Hot tumors and ulcers in the kidneys

Hot tumors in the kidneys sometimes differ as to the matter they contain: some are formed from thick blood, and some from thin, yellow-billed blood; and sometimes they differ in location: some tumors are located in the body of the kidney, others are closer to the cavity, and others are closer to the membrane enveloping the kidney. It also happens that the tumor is located closer to the ureteral canal or towards the intestines or towards the back, while some of them are located closer to the canal in an upward direction. In addition, a tumor often forms in each kidney, but sometimes it is located in only one kidney; sometimes it collects pus, and sometimes it doesn’t. If it collects pus, then sometimes, bursting, it opens into the bladder - and this is best, or into the intestines, for nature drives matter from it into the adjacent intestines, just as it drives matter during pleurisy through the bones of the side to the outer integument of the body. And sometimes the expulsion occurs by returning the matter to the liver, then to the Masaryk vessels and then to the intestines; a tumor from which matter is expelled into the intestines by any means is malignant. Or the matter is expelled into the abdominal cavity or into empty spaces and an exit has to be pierced for it. It happens that the tumor does not open, and the matter remains in the kidney; such a tumor is also sometimes treated with a puncture. All tumors in the kidneys quickly petrify, and how could it be otherwise if stones form in the kidneys? If there is a hot tumor in the kidney, and this does not happen without fever, and then clouding of the mind occurs, then the reason for this is the participation of the lining of the brain in the disease due to the large size of the tumor. Such a tumor kills, especially if it is accompanied by bad symptoms; if it is accompanied by good signs, then expect the tumor to open and the patient to be saved. Sometimes with such a tumor a certain amount of kidney fat comes out in the urine, and sometimes something like red hair a span or more comes out.

The cause of tumors in the kidneys is congestion in the entire body or in the organs with which the kidneys are involved in the disease; They arise either depending on the quantity or quality of blood, or as a result of abrasions from stones, pain, bruises, or retention of urine near the kidney, which bursts it, as well as from other reasons. Phenomena similar to this cause tumors in the kidneys. Hot tumors in the kidneys sometimes harden quickly; in this case, signs of hardening appear. Swelling is often caused by tightening the drawstring of pants on the lower back.

Signs. A sign of a hot tumor in the kidneys is a constant fever, which also has weakening and strengthening, which do not have the correct sequence and resemble the first attacks of four-day fever; The pulse at the beginning of an attack is not as small as at the beginning of an attack of other types of fever. Fever due to a tumor in the kidneys is accompanied by coldness of the extreme parts of the body, especially the arms and legs, and there is a sensation of “goose bumps” alternating with burning, and a constant feeling of tension and heaviness in the kidney area. The patient is harmed by everything that drives urine, everything that is spicy, salty and sour, he feels a burning sensation that depends on the matter, and a pain that either rises or subsides, especially if there is an abscess; such pain is quietest if the tumor is in the body of the kidney; if it is located near the sheath or near the ligaments, then the pain becomes sharper and stronger and makes it difficult to sit up straight, cough and sneeze. It is difficult for patients to maintain a position in which the swollen area does not rest on anything; when they lie supine, the pain is less than when lying on their stomach, when the kidneys hang, and this is the most comfortable position for them.

Sometimes the fever with this disease increases due to the enlargement of the tumor and leads to confusion due to the involvement of the meninges or causes vomiting of bile due to the involvement of the stomach and liver. Often the pain reaches the face and eyes, and the stomach becomes blocked due to the pressure of the matter on the intestines. As for urine, it is white, then it becomes yellow, fiery, unmixed, and then turns red; if the urine constantly remains white, this indicates an existing hardening or transition of the tumor into an abscess. In general, if the urine in this disease is viscous, white and constantly remains so, then this is a bad sign, and if the liquid begins to give a commendable sediment, this indicates the maturation of the tumor without its transition to anything else. If the development of the tumor has passed in the first few days and the urine remains clear and liquid, then the tumor is on the way to accumulating pus or hardening. You will know that the tumor has formed in the body of the kidney or near the membrane, by the sign that we talked about in the previous one; Whether the tumor is in the right kidney or in the left is learned from the fact that it is easier for the patient to lie on the corresponding side than on the opposite side, because the kidney hangs. Also, if the pain stretches towards the liver, it means the tumor is in the right kidney, and if it stretches towards the bladder and lower parts of the body, it means the tumor is in the left; if both signs are observed simultaneously, then the tumor is in both kidneys.

