Training results. Progress in training, what is it?

Every athlete dreams that the results of training will not take long to arrive and will be impressive and serious. Regularly increasing the workload with each workout is called progress in training. In theory, by constantly performing the same number of repetitions per exercise, You will not be able to achieve visible progress and, accordingly, the desired result. On each training approach each exercise differently. The simplest ways to do this:

  1. increasing the number of repetitions,
  2. slight increase in load weight,
  3. reducing the pace of exercise.

Many years of research have proven that optimal the number of repetitions in almost any exercise is 8 - 12 times. It turns out that if you cannot complete 8 repetitions, it means that the weight you have chosen is still too much for you. If you are able to perform more than 12 times, you need to increase load. In fitness and bodybuilding it is believed that in order to achieve progress in training, it is necessary to increase the load by no more than five percent of the initial weight.

For some exercises, being able to do more than 12 reps in a set is a signal that you need to change. performance style exercises, that is, for example, shifting the focus to the negative phase, moving back to the starting position, preferably in a slower manner.

Constantly keep your training results under control, and feeling progress, increase the load - this is the only way you can achieve serious success in fitness, bodybuilding, as well as in any other sport...

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