Ulcers on the gums, their erosion and fistulas

Some gum sores are clear, others begin to rot, and others begin to corrode.

Treatment. As for pure ulcers, they are treated in the same way as kula is treated. Ulcers that begin to rot should be treated with juniper and tribulus. If it helps, well, but if not, take one part of galls and half of myrrh, mix with rose oil and consume. One of the useful rinses is rinsing with an infusion of sea onions in vinegar, as well as rinsing with donkey milk, rinsing with a decoction of olive leaves, a decoction of roses, lentils, galls, and pomegranate calyxes.

As for corroding ulcers, if the corroding is persistent, it must be treated with kalandiyun, a special remedy for this, mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia, and fistulas should also be treated. Then the ulcers are sprinkled with astringent medicines. One of the remedies tested for this: take the fruits of tamarisk, saliva, three dirhams each, greater celandine, two dirhams, yellow myrobalans, two dirhams, dry roses, two dirhams, beans, ammonia, cubeba and sea foam, half a dirham each, pomegranate flowers and saffron, one dirham each , camphor  a quarter of a dirham and a powder is prepared from this. Powders that include aristolochia, kalkatar, various scales and arsenics are also useful. As for the average strength of corrosion, they take saliva and licorice root, one part each, sumac, unbored galls, pomegranate flowers and alum, two dirhams each, grind and prepare a powder from this, which is used against corrosion and fistulas of average strength. Pomegranate flowers with iron oxide are also consumed; They rub the gums with them, and then rinse the mouth with an infusion of sea onions in vinegar or vinegar in which olive leaves have been boiled. Faluniya is also placed on the corroded places, and this turns out to be good, fudanadji and medicinal porridges, which prevent decay and dissolve the putrefactiveness that has already arisen; Among them are porridge from harmala. If this does not help, then kalkandiyun cannot be avoided. Here is one of the remedies close to it: take equal parts of alum, lime, galls and both arsenics, weigh out one daiak of this composition, first grind it properly, and rub the gums thoroughly with them. After this, wait an hour and then rinse your mouth with rose oil. Sometimes acacia is added to this composition; It’s also good to make cakes from it, dry them and store them until needed. Often they limit themselves to both arsenic, lime and acacia and prepare cakes from them.

Cauterization, which was mentioned above, can also be useful; This is one of the remedies that make corroded gums fall off and grow healthy meat. Then they use powder from galls with three parts of myrrh, it builds up the meat and strengthens the gums, and also bleeds from chahar raga, this is beneficial.