
The concept of “blindness” can have several meanings, but in the context of this article we will consider it as a state in which a person is unable to objectively perceive reality and make informed decisions based on his own observations and experiences. This may be due to various factors such as fear, pain, fatigue, stress or emotional distress.

People who are blinded may also be susceptible to delusions and illusions, which impede their ability to correctly assess a situation. They often strive for a closed circle of communication with those who are close to them and share their point of view, without leaving the vicious circle of stereotypes and prejudices.

Even though the term "blindsided" has a negative connotation, having this kind of numbness can have many benefits if used to your advantage. Some studies have shown that people who are blinded are able to solve problems more effectively when they make decisions under pressure from external circumstances or events, since they can quickly react to unexpected situations without spending time analyzing all possible options.

Blinding, or the affect of blindness, is a kind of clouding of consciousness, as a result of which a person can easily be taken away under any pretext. It is extremely difficult to control this situation, and the consequences are very serious and unpredictable. A person who has become a victim of this condition is capable of committing absolutely any action in the opinion of the insidious “interlocutor”. His psyche is completely paralyzed, his emotional state is unstable, and his assessment of reality is practically absent. Even a sane person in such a situation unwittingly finds himself drawn into a “manipulative attraction”, in which he had no chance of becoming another participant. But, as they say, when we are dealing with professional “swindlers”, the smallest details that seem insignificant to an inexperienced person are enough to deceive them. It is such details that expose all the actions of the manipulator. After the end of the treatment session, at the first stage it is necessary to understand how emotionally dependent a person is. To determine the degree of such a feeling, you should answer only two questions: 1. Do problems associated with your financial well-being arise when parting with one of your loved ones. 2. What comes first: Your personal opinion or what others will say about you.