Communicable Disease, Contagious Disease, Infectious Disease

Communicable Disease, Contagious Disease, Infectious Disease is a disease that can be transmitted from one person to another. Infection occurs through direct contact; through objects used by a patient with an infectious disease that may contain pathogenic microorganisms; as well as through a carrier or through airborne droplets when a sick person coughs or sneezes. The most dangerous infectious diseases are listed in the list of notifiable diseases.

Contagious disease A contagious disease is a type of disease that is transmitted from one person to another. It can be caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites. Some of the most common contagious diseases include influenza, tuberculosis, measles and AIDS. Some important rules when infected:

Diseases are changes in the body, and the pathogenic organism (microorganism, parasite, virus, etc.) is the cause of the disease. Despite how both concepts are called in the law, in both cases only a pathological state of the human body is recognized as a disease, that is, a sudden and undesirable change in its normal state.

Diseases that can be transmitted between people are called infectious. Infection means that germs or viruses enter the human body, which can lead to illness if the immune system is weak enough.

One of these diseases is a bacterial infection, which is characterized by damage to the skin, mucous membrane or other tissues. It can be caused by a variety of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungal infections, or even viruses. Sometimes the infectious disease is spread through contaminated food or water, but it is usually spread through direct contact with an infected person. The most contagious infectious disease in the world is yellow fever. Without treatment, it leads to death in 6% of cases. Infection occurs through the air and airborne contact. The virus is caused by mosquitoes. To prevent infection in the fight against disease, vaccinations are used. It can be contracted through interaction with the Anopheles malariae mosquito, which does not inject saliva when biting. During the research, scientists found that the virus is transmitted through droplets that fall on the skin. The disease can also be transmitted through airborne droplets. Fortunately, there is

**Contagious and infectious diseases are everything that is transmitted by contact and/or through human biological fluids.**

**Infectious diseases are diseases of various etiologies** (causes of occurrence) that are caused by pathogens (viruses and bacteria, protozoa, etc.).

Infectious diseases include most infectious diseases (plague, cholera, typhoid fever, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, brucellosis, rickettsiosis, adenoviral infections and many other infections).

The term “infectiousness” indicates the transmission of the pathogen to another person; another term, “infectivity,” indicates that a person

The disease is contagious as an infectious disease. What does it mean?

**Contagious disease** is a group of infectious diseases that are transmitted between people through contact or objects. These diseases can be dangerous to human health and require treatment and isolation of infected people. Let's look at the basic concepts of infectious diseases.

1. **Infectious disease**. Infectious diseases are diseases that are caused by microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi and other organisms) that can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person.

2. **Path of transmission**. There are several routes of transmission of infectious diseases. One of the most common routes is through contact with a sick person, which can be direct (eg, by kissing, shaking hands) or indirect (eg, through dirty hands or bedding). Diseases can also be transmitted through water, food, air and other objects touched by a sick person.

3. **

A contagious disease is a disease that affects the body and is caused by a virus or bacteria. These diseases can be transmitted, that is, transferred from one person to another through contact with an infected person, and also due to which the virus or germs can enter the body.

A contagious or infectious disease is an infection that can be transmitted from person to person. Some of them can be life-threatening if measures are not taken to prevent and control them. Depending on the type of infection, it can be acquired from many sources, such as air, water, food and human skin.

To better understand the difference between “infectious” and “infectious”, we should distinguish between two approaches to defining diseases: medical and social perception. From a medical point of view, an infection is any