Stretching for weight loss using exercise equipment.

As you already know, our dear readers: all kinds of sets of stretching exercises increase muscle elasticity and body flexibility, promote weight loss and rid us of the ubiquitous subcutaneous fat. We have already drawn your attention to this more than once. However, previously we considered only the simplest exercises, without the use of additional equipment... Today we will continue the topic we started and will be happy to tell you how to stretch effectively using modern exercise equipment.

Active training stretching for weight loss and muscle recovery can be performed after completing the strength part of the workout using standard equipment in a fitness center or weightlifting room.

Strength stretching is performed on extremely small or even warm-up weights and only on well-warmed muscles. Using exercise machines allows you to deeply stretch your muscles. The athlete can control the load himself and change it if necessary. Working with a partner is much more dangerous.

  1. Exercise on the lower block.
  2. Exercise on a block simulator: Leg abduction and extension.
  3. Stretching on a Roman chair.

Exercise on the lower block.

To perform the element, you need to set the warm-up weight. Sit on a bench away from the block, so that your legs are straight and rest against the stand. Socks should look at themselves. You need to sit, leaning on your sit bones, with your back straight. Grab the block with your hands and pull it towards you, gradually leaning your body forward. The elbows are pressed to the body, the lower back stretches forward, the back should not be rounded, there should be a straight line from the lower back to the top of the head.

Execution order:

Having reached maximum tension, remain in the position for 10-20 seconds. Then pull the weight further and increase the load, while continuing to pull the lower back forward, moving closer to the hips. This movement will be small in amplitude, and the next point of maximum tension will be felt almost immediately. You need to stay in this position for 5-10 seconds. In this movement, the muscles of the back of the thigh and gluteal muscles are stretched to the maximum. This stretching powerfully stretches the above target muscles and restores their tone.

Exercise on a block simulator: Leg abduction and extension.

The muscles of the back, legs and buttocks are stretched. This exercise allows you to stretch your hamstrings and calf muscles. Performed with straight legs and a straight back, toes pointing towards you. You need to stretch your lower back forward towards your hips, without rounding your back. The abs and legs are tense. Set the warm-up weight. The arms are extended forward and reach for the toes.

Leg work.

First, stretching is usually performed to spread the legs, then to bring them together. Straighten your legs as much as possible, with your toes pulled towards you. When performing the leg extension exercise, gradually pull your lower back towards your hips, keeping your back straight and moving your body closer to your legs. Having reached the maximum point of inclination, fix the position of the body, continuing to perform extension work with your legs.

The muscles of the thigh, gluteal, calf, lower leg, and hamstrings are stretched. The intercostal and latissimus dorsi muscles are stretched. The movement of the lower back towards the legs is increased if there is no pain. At the bottom point, perform 10-15 movements to spread the legs and slowly return to the starting position.

Stretching the muscles when bringing the legs together.

The exercise is performed with straight legs and a straight back. You need to reach towards your legs with your lower back, arms extended forward. As the elasticity of the muscles improves, the hand will move further and further behind the toe, so that it will be possible to hook the hand on the toes and pull the body towards the legs with the hands. A prerequisite is a straight back.

Stretching on a Roman chair.

You can perform a deep muscle stretch in an inverted position on a Roman chair. Inverted poses help increase blood circulation in the upper body and improve blood circulation in the brain. The inverted position is beneficial for the skin of the face. The blood vessels of the lower extremities are given the opportunity to rest.

Palm rest.
  1. Having assumed a working position on a Roman chair, rest your palms on the floor. Place your palms next to each other. Stretch your chest towards the floor. Stay in position for 10-20 seconds.
  2. Change the position of the palms: place the right palm on the left. Continue to reach the floor with your chest for another 10-20 seconds.
  3. Change the position of the palms: place the left palm on top of the right. Reach down for another 10-20 seconds.
Stretching the abdominal muscles.

Fitness programs offer several options for stretching the abs. The Roman chair exercise differs from conventional elements in that it is performed with a static load on the legs and buttocks, so it can be effectively used for weight loss.

  1. Take a working position, clasp your hands behind your back and stretch your shoulders back. The lower part of the body is fixed and motionless, the body is pulled back, stretching the abdominal muscles. Strengthen the movement, fixating for 20-30 seconds at the extreme point.
  2. Continuing to hold the lock, slowly lean forward. Hands connected in a lock will stretch under their own weight. Stay in the pose for 15-20 seconds. The pectoral muscles are well stretched.

The gym stretching we offer is very effective for losing weight. The combination of strength training and high-quality muscle stretching helps to get your figure into good shape in a short time.

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