Polychromasid, Polychromatophilia - the presence in the blood samples under study after staining with Romanovsky dye of both normal pink cells and blue-stained erythrocytes. Cells that turn blue when exposed to this dye are young red blood cells (see Reticulocyte).
POLYCYTHEMIA TRUE (potycythaemia verd), POLYCYTHEMIA RED TRUE (polycythaemia rubra vera), ERYTHRAEMIA (erythraemia), VaqueiOsler disease - a disease characterized by a significant increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood (see also Polycythemia). Often, an increase in the number of white blood cells and platelets is also observed at the same time. Symptoms of the disease are headache, thrombosis, cyanosis, plethora and itching. In the process of treating polycythemia vera, bloodletting can be used, but in more severe cases, the disease is treated with radiation therapy or the prescription of cytotoxic drugs. The causes of the disease are unknown.
Polychromasia and polychromatophilia are terms associated with blood testing. They describe the presence in blood samples, after staining with Romanowsky dye, of normal pink cells and also blue-stained young red blood cells called reticulocytes.
Polycythemia and polycythemia vera are two different concepts. Polycythemia is a disease in which the number of red blood cells in the blood increases significantly. Polycythemia vera is also characterized by an increase in the number of white blood cells and platelets, as well as a number of other symptoms such as headaches, thrombosis and cyanosis.
Vaquez-Osler disease is another disease that is associated with an increase in the number of red blood cells. However, unlike polycythemia vera, Vaquez-Osler disease does not show a significant increase in the number of white blood cells or platelets. The disease is manifested by symptoms such as headache, cyanosis and itching and requires appropriate treatment.
It is important to note that to accurately diagnose these diseases, it is necessary to conduct additional research and consult a doctor.
Polychromazid and polychromatophy were often assigned completely different meanings, so the doctor’s work is usually assessed by the degree of staining. A blue tint indicates that the cells are young, and this answer is considered a good answer. After analyzing the smear, the laboratory assistant says: “It’s okay, everything is fine.”
There are several theories about the occurrence of the disease and the reasons for its occurrence. People diagnosed with polychromasia have increased production of red blood cells that continues continuously. The reasons for this phenomenon are genetic. Some researchers believe that the increase in cell number is caused by insufficient destruction of old red blood cells and the formation of new ones. Most often, women suffer from polychromasia. During pregnancy and menopause, the disease can become chronic, and this really leads to dangerous consequences.
Additional research by doctors identifies possible chronic diseases of the patient. Usually, spider veins, deformed arteries, varicose veins, redness of the skin and problems with blood vessels are a reason to consult a cardiologist or vascular surgeon. A slight increase in blood cholesterol levels does not always indicate the development of atherosclerosis. Therefore, it is important to undergo a detailed examination of the heart, have a cardiogram, and check thyroid hormones.
Vaquez disease provokes serious abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system in a person. Signs and symptoms of the disease may include difficulty speaking, dizziness, memory impairment, disorientation, and loss of balance. At the initial stage of development of the disease, bone weakness, difficulty walking, and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis may appear. As a result of increased tone of the arterial walls, problems in the functioning of the kidneys are detected. The likelihood of blood pressure surges almost triples, often due to hypotension. Wakezu disease can lead to atrophy of the auditory nerve. There is evidence that patients with this diagnosis do not have taste disturbances. With this pathology, such problems arise quite rarely. Other symptoms of Vaqueza include fatigue and frequent vomiting. This is a pathology in which the functioning of the liver is disrupted. Patients may experience metabolic disorders and other minor changes in the functioning of various organs.
Most cases of the disease occur without noticeable symptoms or cause minor discomfort. Relapses and exacerbations are observed in people with hereditary predilections.