
Bisexuality is a sexual orientation in which a person is sexually attracted to both people of the same sex and members of the opposite sex. This orientation relates to sexual interests and is not related to sexual preferences. According to the World Health Organization, the prevalence of this orientation is about 8% in the general population. For people with bisexual orientation, balance in relationships and respect for partners' differences are important. They may be partnered with both men and women, or be in polyamorous relationships. Their sex life may include various forms of intimacy such as oral sex, anal sex or masturbation. Their orientation often faces social and cultural negative attitudes from society. Therefore, they need to protect their rights.

Bisexual people may experience feelings of inferiority or even loneliness due to fear of rejection from their partner and fear of being rejected by society for their sexual preference. To cope with this problem, they need support from others and open dialogue. There are still stereotypes and prejudices about bisexuality in society, so they need to learn to stand up for their rights and fight discrimination based on sexual orientation. This term is also used to describe actions or behavior when people with this orientation show interest