Ointments and dressings for scorpion bites

The scorpion itself is an excellent dressing for a scorpion sting, as is its tail, as well as the plant called scorpion tail because of its resemblance to it. However, according to one of the Jews, this plant, when the organ is in a healthy state, causes numbness in the place where it is applied and kills the blood in it.

A mouse, if cut open and applied to the place where a scorpion has bitten, is generally believed to help in the same way as a frog. We also tried Indian mascara, and it helped and soothed the pain, as did the milky juice of unripe figs and the beaver stream of balazur, which is said to work wonderfully in this case, soothing the pain. Potash with vinegar works well, and living sulfur with rathiyanaj or turpentine tree resin also works well. The same effect applies to salted fish meat, boiled garlic and ghee applied hot, and flaxseed or marshmallow seed, or both with salt, or barley flour with squeezed rue juice or its decoction.

Wheat bran boiled with pigeon feces also helps; mountain basil is one of the excellent ointments that immediately soothes pain, just like coloquinta root, chicory and dandelion. Amom with mountain basil is a good ointment, dry marjoram is beneficial, and salt from urine is one of those medicines that nothing helps better than.

One of the useful remedies is to hold the bitten area over the steam from vinegar poured on a hot stone, and for watering they use a decoction of bran, a decoction of nettles and a decoction of chamomile - it helps remarkably, as well as heated sea water and squeezed clover juice. The clover decoction is wonderful, heated white oil helps wonderfully. If you drip hot olive oil in which the gecko lizard was boiled onto the bitten area, this helps remarkably.