
Esophagoscopy is a method of examining the mucous membrane and walls of the esophagus using a special device - an esophagoscope. It is a thin tube with an outer diameter from 1 to 6 mm. Inside the tube there is a channel into which the endoscope is inserted. It contains a lighting device that allows you to clearly see the walls of the esophagus, as well as a microscope that allows you to take a tissue biopsy.

Esophagoscopy allows you to diagnose various diseases of the esophagus: erosions, ulcers, tumors, diverticula, stenosis and other diseases. In addition, esophagoscopy is often used to remove foreign bodies from the esophagus.

To perform esophagoscopy, the patient must lie on his back with his head elevated. The doctor inserts the endoscope through the mouth into the esophagus using local anesthesia. After inserting the endoscope, the doctor examines the lining of the esophagus and may take a biopsy.

After esophagoscopy, some complications may occur, such as esophageal perforation, bleeding, infection. Therefore, it is important to perform esophagoscopy only by experienced specialists.

Esophagos-cop is a special medical equipment that is used to diagnose various diseases of the esophagus. The method under consideration is used both in private clinics and public medical institutions. Modern equipment allows you to examine the mucous membrane of the organ and identify various pathological changes.

What does an esophagogastroduodenoscope look like?

EsophagogastroDuodenoScope is a fully flexible endoscope equipped with an optical and video system, with which you can examine the upper digestive tract. The device consists of the following elements:

- Lighting system. This is an electric motor with a built-in lamp generator. It ensures the brightness and duration of operation of the lighting device. At the end of the device there is a spring-loaded lamp intended for inspection. The power of the lighting system is 3 W. - Peristaltic pump. Built-in element that supplies air to the shell of the working part. If necessary, the doctor can change the air supply pressure. To increase traction you need to press the front of the device, and to decrease it you need to press the rear buttons. A special plug with a knob for adjusting the air pressure is attached to the pump. The delivery set includes a replacement hose that can be connected to the pump. - Touch video camera.


Esophageal tube: uses and benefits

Every adult should know what esophagoscopy is. What it is? A device called an esophagoscope is specialized medical equipment designed to examine the mucous membrane of the esophagus and adjacent tissues through the use of a special medical accessory. The equipment is used for diagnostic procedures such as biopsies, treatment of foreign substances or removal of therapeutic agents. In addition, gastrogastroscopy can also be performed for the purpose of washing and treating the stomach, performing intragastric nutrition, or quickly diagnosing the presence of cancer. How exactly does a medical device work? Using a gastroscope, an endoscope can be used to examine the walls of the esophagus. The use of a rigid probe is complicated by the fact that foreign objects present in the structure of the esophageal mucosa can block and distort the procedure. However, this