A bite roller (Biteraiser) is a device that prevents the normal closure of teeth during orthodontic treatment, and is also used to treat temporomandibular syndrome.
The bite roller is a plastic or silicone plate that is installed on the teeth of the upper and lower jaws. It prevents the complete closure of the dentition, providing a small gap between them. This allows you to relieve the temporomandibular joints and chewing muscles during sleep, reducing pain and preventing the abrasion of tooth enamel.
The bite roller is widely used by orthodontists in the complex treatment of malocclusions. It helps correct the alignment of teeth and jaws by gradually moving teeth into the desired position using orthodontic braces and wires.
In addition, the roller is effective in treating temporomandibular syndrome caused by malocclusion, bruxism or stress. It relieves joints and muscles, reducing pain, clicking and crunching in the joints. The bite roller allows you to restore the normal functioning of the masticatory apparatus.
A bite block or Biteraiser is a device that is used in orthodontic treatment to prevent normal tooth occlusion and treat temporomandibular syndrome (TMJ).
A bite block is a device that is made of a soft material such as rubber or silicone and is placed between the patient's teeth. It helps prevent the teeth from closing normally during treatment and prevents possible injury and damage to the teeth.
Additionally, Biteraiser can be used to treat TMJ, a condition in which the jaw cannot move properly and causes pain and discomfort. The bite block helps keep the jaw in the correct position, which helps reduce pain and improve jaw function.
Overall, the Biteraiser is an important tool in orthodontic treatment and can greatly improve the quality of life for patients suffering from malocclusion or TMJ.
A bite roller or Biteraiser is a device that is used in orthodontic practice to prevent the normal closure of teeth and treat the temporomandibular joint. This device is a thin, elastic, silicone roller that is placed between the patient's teeth and gums. The roller helps create the correct position of the teeth, improve joint function and reduce pain.
A bite block can be used to treat a variety of problems related to bite and chewing. It can be useful in treating malocclusion, misaligned teeth, crowded teeth and other problems. The bolster can also help treat temporomandibular syndromes such as arthritis and temporomandibular joint dysfunction, which can be caused by malocclusion or other problems.
Installation of a bite roller can be performed both in the dentist’s office and at home. The dentist determines what type of bolster is needed for a particular patient and how to install it. Taking care of your roller at home can also be helpful as it helps maintain the correct shape and position of the roller.
The Bite Roller is a safe and effective way to treat many dental and jaw problems. It helps restore the correct position of teeth and improve the function of the temporomandibular joint, which can lead to improved overall health and quality of life for the patient.