Wall-mounted horizontal bar with a wide grip, and how to measure the strength of the muscles of the shoulder girdle?

We have already told you about various dynamometers. We looked at both a manual device and a device that simulates a deadlift. In this article we will study another interesting type of dynamometer, widely used in various sports disciplines to measure the strength of the muscles of the shoulder girdle. We’ll also talk about how to train this very shoulder girdle so that the above measurements do not disappoint you...

So, what can we recommend to you for effective home training in this direction that won’t break your pocket and won’t take up much space in your apartment? – there is one great option. We recommend a wall-mounted horizontal bar with a wide grip and additional accessories, such as parallel bars and a soft support for the elbows and back for angular leg lifts.

Such devices are now very widespread. There are simply countless varieties of them! And from different manufacturers. There are both budget options and very expensive branded ones. Also, wall-mounted parallel bars can be bought in numerous online stores, which are now like mushrooms after the rain.

We advise you to stop exactly on the wide grip version, since this type of simulator allows you to perform not only classic pull-ups and pull-ups. But also all sorts of variations of this exercise with placing your head behind the bar, which, as you know, are extremely effective. A wide grip is also recommended for those with a narrow chest and small shoulders - even a simple hang will greatly contribute to positive changes in this direction.

The parallel bars will allow you to do push-ups for your triceps and chest muscles. If the handles of the bars are movable and adjustable, this will allow you to vary your grip, the angle of impact and the degree of load on the target muscles. As you know, a narrow grip in this exercise specifically affects the triceps extensor muscle of the shoulder, while a wide grip shifts the degree of load towards the pectoral muscle groups.

Although in this article we consider exclusively wall option of this sports training device, as the most convenient and accessible for home use, I think it would not be a waste to once again remind you of its floor-standing twin brother. Without a wall-mounted or floor-mounted analogue of this exercise machine, you probably won’t find a single self-respecting fitness club now, because this device has long been included in the so-called mandatory minimum of any gym. As for me, if you come to a certain fitness club for the first time, and there is no such machine there, then this is simply not a serious club, and you simply have nothing to do here - look for another place for your training...

Well, well... How to train at home - we figured it out. Let's move on to the final phase of our review, and let's talk about how to measure your current strength indicators...

Exercise machine for measuring the strength of the muscles of the shoulder girdle

Using this device, you can measure the strength of muscle groups in gymnasts, swimmers, volleyball players and athletes of other sports.

When measuring muscle strength, the athlete is on a moving platform. By pressing on the cuffs, he strives to perform the movement. The force is recorded using a dynamometer.

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