Signs derived from natural excrements, eruptions, hair growth and the appearance of tumors and ulcers

As for the signs given by actions of the kind of natural functions, they are manifested, for example, in the ejaculated surpluses, their quantity, quality or retention; They are discharged from the throat, nose and ears. These signs are also visible in the ulcers, pimples and tumors that appear on the head and in the hair growing on it, for hair arises from excess in the brain. Hair is judged depending on the speed or slowness of its growth and other qualities already listed.

Let us now tell you how to draw conclusions about the eruption of excesses through the mentioned paths. These wastes, when there are many, indicate an abundance of matter and indicate a cause that increases the amount of excess in a given organ, as you already know, and also that the expelling force is not weak. But if the excess is retained or there is little of it and at the same time one feels heaviness, or tingling, or burning, or distension, or beating, or dizziness and ringing in the ears, then this indicates the presence of blockages, weakness of the expelling force and overflow. By the type of excess they judge as follows: caustic, pricking, burning, not heavy excesses that give a yellow color to the face and eyes indicate the presence of yellow bile matter; excess, causing beating and redness of the face and eyes and swelling of the vessels, indicate that the matter is bloody. If excess gives rise to laziness and lethargy, gives the face a leaden color and causes drowsiness and drowsiness, this indicates that the matter is mucous. But if in this condition the complexion is pale, the memory deteriorates, the heaviness in the head is lighter, the person is less sleepy and there are no other signs of a mucous nature, this indicates black bile matter. If, with some of these symptoms, there is also ringing in the ears, dizziness and movement of matter, this indicates that matter generates winds, swelling and vapors and that there is excess heat in the brain acting on matter. As for the case when the excess is locked up, but the head remains light, this indicates dryness in general.

Everything that we have given above relates to the number of eruptions and the retention of excess. As for their quality, for example, yellowish, watery, lukewarm, bitterish and slightly burning excesses indicate that the matter is yellow-billed, and if they are reddish and sweetish with redness of the face and eyes, swelling of blood vessels and heat, then it means the matter is bloody. Salty or sweet excess in the absence of other signs or excess with the properties of bavrak, cold or hot to the touch, indicate mucus that has been exposed to heat. Tasteless, thick excess that is cold to the touch indicates immature mucus. All these conclusions are drawn based on such qualities of waste as taste, color, thickness and condition to the touch. As for smell, a putrid and pungent smell indicates warmth, and the absence of smell often indicates cold, but this evidence is not the same as the evidence of smell about warmth.

As for the signs associated with such things appearing on the scalp and adjacent places as ulcers, pimples and tumors, they in most cases indicate juices that have been in and out of the brain, but do not give a clear indication of the condition brain at a given time, unless they are in a period of growth. Since you already know the causes of tumors - hot, cold, hard and cancerous, as well as ulcers - creeping, fixed and others, it is not difficult for you to draw a conclusion from them about the condition of the head. The same goes for hair. From Book One you learned why hair appears, and became acquainted with the reason for its curly and smoothness, thinness and coarseness, abundance and scarcity, speed or slowness of greying. Later you will learn from special chapters why hair splits, climbs and falls; from them you can learn how to draw conclusions on the qualities of hair. We moved all this there to avoid prolongation and multiplication of details.