds and injuries. When there is a high temperature, relief comes due to the ability of the drug to bring it down. The product reduces the risk of complications, helps remove swelling, restores affected systems, normalizes metabolic processes, restores the body after continued

Dr. Biondi's triacid mixtures were invented in the mid-twentieth century and continue to be used throughout the world to this day. These medications are effective in treating many diseases, including allergic reactions to insect bites (they prevent swelling), angioedema, and allergic dermatitis. But are these drugs really that harmless?

Biondi-Ehrlich causes serious concern among doctors and patients due to its negative effect on the body. The drug causes a lot of side effects, including: * Headaches and dizziness; * Skin rashes accompanied by itching; * Nausea and vomiting; * Diarrhea; * Urticaria; * Chills or, conversely, severe fever; * Nosebleeds; * Snoring; * Pain in the heart area.

This remedy can only be used for treatment by a doctor who prescribes a certain dosage of the triacid mixture. Already an hour after administration, the patient begins to feel severe discomfort, problems with blood pressure appear, the heartbeat may increase, and tinnitus occurs. A gradual increase in the feeling of discomfort, and a more pronounced allergic reaction occurs after 7-10 hours. And this reaction is more severe and longer lasting than when taking the drug Suprastin. Drinking alcohol, eating spicy and fatty foods, and taking other medications can cause the condition to worsen. But the most negative consequence of taking Biondi-Ehrlichy medications is swelling of the tongue and mouth, which is accompanied by profuse salivation and a feeling of pressure under the tongue, causing a sore throat and difficulty breathing. There is also a burning sensation in the abdomen, which often provokes vomiting. Against this background, there may be allergic manifestations on the face (edema) and throughout the body (generalized urticaria), which are accompanied by itching, pain in the joints, kidneys, liver and gall bladder. If angioedema is accompanied by suffocation, you should urgently consult a doctor. It is important to know that symptoms do not go away without the use of drugs against allergic reactions. If you cannot quickly seek medical help, you should immediately call an ambulance yourself. A complication of edematous syndrome is the risk of developing anaphylactic shock.