
Barley is an oblong tumor that forms on the edge of the eyelid, similar in shape to a barley grain. The matter is mostly blood, which predominates in human nature.

Treatment. Barley is treated by bleeding and defecation through iyaraja, as you already know. Then take a little sagapen, dissolve it in water and lubricate the sore spot, because it is very good. Continuous poultices of melted fat or barley flour with galbanum or hot bread are also useful. A poultice made from olive oil with flies or from flies whose heads have been taken away, or from the water in which barley has been boiled, or from the blood of pigeons, pigeons or doves is also useful. Or they take a little bavrac and a lot of galbanum, mix it and apply it to the barley. Oribasia ointment is also used; its composition is as follows: take kundur and myrrh incense - one part each, incense - a quarter of a part, wax, alum and Armenian bavrak - half a part, combine all this with the sediment of iris oil and lubricate the barley.