Is it possible to remove warts during pregnancy?

The content of the article:
  1. The appearance of warts during pregnancy
  2. Symptoms and description
  3. What to do if you find a wart during pregnancy
  4. The danger of warts during pregnancy
  5. Ambulatory treatment
  6. Is it possible to remove warts during pregnancy - the best methods
  7. Treatment with traditional methods

Warts are round growths on the skin that appear due to the strong growth of the epithelium and skin papillae underneath it. In the medical literature, such formations are called wart or verruca in the singular and verrucae in the plural. Skin papillae are benign, but under certain conditions they can degenerate into malignant tumors. Sometimes papillomas go away on their own, but in some cases a dermatologist may recommend their removal.

Warts appear due to infection with the human papillomavirus (abbreviated HPV). It can enter the human body in early childhood, but since children usually have high immunity, the infection is in a “dormant state.” Only when conditions are favorable will the virus become active and appear in the form of wart nodules - papules.

The size of the wart may vary, depending on the type and location. On average, the diameter starts from 1–2 mm and can reach 1.5 cm. Occasionally, wart papules unite into a large tumor that takes on a conical or hemispherical shape. In this case, it forms a wide base. Initially, warts are flesh-colored, like healthy skin, but over time they may turn brown, brown, or blackish. This is because the surface of the nodules is rough and particles of dirt stick to it. Read about the types of warts on the skin.

Do not think that warts are a rare disease, since up to 90% of the world's population is susceptible to this infection. It may not manifest itself, but its carrier transmits the virus through touch or their belongings to another person, in whom it manifests itself in the form of a wart. Infection can also occur from an animal infected with HPV.

Basically, experts divide into two types of wart papules: simple or genital.

The appearance of warts during pregnancy

Until a woman becomes pregnant, she may not even realize that she is a carrier of the human papillomavirus. However, while carrying a child, hormonal levels change, other changes occur, due to which the immune system weakens, and in some cases the functioning of the endocrine system is disrupted. This leads to the fact that the infection makes itself felt in the interval from fertilization of the egg to the birth of the baby. It is known that in the first trimester of pregnancy the female body is subject to a very high load, protective functions are reduced, which becomes a trigger for HPV.

There are other reasons that can provoke the appearance of skin formations during pregnancy:

  1. Due to hormonal changes, progesterone levels increase, which provokes softening of the epithelium. In this regard, the skin becomes too sensitive.
  2. With a decrease in immunity and the appearance of toxicosis, chronic diseases worsen, which can provoke the formation of papillomas. Among such diseases are gastrointestinal (gastritis, cholecystitis, etc.).
  3. As a pregnant woman gains weight, the connective tissues of the skin may become damaged, leading to stretch marks.
  4. A woman carrying a child wears uncomfortable and tight clothes.

When a pregnant woman discovers warts, it is important not to panic. Those papules that have formed on the face and limbs cannot harm the child in any way or negatively affect the development of the fetus. However, a woman may experience negativity that affects her mental state. Such warts are not painful, but can grow into large plaques.

However, everything changes if warts are found on the genitals or on the cervix. They can harm the fetus both during gestation and directly during labor. A child can become infected with the human papillomavirus when moving through the birth canal.

Symptoms and description of warts during pregnancy

The photo shows a common wart

Let's take a closer look at the types of warts that can appear in pregnant women:

  1. Common papillomas. They are nodules with a dense and uneven covering at the top. Villi may appear on them, and the general outline and appearance of this formation sometimes resembles cauliflower. Typically, such papules appear on the hands - in the nail area or on the back of the hand, but can be found on the neck, face, chest and armpits.
  2. Condylomas acuminata or genital warts. Such nodular formations have a pinkish tint and can grow into papillary tumors. The usual place to find them is the genitals and anus. Condylomas are a source of infection and grow rapidly, thereby complicating labor. If such warts are detected in a pregnant woman, a biopsy and a Pap test (smear) are recommended. This procedure is necessary in order to identify cancer cells located in the vagina or cervix. This is very important, since they can cause the degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one.

What to do if you find a wart during pregnancy?

If warts were discovered during pregnancy, the main thing is not to try to damage or pick them out. This contributes to the further spread of the IF virus to healthy areas of the skin, resulting in the formation of new papules.

It can be difficult to cope with such a problem on your own, because a wart has a rather specific structure, and its roots can spread deep under the skin. It is important to consult a dermatologist.

Carrying out an examination, the specialist will identify the extent of the damage and will be able to give recommendations regarding the most appropriate method of treatment. In this case, the physiological characteristics of the female body during pregnancy will be taken into account.

If, while pregnant, a woman experiences massive spread and rapid growth of papillomas, a dermatologist may recommend removal of warts. Such operations can be performed after the 28th week of pregnancy. By this time, the fetus has practically formed all the vital systems and organs. Since dermatologists prescribe antiviral medications after operations to remove skin nodules, a woman carrying a child must be very careful when taking them.

The danger of warts during pregnancy

In the photo there are genital warts on the genitals

As noted above, an ordinary wart cannot harm either the mother or the unborn child during pregnancy. However, the danger is posed by the desire of some women to use folk remedies or unreliable (with no data on positive results) methods to independently remove warty nodules.

