Dead blood, barsh, namsh and freckles

Namsh and dead blood are sometimes similar to blood that has poured out from the mouth of a hair vessel, which has opened from overflow or from splitting due to a blow or other reasons, and has lingered under the surface of the skin in some place where the color and shape of the bruise changes. A reddish bruise will be namsh, a blackish bruise will be barsh, and dirty spots are called freckles, although some call pinpoint bruises freckles. A person with namsh often has cracks on the lips due to the dryness of his nature.

All this should be treated quickly, before the blood hardens and turns black, because after this it is difficult to treat.

As for barsh and dead blood, they are sometimes removed with the tip of a lancet, pushing back the thin skin so as not to cause ulceration; if there is anything frozen there, then the clot is carefully removed, and if the blood has not yet solidified, it is forced to slowly flow out, and then Treat the wound with medications until it is completely clean. We treated barsh and namsh in this way, and they went away, but after treatment, an astringent medicinal bandage should be applied so that blood does not flow again from the mouths of the vessels. In addition, it is necessary to mix astringent medications with the solvents used so that the solvents do not attract matter through dilated vessels, especially at the beginning of the formation of freckles; for the same reason, the medicine should not cause a strong burning sensation. With a long-term, immobile bruise, you should not be afraid of this, but on the contrary, you should use dissolving and burning substances, constantly removing them and applying them again. Long-term bruising is always black, nothing else.

Sometimes dead blood can be dissolved first by pouring plenty of hot water over the bruise for a long time, especially if there is a resolving power in the water. Sometimes we made an incision first. Paste with myrrh and paste with roses in the form of an ointment are often beneficial. This and similar treatments are repeated twice a day, after the sore spot is washed, for example, with a decoction of medicinal clover, it is best to use these two medicines and, in addition, fenugreek juice, and a paste prepared with myrrh will remove the blood remaining after cleansing weaker drugs.

Figs soaked in sour vinegar sometimes dissolve dead blood in the same way as calcined soda, pigeon feces and bavrak, taken equally, which are spread with honey.

Sometimes the area of ​​the bruise is also washed with soda, then a bandage is applied with turpentine gum and tied for six days, and then washed and pricked with needles to draw blood. After this, the wound is dried and left for six days and then the area is rubbed with salt and left for half an hour, then the medicine that we will now describe is applied for five days, and all the remaining blood comes out. And this medicine is to take incense, nura, soda, wax and honey, melt the wax, mix it with honey and apply a bandage from this composition. The bandage is done daily, for three or four days and even up to five, leaving it in place, and it eliminates the traces of dead blood and tattoos.

Good simple remedies for this include kachim with bread crumb, bitter almonds, cabbage seeds, radish seeds, milky juice of figs, indau juice with cow bile, artichoke gum and mandrake leaves, which are rubbed on namsha and other stains for a week. Marjoram is a good ointment for dead blood, and all the powerful cleansing medicines mentioned in the previous paragraphs also help.

They also take, for example, wild cumin, myrrh, tapsia, viper's onion with honey and snake arum root, and Galen and others tested rancid nuts, which are finely crushed and tied to the sore spot overnight, and then the medicine is renewed.

They also use fashir or fashir-shin steppe, extracts from ban and jasmine seeds, especially fresh ones, ivory sawdust, yellow grass with vinegar, harbak of both types and Chinese cinnamon; citron acid is also very good, as is clover, pigeon feces, sparrow feces and falcon feces.

They also take pepper - one part, nur - two parts, red and yellow arsenic - two parts each, mix it with honey and put it in a vessel made of baked clay when the medicine is needed, wash the sore spot with soda and apply a bandage with rathiyanaj to it for five days , and then they untie it, prick the sore spot with a needle, dry the blood, sprinkle the wound with salt and put medicine on it for another five days. This is done several times, and this medicine reduces the dead blood and tattoo.

They also take bavraca and tragacanth - equally, prepare cakes from them and smear them with vinegar, and then wash off the ointment with soap. Or smear with dry pumpkin, heavily grated with a small amount of saffron - this is an excellent, effective remedy.

Or they take Cretan clay and cotton seeds, bind them with soapy water and spread it on, this reduces freckles, rashes and pimples. The same effect applies to burnt olive oil, vetch flour and lupine flour, taken in equal parts and spread on the sore spot.

Among the light medicines useful for namsha, barsha and all kinds of spots are the mucilage of quince seeds with saffron and pumpkin seeds with a decoction of fenugreek, medicines that eliminate freckles, these are, by the way, radish and mustard seeds,

mixed with figs soaked in vinegar, a medicine made from mustard with arsenic, if used in an amount that causes only slight peeling, but not ulceration, reduces freckles.

They also take bush and Chinese cinnamon, mix both in the juice of the yellow cinnamon and spread it on. Or they take mercury dust, melon seeds, Magaleb cherries and bitter almonds and use them; they also take yellow grass and mix it with bdellium and indau seeds, or take bdellium with vinegar. These medicines are used, and when they start to burn, they are taken off and then put back in again.

They also take a saffron bulb and a narcissus bulb, or take indau seeds, starch, white lead oxide - one part each, and a little saffron, as well as lizard and dog feces, bean flour, barley flour and fenugreek flour - two parts each, and oil sweet almonds and coconut oil - to bind with them.

Diahilun is also used according to the following recipe: boil one uqiyah of lead oxide in two uqiyahs of old olive oil until the oxide dissolves in it, then take equal parts of fenugreek mucilage and mustard mucilage - one uqiyah, bdellia and myrrh - each in the amount of five dirhams of the medicine are ground, then grind they throw the mucus there and again rub it hard, and then the substances are bound with olive oil and diakhilun is prepared from them.

Good flatbreads. They take wolf's bast - four dirhams, white mustard - ten dirhams, ushshak and bdeliya - two dirhams each, dissolve in enough water so that the remaining substances can be combined, and turn into flat cakes.

A good medicine for insomnia sufferers. They take sangisbuyi - dirham, bavrak - dirham, radish seeds, rotted bones, ban seeds, pepper stone, lupine, melon seeds, bush and bitter almonds, prepare cakes from this and consume.

A good medicine that rarely has its equal. They kill two dirhams of mercury by grinding it in flour from three dirhams of bitter almonds until not a trace of mercury remains and the flour turns black, then throw in an equal amount of heavily crushed melon seeds and spread it every evening for a week, and wash it off in the morning.

They also take mountain rue and hyssop - one part each, green marble clay - a third of a part, incense - a part, bavrac - two parts, turpentine gum - two parts and a half, seven parts of wax, and the wax and gum are melted in rose oil, and bavrak and marble clay are diluted in hot water, the whole composition is bound, a little honey is added and used carefully, being careful of ulceration.

They also say that bleeding from a vessel at the tip of the nose removes freckles, but only this gives the face such redness as that of a person suffering from safa.