Gastroplasty (Gastroplasty)

Gastroplasty is a surgical procedure that allows you to change the shape of the stomach without removing any part of it. It is widely used to treat morbid obesity when other treatments are ineffective.

Until recently, the term gastroplasty was used only to correct gastric deformities that could result from peptic ulcers or other diseases. However, at present, this term has become widely used in relation to techniques for reducing the size of the stomach in the treatment of morbid obesity.

Obesity is a serious problem that can lead to various diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and even cancer. U

Gastroplasty is a surgical procedure that allows you to change the shape and volume of the stomach without removing it. This may be beneficial for people suffering from obesity or other stomach problems.

Previously, the term “gastroplasty” was used only to correct acquired gastric deformities, such as narrowing due to peptic ulcers. However, in recent years it has also begun to be used to reduce the size of the stomach in overweight people.

One of the methods of gastroplasty is vertical fixation gastroplasty. It consists in the fact that the surgeon makes a small incision on the front wall of the stomach and fixes it to the back wall using special threads.

Gastroplasty is a surgical treatment for obesity that involves reducing the size of the stomach through surgery. This method is one of the most popular in the world, and every year more and more people choose it to lose excess weight.

One of the main advantages of gastroplasty is that it does not require giving up food. The operation is performed using endoscopic technology, which allows you to reduce the size of the stomach without damaging its wall or removing the contents. As a result of such manipulations, the patient can continue to lead a normal lifestyle, but at the same time receive less food.

However, like any other operation, gastroplasty has its own risks that must be taken into account before deciding to undergo it. Among them, we can highlight the possibility of developing complications, such as infection, bleeding, and gastric perforation. In addition, the results of the operation may be unpredictable.

Despite this, many obese people are willing to take risks to achieve their goals. They believe that gastroplasty can be a lifeline for them, allowing them to change their weight and restore their health.

In conclusion, gastroplasty is an effective method of treating obesity with minimal risks and losses. It allows you to reduce the size of the stomach without damaging its mucous membrane, and at the same time maintain your usual lifestyle. If you have problems with excess weight or just want to be healthier, then this treatment option is worth considering.