According to many experts, those papules that formed during pregnancy, but do not cause pain, do not tend to grow and do not show signs of infection, should not be subjected to any treatment or outside intervention, much less remove them until the baby is born . It is recommended to take measures only in the case of the formation of genital genital warts, which are identified in the genital area. They can not only affect future births, but also infect the baby.

Experts have found that genital warts that form in the genital area during pregnancy can reach sizes that interfere with childbearing. During labor, when the birth canal and cervix begin to open and increase in size, large warty papules may burst, causing severe bleeding. When a child moves through the birth canal with open warts, he will acquire the human papillomavirus. This is dangerous for both the mother and the baby.

HPV can appear after several days or in the first months of a child’s life. A particular danger is that when infected with an infection, papules in a newborn can form in the larynx - this will complicate the respiratory process. In this regard, if condylomas are detected during pregnancy, doctors recommend a cesarean section.

  1. Read about the impact of the papilloma virus on pregnancy

Outpatient treatment of warts during pregnancy

Due to hormonal changes in the female body, the human papillomavirus can also appear in the form of warts on the skin. However, doctors also noted the reverse of this process. After a short period of time after childbirth, most of the skin tumors disappear on their own.

According to many dermatologists, surgery to remove warts should not be performed in the 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. This is because the individual reaction of a pregnant woman’s body can be completely unpredictable, and there is a possibility of even causing premature birth. Surgical intervention along with the use of immunostimulating drugs is also unacceptable.

However, in some cases, a dermatologist may insist on removing a wart during pregnancy. For example, if the following circumstances occur:

  1. the papilloma began to change color or shape;
  2. a threat to life and health was noted due to the formation of a large number of nodules and an increase in their size;
  3. the warts began to cause pain or bleed (read about all the dangerous symptoms of warts).

Is it possible to remove warts during pregnancy - the best methods

If a dermatologist has decided to remove a warty nodule, today the following procedures are recommended, which are also approved by gynecologists:

  1. Laser method. Papillomas are destroyed using a laser beam, and layer by layer is removed from its surface. At the site of the formation of the nodule, a small depression ultimately remains, which heals in about 2–3 weeks. The positive thing is that when a papule is removed, there is no bleeding, and virtually no traces remain. The operation is performed using local anesthetic. For such a procedure to remove one wart in Russia you will have to pay from 140 rubles, in Ukraine the price starts from 400 UAH.
  2. Cryodestruction. In this case, the wart is removed with liquid nitrogen. Due to the low temperature, the layer of epithelium that is affected is destroyed. Anesthesia is not needed for this procedure, and the effectiveness of such removal is high. However, if the tumors begin to take on large sizes, it will be necessary to remove them again. Typically, one papilloma is affected for 10 to 30 seconds, after which it turns white, begins to dry out, and a little later falls off. The feasibility of using this method is controversial, since cryodestruction can provoke premature birth. The cost of the procedure in Russia starts from 500 rubles, and in Ukraine the price can vary between 40–300 UAH. Cryodestruction is suitable for removing papilloma under the armpit, on the arms, legs, neck and other parts of the body.
  3. Surgical intervention. During the operation, the surgeon makes an incision into the epithelial tissue undamaged by the virus, removing the wart. Then a cosmetic suture is applied to the wound. This method is not very common, but it is necessary for examining excised pathological tissue. After such a procedure, a white scar inevitably remains. If the operation is carried out in Russia, it will cost from 3,000 rubles; in Ukraine, the cost varies about 500 UAH.

Treatment of warts during pregnancy using traditional methods

Genital warts usually need to be treated because they can be dangerous to the newborn. It is especially dangerous when genital nodules are located in the vaginal area. Removal of such skin formations is prescribed as prescribed by a doctor only in emergency situations, when the possible risks are lower than the need for the procedure. It is important that the operation is performed only by a highly qualified specialist.

To eliminate warts, it is permissible to use traditional methods, but even here you need to be very careful, since it is unknown how the body of a pregnant woman will behave. The most popular means:

  1. Compresses made from grated potatoes with skins for a week.
  2. Wetting the papules with juice from the stems of celandine until the skin nodules disappear.
  3. Using aloe leaves, which are steamed and applied to the wart overnight. A bandage must be applied on top. Such manipulations are carried out for 10 days.
  4. Cauterization of the affected areas of the skin with hydrogen peroxide for 7 days.
  5. A 15-20-minute application on the wart with a piece of cotton wool soaked in apple cider vinegar (preferably the size of the papilloma). The product should only be applied to the wart so that it does not come into contact with healthy skin. As protection, it is recommended to use a hypoallergenic adhesive plaster to protect unaffected skin.

Before a pregnant woman uses any of the described recipes, it is necessary to consult a doctor. If redness of the skin appears or the wart begins to itch, this should serve as an alarming signal. In this case, you should stop using the product.

It is important not to use aggressive substances or vinegar essence; it is prohibited to use the drug “Supercleaner”. In any case, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist in order to minimize the likelihood of recurrent disease or side effects.

Prevention is no less important during pregnancy. It is important that a pregnant woman avoids tight clothing and items made from synthetic fabrics. It is also necessary to strictly observe hygiene of the entire body and genital organs, using only an individual towel or washcloth. If a woman visits a swimming pool or bathhouse, then it is also important not to take other people’s hygiene items and not let her use her own. It is recommended to use condoms during intimacy. To maintain immunity, it is important to take vitamin complexes approved by the treating gynecologist.

Video about condylomas during pregnancy: