Dumbbell bench press

This exercise is not much different from the classic one. Barbell Bench Press. Produces almost the same effect on pectoral musclesTherefore, we will only touch on the key features and differences. When using dumbbells amplitude movements – much more. Due to this, the load falls on internal areas of the chest muscles. As in the version with a barbell, inclined benches and executions are used: both head up and head down.

Keep in mind: despite the fact that the exercise is less traumatic compared to the barbell press (there is no chance of overloading the apparatus), you should be very careful, especially at the lower point of the amplitude. Also, make sure you breathe correctly: inhale slowly when lowering under control, exhale sharply when pushing up.

How to properly perform a dumbbell bench press?

  1. Set the incline bench to the desired slope,
  2. Take a horizontal position on the bench - fix your back, bend your legs slightly,
  3. Hold your arms bent at the elbows with dumbbells in front of you at shoulder width,
  4. Exhaling sharply, press the dumbbells up,
  5. Inhaling slowly, lower the dumbbells to the starting position.
  6. At the final (lowest point) you need to “freeze” for 1-2 seconds,
  7. It is important to understand: the movements of the elbows should be perpendicular to your body.
  8. When lowering, aim at approximately the level of your collarbones.
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