Muscle that abducts the little toe (M. Abductor Digiti Minimi Pedis, Pna)

The abductor small toe muscle is the abductor muscle of the legs. Muscle contractions and toe adduction cause increased muscle tone, which can lead to leg muscle cramps. A particularly important role is played by contraction of the rearfoot drives when the body weight is placed on the feet in an inclined position of the body or when the inner surface of the feet abducts relative to each other or during walking.

Can also be used to refer to a muscle that contracts with the leg muscles:

Adductor Digiti Medii (Volenus Musculus) - To avoid tightening the muscles of the right and left legs, the tendons of the Adductor Muscles pass under the ligaments of the anterior thigh and are subjected to additional passive tightening on the terminal valve of the entire sector of the Venous circulation by contracting the thighs with the help of a special muscle of the anterior thigh, which takes away