When the tumor transforms into an abscess, the feeling of heaviness increases greatly and it seems that the kidney is a heavy ball in the stomach; bloating occurs in empty spaces, all symptoms intensify significantly, and the patient feels severe pain in the abdomen. As for the tumor in the left kidney, it is felt above the testicles. In all these cases, the pain in the muscles of the spinal ridge increases. When the tumor matures, the fever becomes lighter, the “goose bumps” intensify, the urine thickens and there is a lot of benign sediment in it, and after opening the tumor, the fever and chills completely stop. If the pus is white, smooth, not offensive and comes out in the urine, then this is best, as is the case when blood and white matter are discharged; secretions of the opposite property are worse, according to the degree of opposition.

Treatment. The beginning of treatment is to cut off the cause of the disease by bleeding from basil, if blood predominates. Sometimes it is necessary to follow this with bleeding from a vessel on the bend of the knee, and if this vessel is not visible, then from the jugular vein, and also cause relaxation. If there are acute juices along with blood, relief is carried out with enemas, since they are possibly softer and more mucous. It is best to relax with cheese whey and the laxative cassia; cheese whey diverts matter to the intestines, washes, cleanses, cools, causes ripening and corrects ulcers, and cassia laxes and also gradually causes ripening; water mixed with a lot of sugar or honey is at the same level. If you can balance the juice and then cause relaxation, then it’s better; the relaxation should not be sharp and strong, this will increase the harm, since a lot of bad juice will be released into the intestines adjacent to the kidneys. Barley water is one of the medicines that should be given constantly for this disease; It is absolutely not necessary to drive urine and give the patient seeds and nuts from them to drink, especially if the body is not cleansed, because then the juices flow to the kidneys; when the maturation becomes true, you give a diuretic.

That is why it is necessary, if possible, to prohibit drinking water, that is, I want to say, until the body has been cleansed, although “ode, on the one hand, is a treatment. Although water is useful for hot tumors, as it cools and moisturizes, but since the increased secretion of urine irritates the kidneys and the substance pouring towards the tumor puts pressure on the substance of the tumor, water is harmful due to movement and causes more damage with its quantity than it brings benefits. quality; Along with this, water takes harmful juices with it into the kidneys, the descent of which is facilitated by the help of water. And if this is already necessary, then you should give it fresh, clean, cold water, forcing you to draw in and suck it in with your mouth; the water should not be so cold as to prevent the tumor from maturing, and the patient should abstain from meat and sweets; As for hot water, it harms such patients, like everything that is actually hot and has great warmth. In general, drinking plenty of water cannot help but tire the kidneys due to the movement and passage of fluid, and for tumors and ulcers there is nothing better than rest. The bath is not suitable for such patients and is useful only after hot tumors have subsided.

From drinking medicines, ointments, enemas and other things, you should first use those that prevent the formation of a tumor, and then mix in a little cleansing, relaxing and ripening in an amount corresponding to the large or small size of the tumor. In the future, cleansing and relaxing medications are used. Among the cleansing and relaxing substances, you should choose those that do not sting, and if, due to the large size of the tumor, you need a stronger, somewhat pinching agent, then it is good if the one that does not sting prevails over them. The same is true if there are burning juices that have not been removed: they should be weakened with dishes like stews suitable for kidneys and tumors, but only those that do not sting; they balance the juices. You must recognize the state of the juices in terms of liquid and thickness and in terms of substance - whether they belong to the genus of spoiled or healthy, or whether they are bad juices, and also by quantity - whether they are few or many, in order to counteract them with medicine of the proper quality and quantity. While you can treat with less acute means, do not resort to more acute ones. And when the tumor reaches full maturity and this becomes visible in the urine, then they give diuretics to drink, for example, seeds and nuts from them, barley water and the like; Before this, diuretics are not given, especially if the juices in the body are bad. Sometimes taking such medicines causes a feeling of heaviness, but do not pay any attention to it: drinking the same medicines will eliminate this feeling.

To eliminate the tumor and remove bad juices from below, it is best to treat with enemas rather than drinking medicines: enemas reach tumors better, and the strength of their action is stable. Moreover, they do not bring down anything from above to the same extent as drinking medicines, especially laxatives, do. The enema should be equipped with the mug mentioned in the paragraphs on kulanj, so that the medicine is administered smoothly, without discomfort, and does not press, causing pain and harm. The laxative cassia is a most excellent thing in the treatment of the kidneys; being part of enemas and drinking medicines, it empties without harshness and promotes the maturation of the tumor.

