Bodyflex breathing technique that strengthens our health.

A special mention within our website “fitness and bodybuilding in Russian” should be given to the now very fashionable breathing exercise system, which became known in Russia under the name "Bodyflex". Like many other new products in the field of weight loss (all kinds of belts, pills, diets), it was developed by Western experts and it was there that it first became very popular.

The author of this breathing training system is an American Greer Childers, who has written world bestsellers:

  1. “Get a great figure in just 15 minutes a day!”,
  2. "Bodyflex breathing technique"
  3. and others…

At the same time, the main goal of bodyflex gymnastics - not weight loss, but pumping muscles, the entire figure and a significant increase energy person. This is exactly how the main task of this program is formulated by its creator herself. This result is achieved by strengthening the abdominal muscles and massaging the internal organs. This technique, in addition to a purely aesthetic effect, also allows you to solve such a delicate but pressing problem for many as constipation.

The starting points that underlie this type of breathing exercises are, in general, not new; you have already become acquainted with them on the pages of our website. So let’s just briefly repeat the main points.

The basis of the technique is correct bodyflex breathing.

So, with age, due to constant stress and nervous overload, our internal organs become more and more tense, and the muscles of our diaphragm, unfortunately, are no exception. This way we almost completely avoid belly breathing, which is typical for small children. As a result, only one fifth of the lungs begin to be used, and even then only their upper part. The meaning of the breathing technique developed by Greer Childers is to return a person to the original, so to speak, primordial primordial way of breathing, which, with the incredible popularity of this system, has already begun to have its own common name: “Bodyflex breathing”.

Do bodyflex exercises have any contraindications?

It is also important to emphasize that this breathing technique is absolutely safe, and therefore neither age nor level of health can act as a factor. contraindications for its use. In the worst case, it simply will not bring any results. There are only a few factors that affect metabolism in general and the effectiveness of this type of breathing exercises in particular. Among them we can note such circumstances as slow metabolism due to heredity, taking hormonal drugs and others.

What are the benefits of bodyflex exercises in comparison with classic ones?

Research shows that by doing fitness or aerobics for one hour, a person loses about 250 Kcal, while classes on the “Bodyflex” program increase this figure by approximately 10-15 times! How is such a miraculous effect achieved? The main secret lies, of course, in breathing, which allows you to significantly improve supplies body oxygen. Thanks to its entry into the human body, fats are rapidly broken down, and various parasites (worms, bacilli, bacteria, etc.) die.

Bodyflex exercises - five steps towards health!

To master correct breathing using the “Bodyflex” system, you need to implement five main steps (steps):

  1. The first step is to free your lungs from all the air that has stagnated in them. To do this, you need to fold your lips into a tube, and then release the air evenly.
  2. Then a deep breath is taken through the nose, which must be as sharp as possible. At the same time, you need to squeeze your lips tightly. The inhalation must be done not only as sharply as possible, but also as deep as possible. A key indicator that the technique is being performed correctly is the sound that arises, comparable to the noise of a vacuum cleaner being turned on. In general, inhalation is the most important phase of the entire complex, since the level of oxygen saturation of the body depends on it.
  3. Next comes the stage, which has a conventional name: deep exhalation. To produce it, you should inhale to the limit, purse your lips, and then also exhale sharply, if possible connecting your diaphragm to this process. Note that on the first (and even on the second) attempt, almost no one can do this technically correctly.
  4. Having exhaled all the available air without a trace, hold your breath. In this case, you should tilt your head down and pull your stomach in as deeply as possible (we have already discussed the benefits of this exercise above). Retraction of the abdomen is facilitated by the “vacuum” that has formed in the body after a deep exhalation. As a result of this, not only the transverse muscle groups of the abdominal press are strengthened, but also the internal organs, especially those located in the pelvic cavity, are massaged. It is at this stage that special exercises are performed, which the developer of the method calls isotonic and isometric.
  5. After a while, you can relax your stomach and allow air to fill your lungs. At the same time, he must not just calmly penetrate them, but burst in with a “sobbling sound.”

The pose should be held statically for 8-10 counts. It is recommended to perform a set of exercises twice a day (15 minutes each); morning and evening - on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating. You are only allowed to drink a glass of liquid.

This article should also include opinions critics of this system, of which there are not so few. They believe that the bodyflex exercises described above, based on prolonged breath-holding, cause complex saturation of the body at all not oxygen, - A carbon dioxide. And it is oxygen starvation that causes an increase in temperature in the muscles and, accordingly, accelerated burning of subcutaneous fat deposits. As for the reviews of this technique from ordinary average users, in general they are only positive. At least it hasn’t caused anyone serious health problems yet, although it hasn’t really helped everyone either...

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