Lack of sexual ability

The reason for this is either in the penis itself, or in the seminal organs, or in the dominant and neighboring organs, as well as in the organs intermediate between the dominant organs and the organs of copulation, or in certain neighboring organs, or in the small blowing of the winds in the lower parts body, or their smallness throughout the body. Insufficiency, depending on the member itself, is caused by a disorder of nature or excessive relaxation of the member; insufficiency depending on the testicles and seminal vessels is caused either by an extreme disorder of nature, simple or in combination with dryness, and this is worst of all, or dryness alone is dominant; sometimes insufficiency is a consequence of low mobility of the seed and loss of its exciting pungency. There are even people who have a lot of semen, but when they come together, they do not ejaculate the semen due to its thickness, but at night they have an involuntary discharge of semen, since at night their seminal vessels warm up, the semen also warms up and becomes liquid. Insufficiency depending on the dominant organs can come from the heart, and then the formation of pneuma matter and the winds that expand the penis ceases, or from the liver, and then the formation of seminal matter ceases, or from the brain, and then the formation of sentient force matter ceases, or from kidneys due to their coldness, emaciation and diseases known to you, or from the stomach due to indigestion. All this happens either due to the weakness of the source organ, or due to blockage of the channels between it and the organs of copulation. Brain-dependent sexual weakness is often the result of a fall or blow.

If the cause is connected with the lower parts of the body, then they are either cold, too hot, or dry in nature, so that there are no blowing winds in them. And blowing by winds is an excellent helper, and abundant winds, being in someone’s stomach, if they are not excessive to the point of pain, cause an erection. Those suffering from black bile often have erections because they have a lot of wind. As for the causes depending on neighboring organs, this, for example, happens when someone’s kidney was cut out and his anus was struck by pain, and this damaged the nerves common to the anus and its muscles with the penis. The ability to copulate is weakened and hindered by circumstances related to shame or imagination, for example, when the copulator does not like to get along with a woman, or is embarrassed, or is afraid in advance that he will be weak or incapable of copulating, especially if this has already happened by chance place, and whenever copulation has to be repeated, it appears to him in his imagination. Another cause of weakness is abstinence from copulation, so that the soul forgets about them, the organs shy away from them, and the nature cares little about creating semen, just as it does not care about creating milk in a woman who has weaned her child from the breast.

Know that the cause of erection is the winds rushing from the seed, or not from the seed, and cold and heat are opposed by the winds, for cold prevents their generation, and heat dissipates their matter. Nothing contributes to the generation of winds more than moderate humidity and proportionate heat. Sometimes deliberate riding helps, if a person is used to it and if his kidneys and adjacent organs are moist and, moreover, cold; If a person has a dry and hot nature of the kidneys and does not ride moderately, this is harmful and leads to infertility.

Signs. As for sexual weakness due to relaxation of the penis or the cold nature of the winds, it is recognized by the fact that there is no erection and the penis does not shrink in cold water. The semen is sometimes copious and comes out easily, and sometimes the ejaculation occurs without an erection. There is often loss of weight and weakness of the body, but there is no shortage of lust. As for the case when the cause is the testicle or seminal organs, then if this happened due to some kind of cooling, the sign is difficulty in the release of the seed, regardless of its scarcity, and the coldness of the penis to the touch. If this happens due to the dryness of the organs and the smallness of the seed, then the seed is scanty and comes out with difficulty; most often, there is emaciation of the body and scarcity of blood; and one of the useful remedies is hydration, that is, hydration from bathing and appropriate food. If weakness depends on the organs preceding the organs of copulation, then when this occurs due to the liver and kidneys, the appetite is small, moreover, digestion and the generation of blood are not as they should be. If this happens because of the heart, then the erection is small, and the semen is sometimes ejaculated without an erection. The pulse is weak and soft, and body warmth is insufficient.

If the weakness depends on the brain, then the sensation of the movement of the seed is insignificant and the tickling that requires copulation does not arouse lust. This is also indicated by the state of the sense organs, mainly the eyes, and especially in cases where weakness occurred after a blow or fall that affected the brain. The weakness of each of these organs - liver, heart and brain - has the symptoms mentioned above; weakness of the kidneys has a sign corresponding to their diseases, which you should learn about there. In the case of impotence due to the paucity of pneuma in the lower parts of the body, you see that the strength of the organs is unharmed and weakness manifests itself only in an erection while maintaining the strength of the heart and liver and the presence of lust and semen. If the patient uses bloating medications, he will benefit from them. When weakness depends on a small movement of the seed and a slight tickling, then this is indicated by the release during copulation of something abundant and frozen, and this is most often the result of a cold nature. Sometimes it happens that the seed is abundant, but motionless and frozen, as we have already said. Overweight people are weaker sexually than thin people. Who wants to frequently copulate with diaphoretics and baths and, if possible, refuse bloodletting. Let him apply hot oils to his feet, for this strengthens the kidneys and seminal vessels.

Treatment. If it is known that the cause of the disease is rooted in the dominant organs, then treatment should be directed to these organs. If the cause turns out to be some kind of cold, and this happens most often, then nothing compares with mithridate, for mithridate is the most powerful medicine for this disease, and for any inability to copulate due to cold, no matter in what organ it is . And with liver weakness, diakurkuma, amrusiya and shajazaniya help. If there is indigestion in the stomach, then strengthen the stomach. When the cause lies in the kidneys, then first the kidneys are treated with means intended for the kidneys, and most often with heating, because warming the back and kidneys promotes erection, and when this is done, they are treated in other ways. Pleasant smells and fragrant, moisturizing substances introduced into the nose help the brain and heart; Medicines with musk, teryak and mithridate are also useful for the heart.

