Representative of Protozoans

A representative of Protozoan is a single-celled animal. Protozoa are single-celled eukaryotic organisms. They have a nucleus and other organelles characteristic of eukaryotic cells. Protozoa include groups such as flagellates, ciliates, amoebas and many others. They are widespread in nature and play an important role in ecosystems. Some protozoa are parasites of humans and animals and cause dangerous diseases. Thus, a representative of the protozoa is an example of a single-celled organism that exhibits complex structure and behavior, despite the lack of multicellularity.

Representative Protozoa is a single-celled organism that is the simplest animal on planet Earth. These small creatures have the amazing ability to survive in the most extreme conditions, such as deep seas and oceans, arid deserts and even the snow of Antarctica.

Unicellular organisms can be quite large and occupy a large space inside the cell, but they are not multicellular in the traditional sense. They have no tissues or organs