If you know that the body inside is clean and the swelling is small, then sometimes it is enough to give the patient water with a lot of honey or sugar; the cleansing, thinning and tearing properties of both of these substances often cause the tumor to resolve without causing a burning sensation. Useful things at the beginning of the disease are barley water with some oil, squeezed willow juice, cold squeezed juices, applying medicinal dressings with heat-quenching substances, taking mucus, for example, flea plantain mucus. Sometimes patients are given milk to drink, even in the presence of burning, and the milk should be as we described. After this, enemas of marshmallow, mallow and flaxseed are used, with some cold medicines and rose oil; You should also apply medicinal dressings with barley flour, adding violets and fava beans. And at the end of the disease, they stop using cold substances and add fenugreek, chamomile and the like; The oils are sesame oil and safflower oil. On the outside, bandages are applied with substances that cause ripening and provide greater warmth; These remedies also include poultices made from a woolen rag soaked in warming oils and oils with the properties of dill and marshmallow. Medicinal dressings are prepared from wheat flour and water boiled with honey, fenugreek and cabbage leaves, iris root, dill, marshmallow and chamomile mixed with sesame oil. You are allowed to put violet and emollient fats in these bandages, and sometimes, due to pain, you have to add a little sleeping pill poppy. Mandrake bark is a suitable remedy for this disease. Among the medicinal dressings that cause strong ripening of an abscess that has arisen in the kidneys is a dressing made from figs boiled in sweetened water; if you need to strengthen it with wolf's bast and "orris root", do so. Among the tested medicines for drinking is the following: take flaxseed - two misqals and starch - two misqals; this is for two doses.

When ripening is complete, use diuretics in the form of drinking medicines or enemas, and for medicinal dressings - dressings made from Dubrovnik vulgaris and Dubrovnik polyum, celery roots, aromatic rush inflorescences, sumbula. It is necessary to monitor the severity of the pain and soothe the disturbing pain with the help of painkillers, which we have already mentioned several times, as well as prescribed baths; Sometimes an enema that removes feces gives the patient rest and soothes the pain, eliminating pressure and softening swelling. If the enema does not work that way, then you have to dry the tumor by, for example, bloodletting or steaming the sore spot with wool dipped in hot olive oil, in which, for example, marshmallow, yarrow santolinum or chamomile were boiled. Medicinal dressings are also applied, for example, from flaxseed and the like. Sometimes it is necessary to strengthen medicinal dressings with Dubrovnik polyum, frankincense, lenticular vetch, wax and iris oil, and often it is necessary to create a passage for the medicine by placing a jar and making a light incision, after which the mentioned poultices are applied. Sometimes, it turns out, you need to give the patient a drink of cold diuretic seeds with a small amount of hot, diluted substances, adding a little numbing anise with vetch and a little opium or phylunium - this is the best medicine in such a case.

As for the special treatment of an abscess, when you know that the tumor will inevitably accumulate pus, then you should help this with the drugs that cause ripening, which we talked about above, increasing their strength, for example, the resin of the turpentine tree, nettle, wormwood, " orris root" and vetch flour; Sometimes these medicines are supplemented with foot root or wolf's bast, as well as pigeon feces, and often a decoction of figs and honey is sufficient. In enemas and drinking medicines, one should use substances that cause strong maturation of such abscesses, and use the mentioned poultices, strengthened with whatever they are supposed to be strengthened with. Often the cause of slow maturation is a disorder of a hot, fiery nature; when it is balanced, the tumor matures. They give animal milk to drink and administer it in an enema, and also use medicinal dressings, and to help ripening, they turn to substances that are cold by nature and hot by side properties, for example, hot water in which the patient is placed. If the tumor does not open, you use drugs that promote the opening and sharp enemas, even those that include harbak, mad cucumber and garlic, and you help them with poultices and medicinal dressings on the outside, as well as strong diuretics like calamus and twig seeds, both of them have a special healing property in this case. Good medicines that help open the tumor include Chinese cinnamon and watercress. When the tumor is opened, you use strong diuretics to cleanse the kidneys, and then use healing medicines intended for kidney ulcers; we will mention them shortly.