Birth Pathological

Pathological childbirth (P. pathologicus) is an unusual course of labor or the appearance of signs of possible complications during the birth process. Such problems can arise as a result of various reasons, such as incorrect position of the child, weakness of the muscles and bones of the pelvis, the presence of congenital defects, as well as various diseases in the mother.

During childbirth, the mother's body reacts to contractions and contractions of the uterus, which are necessary for the onset of labor. However, in some cases, these processes may go wrong and medical intervention may be necessary, which can lead to abnormal birth.

Pathological childbirth can be caused by various factors. One of them is the incorrect positioning of the newborn. If the baby is not positioned correctly in the uterus, the mother may need surgery or the use of instruments to remove the baby. In this case, complications are also possible, such as injuries to the mother and child or caesarean section.

Weak pelvic muscles and bones can also cause this type of birth. In such cases, the mother may experience severe pain and bleeding, requiring surgery or the use of instruments to perform the birth safely.

Conditions such as bone infections or heart disease can lead to premature birth or the need for surgery.

Pathological childbirth requires a serious approach from medical specialists, as it can lead to serious complications for both mother and child. Therefore, if you suspect a pathological birth, you must immediately seek medical help and follow all doctor’s recommendations.