Bladder Augmentation, Bladder Enhancement

Bladder Augmentation, Bladder Enhancement is a surgical method of increasing the capacity of the bladder. Usually achieved with ileocecocystoplasty (see Cystoplasty). This surgery increases the volume of the bladder to reduce urinary frequency and improve urinary control.

Indications for bladder augmentation include a variety of conditions in which bladder capacity is reduced, including neurogenic bladder dysfunction, interstitial cystitis, and pediatric enlarged bladder. Surgery can significantly improve the quality of life of patients with these problems.

Bladder Augmentation

Augmentation, or surgery to enlarge the bladder, is a method of surgical intervention aimed at expanding the functionality of the bladder to maintain the ability to urinate during atrophic changes. The bladder usually atrophies in the chronic form of kidney disease, reducing the amount of residual urine, disrupting the normal anatomical dimensions of the organ, which in turn complicates the process of urination. As a result, a violation of bladder emptying develops, manifested by sluggish contractile function or its complete absence.

The causes of bladder deficiency can also be rare urination with damage to the central nervous system, which accompanies overactive bladder syndrome, neurogenic urination disorders, and long-term use of immunosuppressive drugs.

In the modern world, more and more people are experiencing bladder problems. This may be due to various diseases, injuries or age-related changes. One of the most effective treatment methods is bladder augmentation - increasing its capacity and functionality.

Bladder augmentation (or lacunar growth) - surgeons

Bladder augmentation is a type of surgical treatment for urinary incontinence in men and women. The main methods of treating this disease are the installation of a sling narrowing of the urethra and the installation of implants. The appropriate surgical option is chosen depending on the type of incontinence.

Urinary incontinence is one of the most common diseases of the genitourinary system. It can occur in people of any age and gender. Depending on the type of problem, various treatment methods, including surgery, may be used. Bladder augmentation is considered a safer procedure than sling