Ear massage for vigor and good health

Eastern sages consider ears to be an indicator of health. This opinion is formed because there are a huge number of biologically active points on the ears, by acting on which you can solve any health problem. Ear massage is a remedy that activates the body's reserve forces.

If you look closely at the auricle, you can find a clear resemblance to a human embryo. It is because of this similarity that the human ear is projected onto the internal organs, as if the embryo were lying upside down.

Projection of internal organs on the ear

1 - large intestine, 2 - kidneys, 3 - gastrointestinal tract, 4 - liver, 5 - spleen, 6 - heart, 7 - lungs, 8 - eyes

In what situations is ear massage useful?

If you want to wake up quickly and get your internal organs working, start your morning with self-massage of your ears. Start massaging while still lying in bed - this self-massage will invigorate the nervous system and prepare the stomach for the upcoming work.

During the day, you can return to the morning session several times, especially for those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. This self-massage will eliminate the resulting stagnation of blood. If you want to heal yourself, you should have massage sessions 4-5 times a day. The results can be assessed after self-examination of the ears, if pain and hardening have disappeared in your usual points. In this case, it will be enough to perform morning ear exercises.

According to Chinese healers, daily morning ear massage prolongs life.

An ear massage is also good for people who drive for a long time to tone themselves up and gain control. Preventive ear massage is also useful for small children. The procedure will serve as a prevention of childhood diseases.

Ear massage

Relaxing ear massage

How to massage your ears correctly

The auricle contains a large number of nerve endings, by acting on which you can improve your general condition, get rid of excess weight, and relieve tension. So, let's move on to the ear massage.

  1. We begin the procedure with kneading. To do this, bend the auricle forward several times.
  2. Next, take the earlobes with your thumb and forefinger and pull them down, then release them. We do it 5-6 times.
  3. Let's move on to massaging the tragus. We pinch the tragus with our thumb and forefinger and begin to rotate it in all directions for 20 seconds.
  4. Our procedure should be completed with an antihelix massage. The antihelix is ​​a cartilaginous protrusion behind the ear canal. At the same time, we move our thumbs up and down along it.

Massage to relieve tension

  1. We create healing warmth by rubbing our palms together.
  2. We place our palms on our ears: the right palm on the right ear, the left palm on the left. Place your palms so that the middle of your palm coincides with the middle of your ear.
  3. Close your eyes, lower your relaxed shoulders.
  4. Using slow circular movements, we begin to rotate our palms, relaxing the outer area of ​​our ears.
  5. Rotate clockwise for a minute, then in the opposite direction.

Massage to stimulate the brain

  1. Using your thumb and index finger, begin to gently massage your earlobes.
  2. Massage for 2 minutes, then smoothly move to the center of the outer edge of the ear.
  3. After massaging, carefully turn the ear in a circle.

Massage of the lobes stimulates the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. This is an excellent recharge for the whole day!

Ear massage

Daily massage will be beneficial for the health of the whole body

Basic principles of massage

To achieve the desired result, you need to adhere to the basic principles of massage.

  1. The massage is carried out with warm hands;
  2. the ears are massaged simultaneously or alternately;
  3. biologically active points are massaged with fingertips;
  4. During the massage, the patient should take the most comfortable position and relax;

It is worth noting that the desired result depends on the direction of movement. So, if massage techniques are performed clockwise, this will activate the brain and “awaken” it. Movements in the opposite direction will calm and relax you.

If you feel tired, lethargic, sleepy, start massaging your earlobes and tragus. This will definitely get you in the right shape.