How to massage your head for hair growth

The modern rhythm of life and poor ecology negatively affect the condition of hair. Hair begins to fall out, fade, split ends and dandruff appear. Many girls suffer from this problem throughout their lives. An effective way to solve the problem is to massage your head for hair growth.

This type of massage is a type of cosmetic massage. The main requirement for scalp massage for hair growth is regularity and systematic implementation..


Systematic massage for hair growth will produce effective and amazing results:

  1. improvement of scalp tone;
  2. significant hair growth;
  3. strengthening hair roots;
  4. shine and healthy glow;
  5. improving blood circulation in the scalp;
  6. normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  7. getting rid of dandruff.

During the massage, the hair and scalp absorb nutrients and healing substances much better. Head massage will solve the problem of dandruff and other diseases. Daily massaging of the roots will allow your hair to look healthy, strong, and shiny.

This type of massage is good because you can easily perform it yourself at home. Having carefully studied the massage technique, basic techniques and methods of influence, you can not resort to the help of a professional, but massage your head yourself.

Massage for hair growth

Massage for hair growth

How to do a head massage

The simplest, but no less effective method is massage with a natural bristle brush. The brush can be made of wood, ebonite (rubber-based). The way to do it is very simple:

  1. first, comb the hair from the temples to the crown for several minutes;
  2. Next you need to move from the temples to the forehead and back of the head;
  3. the movements are first circular, stroking;
  4. then change to zigzag.

Massage with essential oils showed good results. Please note: before starting a massage with essential oils, make sure your individual tolerance to the oils. For massage you need to use one drop of rosemary and black pepper. Rub oils into the scalp using circular massage movements. You need to start massaging from the back of the head, moving up to the crown and forehead. You need to finish the procedure with light pinching.

The massage is called classical because classical techniques are used:

  1. stroking;
  2. trituration;
  3. stretching;
  4. ventilation;
  5. vibration.

So, let's start with the massage technique.

We start by kneading the brow ridges. To do this, grab the fold above the eyebrows with your thumb and index finger and knead them lightly. You need to move from the bridge of your nose to your temples. Repeat 5 times.

Next you need to knead along the edge of the hairline. To do this, use two or three fingers to move along the border of the hair behind the ears in a spiral.


Then we move on to stroking the forehead. To do this, we stroke with our fingers from the superciliary arches to the border of the hairline, fixing it at several points on the forehead. Repeat 5 times.


We part the hair. Use your finger to stretch the parting from the crown to the border of the hairline. The movements are spiral with slight pressure. Then the hair is divided into the next parting and kneaded.

kneading the parting

After straight-line kneading, we perform circular kneading. The right hand massages the parietal part, the left - the occipital part. Circles are performed counterclockwise. You need to perform two circles at a slow pace.

Circular kneading

Neck massage is included in the mandatory massage program. We bend our fingers and begin massaging the back surface of the middle phalanges from the shoulder joint to the area behind the ears. You need to finish the procedure with light movements.

Neck massage

Features of massage

Massage should always be performed with clean hands and in a relaxed state. The best time to do it is before bed. It is not recommended to massage your head with hands with long nails, otherwise you may damage your scalp. In addition to massage oil, you can use various herbal preparations, essential oils and skin treatments.

If you have dry and brittle hair, you can use a mixture of castor oil and burdock oil along with the massage. Only after such a massage is it recommended to wash your hair.


  1. head injuries;
  2. fungal skin diseases;
  3. eczema;
  4. purulent skin diseases;
  5. elevated temperature;
  6. severe fatigue.

Start doing massage right now. After just a few sessions, you will feel how your hair will sparkle with incredible strength, health and beauty.