Methiclothiazide (Methyclothiavde): description, use and side effects
Methyclothiazide is a drug that belongs to the class of diuretics containing thiazide. It is used to reduce high blood pressure (hypertension) and swelling that can occur with various medical conditions, such as congestive heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney dysfunction, and certain medications.
The action of methyclothiazide is based on its ability to limit the reabsorption of sodium, chloride and, to a lesser extent, potassium ions in the kidneys. This leads to a decrease in circulating blood volume, which helps lower blood pressure and reduce swelling.
Methyclothiazide is taken orally in tablet form. The dosage and duration of treatment are determined by the doctor depending on the specific situation and health status of the patient. It can be used alone or in combination with other medications to control blood pressure.
Like any other medicine, methyclothiazide may cause some side effects. Some of these may include loss of appetite, dizziness, and hypotension (low blood pressure). These side effects usually go away when you stop taking the drug or reduce the dose.
The trade name of methyclothiazide is Enduron. This drug is available only with a doctor's prescription and should be used only under your doctor's supervision.
In conclusion, methyclothiazide is an effective drug that can help lower blood pressure and reduce swelling in various diseases. However, like any other medicine, it should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision. If you experience any side effects while using this drug, you should contact your doctor to adjust your dosage or change to another drug.
Methoclotiazode: history of origin Diuretics play an important role in the treatment of a number of diseases that are associated with imbalance of water balance in the body, such as high blood pressure, edema and fluid retention in cardiovascular diseases, renal failure, etc. One of the most common medications
Methiclothiazide is a diuretic drug that is also known as Methyclothiazide. M is a letter meaning methyl or a substitute for methyl, clo is from the Latin word clotum, i.e. dark, thiaz – from the Greek thiazos, meaning sulfide. Thus, methyclotiade is called a diuretic (vasodilator) drug that can be used to control high blood pressure. M-methyl chlorothiazide is a semi-synthetic sulfonamide diuretic drug. It blocks the resorption of sodium and chloride, so it can be used for high blood pressure. However, the daily dose of the drug can exceed 30 mg, so it is most often used only as an adjuvant. Methyllothiazidum is produced using chlorothiazide hydrogenation methods. This reduces toxic effects on the kidneys. The effective dose of methylchlorothiazide is 0.5-20 g per day. Indications for use. High degree of arterial hypertension in the regression stage, caused by: spasm of peripheral vessels and renal resistance. If blood pressure reaches up to 200 mm Hg. Art., in combination with ACE inhibitors or sartans. Bleeding ulcers of the stomach and intestines associated with taking anticoagulants based on salicylates and sulfinamine. Methichlothiazide can also be used as a uricosuric agent to relieve swelling of renal origin. Typically, this drug is used in cases where other drugs have not shown the expected effectiveness. Since methylothiazides have a fairly weak diuretic effect, they are often