Tar soap for papillomas: application features and recipes

Tar soap

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition of tar soap
  2. Beneficial features
  3. How to make tar soap (step by step instructions)
  4. How to use tar soap for papillomas
  5. Contraindications for use
  6. Results of treatment of papillomas
  7. Patient reviews of tar soap

Tar soap for papillomas is a universal remedy for combating tumors caused by the human papilloma virus. The combination of alkaline structures and fatty acids has excellent cleansing properties. Skin washed with such a product is slightly dried and disinfected, but is not irritated. This property makes tar soap effective against papillomas.

Description and composition of tar soap for papillomas

Nevskaya cosmetics tar soap

In the photo, tar soap for papillomas

Soap with the addition of birch tar is called tar soap. The product contains at least 8% wood distillation product, thanks to which it gets its unique dark color, specific smell, but most importantly - healing properties.

The basis for such soap is a familiar household soap, the composition is almost identical: soda ash, sodium carbonate, caustic soda, fatty acids.

The product is produced both in industrial soap factories and at home. Depending on the amount of fatty acids in its composition, it may have varying degrees of aggressiveness towards external microflora. For accelerated effects, it is recommended to choose tar soap for papillomas with a high content of alkaline components.

Birch tar

In the photo there is birch tar

Amateur soap makers add coconut and olive oils to the composition to enhance the regenerating properties of the product, but essential oils are not included in it, since the harsh aroma of tar overpowers other odors.

Do not be afraid that the detergent will leave a specific odor after use; it will disappear a few minutes after use.

The price of tar soap (75 g) in Russia is from 22 rubles, in Ukraine - from 9 hryvnia. You can buy it both in solid form (standard bar) and in liquid form.

An analogue of tar soap is Vishnevsky's ointment - it also contains a certain amount of tar.

In order for the product to retain its properties and continue to help in the fight against papillomas, it is necessary to comply with its storage conditions - in a dark place, avoid high humidity, away from children.

Useful properties of tar soap for papillomas

What does tar soap look like?

Birch tar has natural disinfecting properties, which is why it is actively used in folk medicine. Soap with tar helps improve blood circulation in the washed skin tissues, which in turn increases its regenerative abilities.

In addition, the following properties of tar soap are noted:

  1. Drying of oily areas of the skin, and the area with normal epidermis does not change its properties;
  2. Elimination of oily sheen;
  3. Normalization of blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin;
  4. Disinfection, antifungal effect;
  5. Resorption of scars.

Dermatologists recommend the cleanser to combat psoriasis, skin rashes, acne, rashes and external manifestations of allergic reactions. Antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties make it possible to use tar soap for papillomas.

The therapeutic effect of the product is explained by the presence of tar in its composition, which is a powerful natural antiseptic. When using tar soap, an alkaline environment is formed on the affected area, which is detrimental to papillomas. Thus, the product provokes the destruction of skin cells affected by HPV.

In addition, tar soap promotes rapid healing of the skin.

Important! Despite the fact that the use of tar soap against papillomas is a simple and affordable method of treatment, you should still consult a specialist before starting the procedures.
  1. Read also about essential oils for papillomas

How to make tar soap for papillomas at home

Making homemade tar soap

The photo shows the process of making homemade tar soap

Soap containing birch tar is not a rare product on the shelves of hardware stores and supermarkets. At the same time, its cost is also not bad. However, manufacturers' savings on adding emollient ingredients leads to the fact that after using such products, irritation and dry skin may appear. To avoid adverse reactions, you can make tar soap for papillomas at home.

The process begins with the preparation of all the necessary ingredients. First of all, you need to take gentle baby soap or soap base in the amount of 200 g. For such a mass you will need only 1 teaspoon of tar. To increase the benefits and improve the aroma, add 1 teaspoon of natural honey, as well as your favorite essential oils in a few drops.

Initially, melt the grated soap or ready-made soap base in any convenient way - in a microwave oven at low power or in a water bath, excluding boiling. After cooling a little, add essential oils. Mix very thoroughly. When the temperature of the mixture is below 50 degrees, you can add honey and tar. The mass will almost immediately become thicker. Now it’s time to pour the future tar soap for papillomas into molds.

The curing time is usually no more than 24 hours. In general, the manufacturing process does not take much time and effort, but as a result, the skin receives safe and gentle care.

  1. Read also how to make laundry soap for papillomas

How to use tar soap for papillomas?

Methods of using tar soap for papillomas

The photo shows how to use tar soap for papillomas

Tar soap for papillomas must be used very carefully. After an evening shower or bath, when the skin on the body is well steamed, the area with new growths should be thoroughly soaped with this product until white foam forms, let it dry and leave overnight.

Soaping should be done very carefully so as not to damage the pointed formations, to prevent the stem from coming off and bleeding of the papilloma.

After a few days, the papilloma and the area of ​​skin nearby may turn red. In this case, the use of tar soap for papillomas on the body should be stopped, wait until the growth dries out and dies on its own.

This method is no less effective against flat warts. The procedure should be stopped when exfoliation of the growth tissue begins.