If the reason is a weak wind of pneuma in the lower parts of the body, then in the case when this is due to severe cold, light rubbing is used, as well as ointments, which we will mention later. They also use Chinese cinnamon in large quantities and eat grains such as fava beans, beans, chickpeas, as well as onions with salt, in which they put a little stinking ferula gum. When the cause of weak winds is heat, then cooling is applied and the nature is balanced with baths, rubs, ointments and appropriate dishes. Let the sick person eat things that have coldness and swelling properties, such as pears, Syrian mulberries, beans, milk and sour milk.

If the reason is weakness of the body, then the body is strengthened with strengthening dishes: isfidbaj, meat fried in a frying pan, in the oven and on a spit, kharis, soft-boiled eggs, turnips, milk, ghee, white bread and all kinds of kernels, for example, nut kernels , almonds, coconut, pistachios, "green seeds" and the like, flavored with onions, mint, leeks, fenugreek, clover and indaw. The body is also strengthened by proper bathing and strengthening rubs, for example, from iris oil and bana oil. If greater warming is required, musk, beaver stream and other medicines are added to the oil. When the cause is coldness of the seminal organs, they are treated with warming medicines, which we will mention later, and warming ointments; if there is also dryness, they resort to moisturizing hot edible substances. If the cause of weakness is excessive warmth of the seminal organs, then all moderately cooling and moisturizing substances help, such as sour or fresh cow's milk in which purslane was boiled. If dryness also occurs, then it is treated with moderate moisture in a bath, egg yolks or boiled milk, in which taranjubin was added in the amount of two-fifths of milk. The food should be isfidbaji, and moisturizing should be done with cold oils - even lettuce or pumpkin oil. If the cause is dryness, then the body is moisturized with appropriate foods, oils, milk, bathing, liquid wine and cereal milk soups. Entertainment and peace are also helpful. When the cause is coldness of the tendons of the penis and their relaxation, then they are treated with relaxation and cold remedies, for example, those that we talked about in the paragraphs about the bladder.

One should refrain from copulation after bowel movement, when tired, after puncture of abscesses and during strong emotional movements, because all this weakens during copulation. And let the patient refrain from frequent and numerous copulations, and if they have taken place, then keep the patient from them for a while, for frequent copulations sometimes destroy sexual ability. It is appropriate to avoid indigestion, and if it occurs, then it is easier to eat, correct digestion and strengthen the stomach. It is better to drink less water, because drinking it in large quantities is the most harmful thing. One should also abstain from everything that dispels the winds and dries with its warmth, such as rue, marjoram, harmala, mint, horehound, cumin and twig seed, as well as from all substances that dry with cooling - lentils, horns, millet and sour and astringent foods, because they have drying properties. Anything that is cold and very cooling is also harmful, such as numbing agents, or camphor, flea plantain, water lily and roses. However, the seeds of the sleeping pills, although they cause slight numbness, with their fat content and ability to raise winds, they more than compensate for this.

You should avoid copulation with a woman who is menstruating, with an old woman, with a sick woman, with a woman who has not reached female maturity or has not copulated for a long time, as well as with a girl. All this weakens the strength of the seminal organs and the ability to copulate due to its particular harmfulness. The powerless person should read aloud stories about those who copulate and books devoted to the methods and types of copulation until he becomes strong enough. Close to such patients are also people who have become incapable of copulation as a result of long-term abstinence from it and the curbing of their souls. They should gradually be accustomed to this and apply the ointments and rubs that have been mentioned, and let related things and stories relating to copulation be told in front of them. Such patients should also watch how animals mate, this is beneficial for them.

As for the methods of treatment, especially called stimulating lust, they are mostly aimed at warming, moisturizing and opening blood vessels; warming the back and kidneys is achieved by using poultices and rubs that act in this way, for example, heated bath oil and cottonseed oil. And the substances marked by the name of stimulants of sexual power are medicines that help against cold in the nerves, used for rubbing and as a drink, and medicines that cause swelling by the winds during the second and third digestion and warm; their inflating property is due to extraneous moisture, due to which the inflating occurs. This also includes medicines that act due to their special properties, and dishes that produce hot, liquid, abundant blood and which, at the same time, have swelling properties, viscosity and strength; such as, for example, chickpeas, beans and other dishes, which we will mention later. It is best to take them after a water bath and after rubbing in jasmine, iris, narcissus and similar oils; Before eating, they are given soft-boiled eggs, sprinkled with monitor lizard brine or something similar. When the patient is fed lust-stimulating food, he is given a little fragrant wine to drink, and after that they put him to bed, wash his feet with hot water and apply ointments and rubs to promote erection.

Now let’s list these medicines and foods and indicate their place in terms of suitability for this or that type of sexual weakness. Know that food is to be relied upon most here, and is expected to multiply matter and restore strength. Anyone who wants to increase their sexual power should, using many lust-inducing drugs, monitor the condition of their body; if he notices fever, inflammation or congestion, let him bleed himself and balance the nature, and then return to medicine. You should not be overzealous in warming up, as this will lead to drying out. When using lust-inducing drugs and food, you should wash them down with a cup of fragrant wine.