

  1. Hyposensitization is a method of reducing sensitivity to a known allergen by introducing it over a certain period of time with a gradual increase in the dose of the allergen until the body develops resistance to it. This method is used to treat allergies.

  2. A technique used in behavioral therapy to treat phobias. An object or situation that causes fear in the patient is very slowly and gradually introduced into his life, first in the imagination, and then in reality. At the same time, the patient is taught relaxation techniques to control anxiety. In this way, the patient learns to overcome the real danger that he may encounter.

Desensitization is a treatment method that is based on the body’s gradual adaptation to the effects of the allergen. This method allows you to reduce sensitivity to the allergen, which helps patients better tolerate contact with it. It is important to observe the exact dosage of the drug so as not to harm the body. This is a process in which the body gradually and carefully becomes accustomed to a particular allergen.

By desensitizing the patient, medications reduce the flow of the substance that causes the body to react. For example, when people are allergic to pets, injections of antihistamines help patients adjust to the presence of animals. Sometimes patients are allergic to certain foods