Bleiler Psychoid

In clinical psychiatry, a dissociative disorder is distinguished, expressed in the loss of the unity of the mental and material content of consciousness by the existence in the consciousness of several subjects, multiple personality syndrome; in humans, separate conscious personalities are observed that have a number of basic mental characteristics; complex personality combinations can exist simultaneously; Dissociative amnesia due to a head injury or other shock can occur destruction of all the usual connections of the personality A person falls ill with a strange mental disorder that makes him forget all the events that have happened to him over the past few years. Already after recovery, with a detailed analysis of what is happening in the patient’s head, his psyche often resembles a pieced blanket. The most interesting is the study of complex personalities including fragments of several personalities Each of them is characterized by its own behavioral style and set of psychopathic traits Their existence helps explain the extraordinary alertness of the mind and originality of thinking Bleuler identified the syndrome of mental mutism mental illness completely changes the character and personality of a person Psychology of schizophrenia Studying the nature of the most common form of mental disorder, Dr. Bleuler came to conclusion that we need to talk about two different concepts About schizophrenia as a separate pathological phenomenon Schizophrenia is a special mental disorder that is characterized by the abundant presence of hallucinations, delusions and other symptoms do not go beyond the norm The second concept combines clinical cases observed during the study of disorders which, however, are very significant differ from those that are purely schizophrenic. The main concept of Dr. Bleuller is the presence of two different psychoses: paranoid schizophrenia and circular One of the most famous schizophrenic symptoms is hallucination

It first manifested itself during his youth. It is often the main symptom of many mental illnesses. In modern psychiatry they are called simple