Reducing the amount of milk and delaying its abundant release

Women's milk, when in excess, causes pain, causes swelling and brings on many diseases. Sometimes milk accumulates in the breast even without pregnancy, especially if menstruation is blocked and the matter, which does not find the strength to leave the uterus, due to its small amount, is rejected and ends up in the breast, turning into milk. And sometimes milk accumulates in the breasts of men, especially maturing young men, when their nipples become thick. You already know from what has been said before about the reasons for the scarcity of milk. The basis here is all substances that are very drying, absorbing or strongly dissolving and warming, as well as everything that cools. Humidifiers that produce a lot of aqueous humor also reduce the amount of blood in women with a mucous nature.

All medications that reduce the amount of semen also reduce the amount of milk. As for cold medicines, these are, for example, lettuce seeds, lentils and lentil stew with vinegar, and from ointments, the squeezed juice of the stem of the plantain and its mucus, the squeezed juice of lettuce and similar plants, as well as fava bean flour with rose oil and vinegar. And hot medicines are, for example, rue and its seeds, especially mountain rue, or prutnyak. Effective drinking from it is up to two dirhams. The most accurate way to say about mountain basil is that it reduces the amount of milk, although some claim that basil increases it. Cumin, especially mountain cumin, also tends to dry out milk; It also works if you lubricate your chest with vinegar. Among the hot ointments is ushshak with wine. Here is a good ointment of this kind: take cabbage roots, pound them and make a medicinal bandage from them. Or they take lentil flour, fava bean flour, saffron and lecanora and salt and lubricate the chest with this mixture with cold water. The breasts are also lubricated with squeezed fenugreek juice, lacquer, lead litharge or rose oil. Here is one of the remedies that has the same property: grated crayfish or burnt crayfish is smeared on the chest.