
Ichor is a watery fluid released from wounds or ulcers. This liquid is of unearthly origin, since in ancient Greek mythology ichor was considered the liquid of the gods of Olympus. According to mythology, ichor was the fluid of the immortal gods that flowed in their veins instead of blood, and was believed to have properties capable of granting immortality and eternal youth.

Today, ichor is a term used to describe the fluid that is secreted from wounds or ulcers. It usually has a bright red color and a viscous consistency. In some cases, it may also have a greenish or yellowish tint.

Ichor is the result of damage to blood vessels that are in or under the skin. It is usually secreted from deep wounds or ulcers that penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Although ichor is not blood, it does contain a certain amount of blood cells, such as white blood cells and red blood cells. Ichor also contains many growth factors and proteins that help tissues repair and heal.

Although ichor may look impressive, its release from wounds or ulcers indicates the presence of a serious injury or infection. Therefore, it is very important to see a doctor immediately to get medical help and prevent possible complications.

In conclusion, ichor is a watery liquid that is secreted from wounds or ulcers. Despite its non-divine origin, it is an indicator of serious injury or infection and requires medical attention. Although ichor can be a cause for concern, modern medicine has the tools and knowledge to effectively treat it and prevent possible complications.

Ichor (translated from Greek as “outflow”) is a liquid secreted from wounds and ulcers. It can be either light or dark, depending on the nature of the damage. Ichor is an important component of blood that performs many functions in the human body.

One of the main functions of ichor is to ensure the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the body. It contains a large amount of proteins and other nutrients that are necessary to maintain cell functioning.

In addition, ichor is involved in the process of blood clotting, ensuring the formation of a blood clot, which closes the wound and prevents further bleeding. It also helps speed up the wound healing process and prevent the development of infection.

However, if the ichor cannot be removed from the wound, it can lead to serious complications. For example, if a wound becomes infected, ichor can become a source of infection and lead to the development of sepsis.

Overall, ichor plays an important role in maintaining the health and well-being of our body. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of wounds and promptly seek medical help to avoid possible complications.


Ichor is a word that refers to certain body fluids that are released from the human body when certain wounds and injuries occur. Ichors are clear or reddish fluids consisting mainly of blood and other body components such as mucus, secretions and tissue debris