Bladder Stones

Article title: Bladder stones

The appearance of stones in the bladder, where they enter through the ureter from the kidneys, causes pain when urinating: urine becomes cloudy, thick, smelly, drips, and sometimes stops completely.

The main treatment is diet. You need to eat mainly dairy products - milk porridge, yogurt, whey, as well as various fruits, especially lemons and root vegetables.

You should not consume anything stimulating - alcoholic beverages, spices, sorrel, spinach, fats and parts of meat such as head, legs, and veal, as all this produces a lot of uric acid.

Physical exercise is needed, but not horse riding. You need to drink more, especially hot tea or water, adding a little soda to the water.

It is good to take a simple medicine internally - magnesia, sugar and lemon oil - one dessert spoon three times a day.

In case of an attack of pain and urinary retention, you should take a warm bath for 20 minutes, adding a few glasses of horsetail decoction. Also drink a glass of hot broth. After the bath, go to bed, putting a poultice on your stomach. Take a tablespoon of radish juice with honey orally every 2 hours.

The best poultice is made from boiled potatoes in their skins. If you don't have ready-made potatoes, you can place a folded rag soaked in warm water on your stomach and a hot water bottle on top.

If the urine stops, you need to call a doctor to insert a catheter. If necessary, agree to an operation to crush a stone in the bladder. This operation is not dangerous.

In general, the treatment of stones in the kidneys, liver, gall bladder and bladder is largely similar.

Folk remedies recommend:

  1. Take onion tincture 1-2 tablespoons before meals.

  2. Drink an infusion of immortelle flowers 2-3 glasses a day.

  3. Drink a decoction of grated horseradish in milk, one tablespoon at a time, throughout the day.