Bogolepova Symptom

Bogolepov symptom is a clinical sign that was described by Soviet neurologist Nikolai Konstantinovich Bogolepov in 1970. This condition is characterized by the occurrence of a pain reaction in the patient when the anterior wall of the abdomen in the navel area is tapped.

Bogolepov reported his discovery in an article published in the Neurological Journal in 1891. In this paper he describes a case where a patient was treated for a shoulder fracture. After the operation, the patient complained of pain in the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity, which occurred when tapping on this area. Bogolepov decided to conduct a series of studies to find out the cause of this condition.

He conducted a series of experiments, including both laboratory tests and observation of patients in a clinical study. His results showed that when tapping the anterior abdominal wall causes reflex stimulation in the stomach and intestines,

Bogolepov's sign (also called the sigmoid colon of the left hemisphere of the brain) is a well-known symptom that was described by the Soviet neurologist Nikolai Konstantinovich Bogolepov in 1954.

This symptom is used to diagnose damage to the cerebellopontine angle, a brain structure located between the medulla oblongata and the pons, which plays an important role in coordinating human movements and processing information for the motor area of ​​the cerebral cortex.

Bogolepov's symptom is limited mobility of the toes

Bogolepov's symptom is a symptom that means a weakening of the symptoms of a stimulus when a number of influences are added to the subject - indifferent stimuli. Those. for example, if an electric current is applied to the skin before applying an irritant to a person’s skin, then the person will most likely not experience pain when the skin is manipulated. Bogolepov identified three types of stimulus-response reactions and symbolized them with dots on the graph. The scheme turned out like this: Y – dynamics of reactions of the nerve centers, X – type of exposure to the stimulus, Y – type of reactions from the skin. The graph is obtained from 7 arrows for each stimulus. For example, the effect of saliva on a separate area of ​​skin will mean 4 lines in the graph, and this, accordingly, is only 28 arrows. This effect can also be simplified horizontally and decomposed into five straight lines intersecting at right angles through the origin. If you lay out the graph four times on a plane, all the points form a square. In another way, it can be called a stimulus-response square, where the stimulus of the left square will be equal to the stimulus of the right one. This type of reaction was called the mono-parametric law. The paraphony effect helps to translate information between two stimuli, i.e. allows you to replace one with the other. For example, for a person to see the color red,

Bogolepova symptom (Bogolepova sign) is a pathognomonic symptom of stealing (bitemporal) paresis of the facial nerve, which is a diagnostic criterion for the clinical picture of trigeminal neuralgia. The clinical picture of the disease implies complete numbness of half the face due to the action of paresis. Often such cases are diagnosed due to Unterharndorff's disease (acute serous meningitis).

* Bogolepov N.K., consultant of the vascular department of the Leningrad CIU, employee of the department of hospital surgical clinic of the Military Medical Academy. Born in 1942 in Leningrad, died in 2016 (74 years old). Honorary member of the Pirogov Surgical Society, consultant of the Asklepios Institute. Author of works on surgical treatment of aneurysms of the internal carotid artery and intervertebral arteries. Member of the editorial board of the Journal named after. N.I. Pirogov." Head of the Department of the Naval Faculty of the Military Medical Academy. Lecturer at the Russian Medical Association. Published in various medical journals. Worked at the Military Surgical Museum of the Russian Armed Forces. From the age of 38 he was a member of the All-Russian Society of Neuropathologists and Histopathologists. Zanima