
Bronchoscopy is a method of endoscopic examination of the tracheobronchial tree. To perform bronchoscopy, a bronchoscope is used - a medical device, which is a tube with an optical system at the end, which is inserted through the mouth into the trachea.

In 1890, French surgeon Adolphe Corbière performed the first bronchoscopy. He inserted a metal tube into the patient's trachea and examined its inner surface. In 1916, British physician James Macleod first examined the bronchi using a flexible fiberscope. At the beginning of the 20th century, this method became widely used in medicine.

Bronchoscopy allows you to diagnose various diseases of the respiratory system, including bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, lung cancer, tuberculosis and other pathologies. In addition, bronchoscopy can be used to perform surgical interventions on the bronchi.

The method of bronchoscopy depends on the goals of the study. In some cases, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia, in others - under local anesthesia. During the examination, the patient lies on his back and takes a deep breath. The doctor inserts the bronchoscope into the trachea through the oral cavity and advances it to the desired section of the bronchi. After this, the doctor can carry out the necessary manipulations, for example, removing foreign bodies or taking tissue samples for histological examination.

After the procedure, the patient should be under medical supervision for several hours to avoid possible complications. Bronchoscopy is a fairly safe examination method, but it can cause discomfort in the patient and lead to some side effects, such as cough, nausea and vomiting. Overall, bronchoscopy is an important tool for diagnosing and treating diseases of the respiratory system.

A bronchoscope is a medical device that is used to perform a bronchoscopy procedure or examine the inner surface of the trachea, bronchi and other parts of the human respiratory system. It is a long rod with a lighting device at one end and a video camera at the other.

During the bronchoscopy procedure, the doctor directs the bronchoscope camera to the desired areas of the lungs and examines them. In this case, the doctor may perform various actions, for example, removing foreign objects from the lungs, performing washings to collect tissue samples, or taking a biopsy for further microscopic analysis. Bronchoscopy can also be performed without

A bronchoscope is a special medical device designed for visual examination of the internal linings of the respiratory tract, such as the trachea and bronchi. Such a study is necessary for inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs, operations on the organs of the respiratory system, as well as for pathological changes in the trachea. A bronchoscope is a special medical device that allows a visual examination of the internal parts of the respiratory tract - the bronchi or trachea. This device is important during surgical operations to remove various lesions, such as foreign objects, cysts or tumor formations, as well as to determine the presence of inflammatory processes in


A bronchoscope is a piece of equipment for examining a patient’s urethra: a device with a diameter of up to 5 mm makes it possible to puncture the outer wall of the tracheobronchial system and examine its appendages, which are necessary for diagnosing neoplasms and other pathologies. In light of the technologies used to operate endoprote