Tar soap against papillomas can be used on the neck, face, under the arms and other parts of the body, the main thing is to apply it carefully on the face so that the soap does not get into the eyes and mucous membranes of the mouth.

Ointment based on tar soap for papillomas

The photo shows an ointment based on tar soap for papillomas

You can use not only pure tar soap for papillomas, but also ointments based on it. To prepare the medicinal substance, you need to grate the product on a coarse grater and add water at room temperature, let the mixture brew for at least half an hour, and then strain through a fine sieve. It is recommended to apply the finished ointment to clean, steamed skin and leave overnight.

You can also get rid of papillomas using tar oil, which is a mixture of vegetable oil and tar. Apply a small amount to the growth and leave overnight. This method is relevant in cases where it is impossible to use tar soap for papillomas, for example, with neoplasms on the eyelid.

When using tar soap for papillomas on intimate places, it is recommended to choose a handmade product, without synthetic fragrances and with a low level of aggressiveness, to avoid drying out the delicate mucous membrane.

To obtain the maximum effect, it is recommended to use soap with tar in complex therapy, supplementing traditional treatment with medications approved by the attending physician, as well as general support for the human immune system.

  1. Read about the most effective remedies for papillomas on the body

Contraindications to the use of tar soap for papillomas

Pregnant woman

Tar soap is one of the most inexpensive products, the use of which is effective in the fight against epithelial tumors on the skin caused by the human papillomavirus. However, be careful, procedures using this product are not suitable for everyone.

It is not recommended to use tar soap for papillomas for the following categories of people:

  1. Pregnant women, as a strong odor can cause nausea or even vomiting;
  2. Women during lactation - due to the strong aroma, the child may refuse breastfeeding;
  3. Children under one year of age who find it difficult to adapt to a fairly aggressive product;
  4. For patients during periods of destructive development of HPV on the genitals, tar soap for papillomas in intimate places is not used in this case, since their microflora is already in an extremely unstable position;
  5. Patients with allergies to any of the components of the composition.

Tar soap is not suitable for treating papillomas in the eye area. Formation on the eyelids is combated with medications or special oils. In other cases, there are no contraindications to the use of the product.

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Results of treatment of papillomas with tar soap

Results of treatment of papillomas with tar soap

Procedures using birch tar have not undergone clinical studies, which means that the effectiveness of treating papillomas with tar soap has not been confirmed by statistical data. Patients evaluate this traditional method of removing tumors caused by HPV differently. For some, the remedy turned out to be very effective, while others do not recognize its effectiveness.

The negative aspects of the product include an unpleasant odor, as well as low effectiveness. It should be noted that in many respects the quality of tar soap for papillomas depends on the manufacturer, and if the composition is natural, then exfoliation of the growth cells begins after 10 days of systematic use. However, the high price of soap does not guarantee quality.

Those patients who combine traditional treatment with alternative ones note that the use of tar soap is quite effective. They talk about quick results and the absence of relapses of the disease.

When the use of tar soap for papillomas on the body gives a positive result, it can be continued to be used as a prevention of relapses, since no one is immune from repeated manifestations of the disease. As a preventive measure, areas of the skin where formations have appeared must be treated at least once a week.

In some cases, when using tar soap for papillomas, negative reactions, because the aggressive composition of the product can irritate the skin and delicate mucous membranes. Often, drying out of the skin under the influence of the product can lead to the formation of microcracks and self-infection with new strains of HPV. On the other hand, fatty acids in soap prevent the healing of small wounds, so if the papilloma is accidentally injured during soaping, it will be more difficult to stop the bleeding.

  1. Read about the best herbs for the human papillomavirus

Real patient reviews about tar soap for papillomas

Patient reviews of tar soap for papillomas

If you evaluate the reviews about tar soap for papillomas, you can identify a favorable trend - for every 20 positive reviews there is only 1 negative one. That is, on average, only 5% of patients were dissatisfied with this method.

Tatyana, 37 years old, Moscow

I decided to remove papilloma on my neck using tar soap and from the first time I felt the effect of its effects, although it was from the middle price category. I continue to use the product and hope for good results.

Lydia, 42 years old, Bryansk

I started using tar soap for papillomas on my arm as soon as they appeared. I managed to get rid of this nasty thing very quickly. I applied the soapy solution overnight. No discomfort, no irritation. Everything went perfectly! I hope that no more growths will appear.

Svetlana, 28 years old, Omsk

I purchased the most expensive copy, but did not see results within 2 weeks of regular use of tar soap for papillomas. Perhaps I bought a low-quality product, because I didn’t read anything about the manufacturer beforehand. However, despite this, I cannot recommend it!

Watch the video on how to use tar soap correctly:

Tar soap for papillomas - a recipe for health from our grandmothers. Although there is no laboratory evidence of its effectiveness in combating growths caused by HPV, the product is incredibly useful in your home medicine cabinet. Still, before starting treatment, it is strongly recommended to consult a dermatologist. A reasonable attitude towards your health will not only allow you to get rid of the unaesthetic manifestations of the disease, but also eliminate the causes that cause it.

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